PIC THREAD What time is it? It's Roxy Time! Pic thread!

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by RoxyGold, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. baileypaige
    Chat with Me

    baileypaige Well-Known Member

  2. It really is! I am blessed to have great friends with great knockers lol :) :)

  3. "What knockers!"
    "Thank you, Doctor!"
  4. Roxy. what a love combination of all great pictures .I reviewed the whole thread while I am waiting
    to go to court ( I have to pass the time somehow) Even the bailiff didn't make me stop when he caught
    me with my cell phone. In fact he wanted the link so he could look ;);) I was more then happy to give him that
    plus inform him about forum. Thank sOH! so much for all of these lovely pictures
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  5. RunningSquirrel likes this.
  6. I’ve been known to channel that sentiment from time to time ;)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  7. SerenityLove
    Chat with Me

    SerenityLove Well-Known Member

    So beautiful girl !! I love love love it !!
  8. Aww shucks! I’m happy to help! :)
  9. You look great in your pictures
  10. auron79
    Chat with Me

    auron79 Well-Known Member

  11. EllieMoore
    Chat with Me

    EllieMoore Local lover, available 24/7 by appointment!

    Thanks for sharing with us Roxy! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  12. Draven Star
    Chat with Me

    Draven Star Never stopped being slutty or goth. Sorry, Mom.

    Just here to remind the beautiful Roxy that I LUUUURRRRRRVEEEEE HER and any photo she posts is....wait for it.....PURE GOLD

    WOMP! <3
  13. Awww you’re so goddamned adorable, goddess of darkness and Chihuahuas that you are xo :)
  14. Just giving @RoxyGold 's thread a lil' birthday bump ;)
  15. You have the best bumps RS. ;)

    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  16. He really does! :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  17. Knockers are a great bonus. :D

    [smilie=hot over you.gif]
    grizzly likes this.
  18. @RoxyGold 's latest sweet Spring Livestream outfit!
  19. Last edited: Apr 18, 2019
  20. RunningSquirrel likes this.
  21. RunningSquirrel likes this.
  22. EllieMoore
    Chat with Me

    EllieMoore Local lover, available 24/7 by appointment!

    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  23. E24E6B4E-41E2-4004-8757-AC365E82885E.jpeg D48E1BED-B49F-41A7-A83D-2BDDA894AA9C.jpeg

    Who do you love? Roxy and friends! :)
  24. C7159155-5EFD-4AA3-A205-7FEF68B13E25.jpeg
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  25. LMAO! You're awesome, Miz @RoxyGold !!!
    Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our four...no... Amongst our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again....
    RoxyGold likes this.
  26. And now some watery tart is handing out likes! :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  27. 5AD665B6-1393-4C16-8E0A-B0B2C1F7BC25.jpeg
  28. It’s one of my new favorites! :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  29. baileypaige
    Chat with Me

    baileypaige Well-Known Member

    And I am blessed with having great friends with great butts! :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  30. Yep! T and A, that’s us! :)
    DesertRose and RunningSquirrel like this.
  31. DesertRose
    Chat with Me

    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]I love these cutesy photos of you @RoxyGold .
  32. 4A1CEED6-0EBA-47A4-82BC-E995A313FEBB.jpeg
    Enjoying some local eats on my day off! :)
  33. Gather around, kids, it's: Story Time With @RoxyGold !!!
    (Read us a story, Miz Rox ;) )

    storytime with roxy.png

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