Nye County, Who Owns Your Brothels?

Posted by Dennis Hof on November 30, 2017

This past May, I was accused of violating Nye County brothel laws because authorities believed that medical cards at one of my brothels were not in order. This turned out to merely be a misunderstanding and charges against me were eventually dropped.

While no one appreciates being charged with a violation they did not commit, I understand that law enforcement officials are often times aggressive when it comes to Nye County brothels. Nevada is the only state that allows for legal prostitution and no one wants unscrupulous individuals to slip through the cracks and take advantage of the system. If our law enforcement officials are lax when it comes to brothels, the excellent reputation of our adult entertainment industry could be sullied by dishonest brothel owners, and a well-established industry that supports taxpaying sex workers, courteous clients, and a fine community could be in jeopardy.

As I currently explore selling one or more of my brothel properties, and acquiring others, I was reminded of something that may have been ignored by county officials for quite some time: It appears that several of the individuals who have a vested interest in the Nye County brothels not owned by me may be reaping the benefits of co-ownership without being properly vetted by the county.

This bothers me, especially when you take into consideration that my name was recently all over the papers over accusations that were not only unfounded, but arguably less grave than having veiled investors in brothel businesses. 

You see, the cornerstone of Nye County’s legal prostitution industry is a portion of the law stating that “Every person wishing to engage in the business of conducting a house of prostitution” must undergo a “full investigation” by the Sheriff. This ensures that the business is pure and aboveboard from the top down, and that no businessperson with ill intentions will be even partially involved with an establishment that could, if ill-run, negatively impact the health, safety, and reputation of the sex workers, clients, and local community.

I currently own three of the five brothels in Nye County. This crucial aspect of Nevada brothel law, the vetting of all owners associated with a brothel via a thorough investigation, may not be observed by the Nye County bordellos not owned by me. Through my recent business discussions, I’ve come to understand that there may be several investors in the two non-Hof brothels that have not undergone proper scrutiny from county officials. 

It is true that I am a somewhat polarizing figure in this state, and, yes, some of the residents of Nye County may have beliefs and views that are contradictory to my own. But I strongly feel that you know I am a person who stands firm for what he believes in, and that I will defend my employees, my businesses, and my political views publicly and with a great deal of audacity. The situation with basketball star Lamar Odom’s overdose at one of my brothels two years ago, which was not the fault of my brothel staff, is a good example of my fortitude under intense scrutiny and pressure. The sex workers in my employ know what kind of man they’re partnering with. They trust me to be authentic, transparent, and forthright as a businessman. More importantly, my employees know that they work for a person with a trusted and vetted background.

People of Nye County, you may love me. You may hate me. But you know me. You know me as a Nevada resident of 42 years. You know me as a local businessman. You know me as a nationally publicized media personality. And you know me as person with political aspirations and high hopes for the future of Nye County.

So, in the interest of ensuring that the County is as wonderful a place to live as we strive for it to be, I put these questions to you, the residents of Nye County: Who owns your brothels? Do these clandestine investors live in the state? Do they even live in the USA? Do they have criminal records? 

Do you care? You should — and so should your County officials.

Photo of Chicken Ranch by BrianRedbeard at English Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

Dennis Hof

Dennis Hof is the charismatic owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the most famous legal brothel in the history of the world and subject of the smash hit HBO series “Cathouse.” Hof owns a total of seven licensed brothels throughout the state of Nevada including the Love Ranch, the Sagebrush Ranch, the Kit Kat Ranch, and the Alien Cathouse. Hof has lectured at Oxford, Trinity, the Sorbonne and hundreds of other major universities, colleges and public events around the globe and he is the author of the best-selling book, “The Art Of The Pimp: A Love Story” published by Regan Arts.

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Author: Dennis Hof

Dennis Hof is the charismatic owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the most famous legal brothel in the history of the world and subject of the smash hit HBO series “Cathouse.” Hof owns a total of seven licensed brothels throughout the state of Nevada including the Love Ranch, the Sagebrush Ranch, the Kit Kat Ranch, and the Alien Cathouse. Hof has lectured at Oxford, Trinity, the Sorbonne and hundreds of other major universities, colleges and public events around the globe and he is the author of the best-selling book, “The Art Of The Pimp: A Love Story” published by Regan Arts.

10 thoughts on “Nye County, Who Owns Your Brothels?”

  1. As a concerned American citizen, I have additional questions for these missing investors. When you hear the national anthem playing, do you stand and put your hand over your heart or do you kneel? Do you even pay your Federal taxes?

  2. I’m not a resident of Nevada, but I think that no person(s) should be allowed to partner or buy a brothel in silence. The owner/partners should not, legally, be afforded the same protections as the workers or customers. Furthermore since this is a business where the public health could be jeopardized, ownership much like the taxes should be verified several times a year and backed by tax returns.

    1. If you were a resident of of Nye County like I am, you would know that investors in any brothel are supposed to be vetted and backed by tax returns. Leave my county’s business to us and worry about where you live! The brothels support Veterans Services here and as a Veteran, I don’t appreciate your comments on this page.

  3. Dennis you keep stating that you are a licensed brothel owner, I believe it’s very hard to figure out who these hidden investors are. As an investor in Several Business myself, I don’t believe my investments in a business I’m not involved in, solely funding should be laid out on the table for all too see, again just because somebody is investing money into something doesn’t mean it needs to be made public as you know in nevada you can setup an llc, then go about having a wyoming, llc, or a florida, llc (with a lawyers name on the paper work ) publicly mask the owner. I’m all for following the law but I do not believe that peoples names need to be on everything, if they are paying their taxes, not commiting crimes, everyone should mind their own business, I also do not believe testing is a reliable manner, to vet, I think the most reliable thing would be to have condoms, but then again I’d like to see a test for herpes, and warts, as there’s no requirement to test for hpv or hsv1/2 on your testing for the state, and can not be detected.

    1. You believe it’s hard to find investors because you’re not educated about the law. The law of followed like Mr Hof does makes it’s easy.
      5.16.050 license application.
      C. Any person, director, officer or shareholder of a corporation, member or manager of a limited liability company, or the principal of any firm or association having any financial interest, including revenue or income participation, operational control, or ownership interest in the brothel must submit an application as a co-licensee pursuant to Section 5.16.060 and pay an additional nonrefundable investigation fee.

      To comment on your second issue you addressed, there is nothing preventing you from not using a condom or not using the services of our brothels here in Nye county. I suggest with your concerns that you either use a condom or don’t go to one of our brothels. These establishments support our veteran services here when no one else would and as a veteran I would appreciate you to either start funding that for our county our find some other thing to bitch about that is where you live. If you like I can put you in touch with county commissioners so you can begin funding our veteran services

  4. Dennis there is probably something to you allegations. How to prove them will be a difficult task. I think in any business where there is a lot of money to be made there will be people who would want to fly under thradar for one reason or another. You being as transparent as possible and showing how your business works is the way to defend against people who might not have good intentions. Sunlight is always the best way to keep things clean. I wish you the best of luck,I think you will be proven right over time. John

  5. Five brothels in Nye? Thought there were only four, Chicken/Sheri/LoveRanch South/Alien. You counting your incoming Pirate one or is there one I don’t know?

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