10 Q&As with new Starlet🌟Ella Firenze

Posted by admin on December 31, 2024

What inspired you to join the brothel industry, and what steps did you take to get started?
I had ruminated over this decision for several years after I’d watched Lisa Ling’s ’21st Century Brothel’ episode. In her visiting the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, you see that the girls were beautiful, Dennis Hof was clearly a magnate & the atmosphere was almost familiar & palpable to me. Just deja vu. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but if anyone could do it well, I sure as hell could.
To begin my brothel journey, I did my due diligence in terms of internet research. I also spoke to my friends who either worked/knew of other ladies who’d worked in brothels here & abroad, & simply emailed to inquire about job availability. I made it known I wanted the job: called probably 3-5 times! I was certainly a squeaky wheel & glad I got the grease, because this job has been a great opportunity.

What was your first day on the job like, and how did you prepare for it?
I don’t think there was a single thing that could have fully prepared me for the first day. I felt as though I was on any other new job’s first shift – only this time, I might as well have been speaking a new alien language in the process. It was a “freefalling” sensation, by far!
Steps taken in advance of arriving at Sagebrush were placing several orders from retailers to gather supplies, a bunch of physical & mental rest, interwoven with yoga, pilates & hydration. I knew if I overthought it, I’d have pointlessly overwhelmed myself.

What do you find most rewarding about working in this industry?
I love working with a variety of clients & fetishes; it is 1,000% meaningful & fulfilling for me. People come to us because they’re missing some form of connection in their lives, & as a communication studies major in school, I find great joy in connecting to something deeper inside the client & myself during the time we spend together. Of course, the female camaraderie here is also priceless!

How do you approach creating a comfortable and welcoming experience for clients?
From the moment I wake up, I make it my duty to ensure creature comforts are available for the future guests of my room. There are tactile & hygienic measures I put in place to create a warm, clean, safe & comfortable experience for all. If my room is unkempt, it would affect my ability to focus fully on the client.
Upon a guest entering the brothel, I remain present, composed & genuine. I don’t put on a front: I am my non-judgemental, connection-forward & effervescent self. If someone chooses me in lineup, great. From thereon forward, my disposition puts them at ease, as it points to my being a safe, accessible person they can build a solid connection based on trust with.

What advice would you give to someone considering this career path?
I would say that if you have self-awareness, long-term goals outside of work on the ranch, a great work ethic, along with EQ & IQ, this job has no bounds as to where you can take it.

How do you handle self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance?
Self-care is the foundation of thriving fiscally & mentally while working in such a deeply intimate, customer-oriented industry. If you remain focused on things happening in your life external of the brothel, you are ultimately hindering yourself from flourishing & succeeding during your time spent here. It’s been an adjustment – & an eye-opening one at that – but I knew my mental, physical & financial well-being would be my main focus coming in. Luckily I don’t have drama, stress or large commitments waiting for me at home, so I can & have set out what I came here to do during my first tour.

How do you stay confident and maintain a positive attitude in your work?
All of the girls here have an abundance mindset, & so do I, which it makes it easy to keep positive. I personally don’t mind rejection during lineups, either; I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, & that’s just fine by me. My ability to pivot and adapt to change is partially why I feel so at ease here as well; it truly wouldn’t serve me if I wasn’t teachable or open to criticism.

How do you continue learning and improving in your role?
I feel so blessed that Sagebrush is community-oriented, & I have adored & cherished the time I’ve spent getting to know all of the ladies at work. My ability to have in-depth conversations with both seasoned & new coworkers is always immensely educational & uplifting, especially as a newcomer. By waking up each & every day, & by interacting with staff & coworkers alike, I am guaranteeing myself a new day of learning opportunities up until the time my head hits the pillow at night! Curiosity is key, & the more involved I am with the organization itself, the more rewarding my experience is proving to be.

What is one misconception about your job you wish more people understood?
The belief that “sex workers are uneducated/desperate” is actual lunacy. The absolutely amazing (& beautiful) women I work alongside are incredibly multifaceted & deeply knowledgeable in an array of topics. I can’t even begin to tell you the diverse range of talents you can find here at Sagebrush. These girls literally do & know everything under the sun! None of us are desperate, but we are all happy in our place of work, which frankly is more than the general population on Planet Earth can say about their employment situation. I suppose I can understand how people on the outside might misjudge the culture present in a brothel: it centers around a sexually liberated, progressive, capable & empowered group of women that truly know they’re alive, & that probably sounds utterly terrifying to people with small minds.

What are your goals for the future?
A healthy, long career at the ranch(es) & assets. Assets, assets & assets. I would like to further my financial independence & delve into international property ownership. Nothing would bring me greater joy than escaping to a house of my own in another country. Truly, I’m a simple woman: all I want is to be a female Napoleon & acquire massive amounts of land. A horse, some bees & more little dogs in my life would be nice as well.

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