Yessssssssss!!!!! I just got back from my gyno’s office and saw the ultra-sound sonogram and there he was! Jesse Craine! I got my wish, I am having a boy! Awesome! I was keeping my fingers crossed! And when I went to the doctor’s office the suspense was just killing me! My doctor really wanted me to focus on what he was explaining, so he waited until the very end to discuss gender. First, they checked my blood pressure, and it was fine. Then they drew blood to test for cystic fibrosis and Down Syndrome, which cleared. Next we did the full-anatomy checkup. My prenatal specialist MD is excellent! He very carefully took his time to explain to me what each and every part was and how important development was for functioning properly. And then he broke the great news! A boy! This is the sonogram photo of the penis!
Honest to GOD I have never been more excited to see a penis in my whole life! Yes! LOL! And I’ve seen a lot of them! So, as of Thursday, May 4th I am 18 weeks/ 4 and 1/2 months along, about half-way done. Every Thursday marks a new week. Here’s some more up-to-the-minute news—I am now able to produce colostrum, which is the beginning stage of breast milk. Everything is totally healthy! And I actually have a very active baby! Jesse Craine is already opening and closing his fists, and moving his little fingers, meaning this is an advanced coordination skill for his gestation “timeline.”
All of the internal organs are in the correct places, and all of his bones are growing according to the chronology of what is normal and healthy. The brain looks beautiful! The heart beats strong! All good news today—thank God again! And little Jesse Craine weighs in at a perfect 8oz. When I broke all this news to my twin girls, they were ecstatic! They cannot wait to meet their new baby brother! My first wish was for a boy, now my second? To give birth to a healthy, happy little baby! I will update you soon with the scheduled cesarian date. And, as of now all systems are go, and I’m hornier than EVER! Stay tuned for my next update in a couple of weeks! Thanks for reading!
Summer Sebastian is paying for medical school by working as a featured entertainer at Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch. She maintains a 4.0 GPA, and holds a perfect sexual record for amply satisfying her clientele.
My long, lean, and lithe legs can wrap around your body and hook together to trap you in my passionate embrace. Whether my legs envelope you as you enter me with your seething shaft or straddle your head as I smother you in my wetness, you are defenseless against their strength. Even if you start at my feet and kiss and caress your way up, the time it takes to travel my mile-long limbs and arrive at my hips feels like an eternity…
Chance Monet from Dennis Hof’s Sagebrush Ranch near Reno, Nevada
That turned you on, didn’t it? I sure hope it did. I could’ve left out the reference to them being “mile-long” and you probably would have imagined them that way anyway. That’s because men have put us leggy ladies among the ranks of busty or big-bootied women. We’re sex objects.
For centuries men have taken a strong liking to, and have been fascinated by, certain parts of female anatomy, such as breasts, asses, and of course the pussy itself. But one thing most men admit to looking at first are a woman’s legs. A pair of elongated legs can capture a man’s attention as quickly as a nice rack. That’s because our legs are a primary target for a man’s visual inspection — and most men don’t even know they’re doing it.
As long as I can remember, men have gawked at my seemingly endless legs. I have vivid memories of being with friends at the mall during warmer seasonsand noticing a plethora of older gentlemen staring at me as they walked past. I even spotted the occasional married man who would sneak-a-peek, while the wives realized and would glare angrily at me.
I was just a young teen then, but the staring didn’t stop at elementary school. Thanks to an active lifestyle, a strong interest in sports, and good genes, my legs improved with age. Once I learned what heels were, and after the awkward stage of learning how to walk in them, I noticed the attention amplified whenever I wore them. I never quite comprehended the deep seeded root men had as to why they lust after legs as much as they do other sexualized body parts like breasts or ass.
It was around high school when I finally realized that it didn’t matter what I wore; men were going to stare regardless. I could be in the baggiest pair of sweats I own and it’s almost like the kryptonite embedded in my limbs was just as strong as when I’d wear jeans or shorts. As I started getting taller and older, I understood that there was no stopping the admiration and attention — so I decided to use my legs to my advantage at different jobs I had during high school. While working in retail, I would show up in shorts and saw my personal sales numbers steadily rise; the customers, particularly the male customers, would buy more items from me versus my petite coworkers.
Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always as peachy as it is now. When I would be in the company of a significant other in public, men would still gaze at me. Jealously would often overwhelm my partners despite my explaining that I wasn’t seeking attention. Thankfully my lovers now just take it as an ego boost when I’m on their arm and we get looks.
From these experiences I’ve learned that legs are viewed as one of the more sensual parts of a woman’s body. Men tend to choose the tall, leggy ladies because the appearance of sleek, toned and lengthy legs is seen as more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Since breasts and ass are deemed as more of the “in your face sexy,” men have told me they prefer the seductive, sensual and suggestive aspect that legs exude. Women are viewed as more attractive if their leg length to height ratio is higher. We’re even considered a more likely mate — all because our limbs are longer than average!
However the amazing part of having my own mile-long legs is the tantalizing fact that I can still tease a man regardless if I’m in jeans or stark naked. Leggy ladies are empowered by knowing that the slit skirt that exposes a sneak preview while walking is just as suggestive as those Daisy Dukes. And thanks to stockings, pantyhose, and heels of all heights, we can enhance these powers we’ve unknowingly inherited.
I’m clearly not shy about my body. Being a taut twenty-year-old woman nearly six feet in height, I’m aware that I stand out and that many people find me alluring. I’m very confident that my legs will serve me well as I transition from retail into a line of work that’s perhaps better-suited for a girl that’s got legs…and knows how to use them.
At 5'11," breathtaking 20-year-old knockout Chance Monet is the statuesque stunner you've been fantasizing about. Providing the finest Girlfriend Experience in the Reno / Lake Tahoe area, Chance is currently a featured entertainer at Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch.
When people walk into the Love Ranch North and see me in a lineup several things go through their minds: “there is the girl next door”, “oh wow the MILF from my teenage years”, and “what is a nice girl like that doing here?” But what they do not know is how I came to be here and what my life was before. Until now, as I give a quick break down of how I am having the best time of my life, after 50, working as a legal prostitute.
Most people knew me as an accounting manager who worked for over twenty years in the healthcare industry. They might even know me as a mother who has raised her children, shuttling them between music lessons, soccer, and any other activity they wanted to do. Or perhaps the Navy brat, living at bases all around the country. I grew up to be the wife who always put my needs after the needs of my husband and family. Others knew me as a hard-working mom who earned three degrees at night while raising children, keeping house, cooking dinners, and pursuing a full time demanding career.
Catrina Costa started a new chapter at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch in her 50’s
Then at forty-two, children grown and divorced, I decided to do something for myself and started down a new path exploring facets of life that I had been putting off or had set aside.
The path first took me to California where I discovered the Swinging Lifestyle. During my years as a swinger I learned a number of things about myself. I learned I truly enjoyed sex! No really, who knew it would take over forty years to discover how much I enjoyed sex — and to have my first orgasm! After my first gang bang, just weeks after my first threesome, I learned I not only love sex, but I love dick! I also found out I am multi-orgasmic and could even, under the right circumstances, squirt! (They used to joke that it took six guys to make me squirt!) I learned how to pleasure men and women, while thoroughly enjoying the experience myself. For a few years I hosted swinging parties, both couples and gang bang parties. I even developed a distinct blowjob technique… which I was later told was a “Texas Tongue Twirl”.
Swinging led me to BDSM (Bondage-Domination-Submission), where I learned that, while I am a natural submissive, I also thoroughly enjoy being a Domme, making me a “Switch.” I found I can cum, just from being spanked. I found that I really get off on tying someone up and pushing their boundaries. I enjoy having my own boundaries pushed and pushing those of my partner. This was something I had never heard of, in my previous life, but feel very comfortable in and enjoy to the point of reaching euphoria.
During my time as a swinger, I answered an ad for an adult film and was accepted. Before I knew it, they were flying me to Florida for a two-day shoot. My first film was the boy next door’s mother’s best friend. (Poor guy, I continued playing with him when the camera was off and he popped early. He had a hard time performing in the next scene.) The second day, I got to tie up the boy I shot with, before he took me anally on camera. I’ve been published in the Netherlands, in magazine and DVD in the states. If any of you have seen my DVD’s, let me just state, for the record, I am a MILF (“Mother I would Like to Fuck”) not a GILF (“Granny I would Like to Fuck”) as the title of my DVD indicates.
Then, at age 51, I saw that the Love Ranch North, one of Dennis Hof’s famous family of brothels was hiring. On a lark, I applied. None of the other brothels appeared to accept MILF’s my age, they like their girls to be unexperienced 20’somethings. True, that can be fun, but a MILF like me brings so much more to the table! As a result, I never thought I would be accepted. Yet, here I am! Having the time of my life! Best thing about it is I have never felt younger, and I am proof that it is never too late for a new adventure.
As a, previous, Housewife, I learned that marriage does not always ensure sex. And even if it does, it is often unsatisfying. While married, my husband’s idea of sex was to wake me up in the middle of the night, spin me around and enter me… dry, not ready, not even awake. And he was done before I even knew what had happened. I didn’t know any better, I thought that was all there was. Wham, bam, … but not “thank you ma- am”. I learned that sometimes someone outside, someone new, is the only way to satisfy the needs everyone has. I’ve since learned that sometimes one just needs new inspiration, new techniques, that one can take back to their marriage to reignite that special spark. As a courtesan, I’m trained to help in that area.
As a Swinger, I learned many advanced sexual techniques. Learned those from a group that experience more sex, and more variety in sex, than any other group in the population. I learned about different fetishes and different needs – but, more importantly, I learned how to satisfy those needs. I also learned how to have sex with a couple, sex without entanglement, sex that enhances their relationship. I learned that sex is a natural thing, and that everyone needs it, craves it, and desires it. It is also fun and exhilarating.
As a Switch, I learned how a little pain can stimulate, how controlling another and pushing boundaries can enhance sex. How freeing it can be to have another take total control. I learned that giving up control to another is the most empowering thing that anyone can do. Letting go and just giving in to the feelings of a little pain is hypnotic.
As a Porn Star, I learned even more advanced sexual techniques. I learned how to increase… or delay, orgasm. Delaying an orgasm can cause a bigger more intense orgasm when it is finally allowed to happen. Also, learning to orgasm on command was amazing too.
As a Courtesan, I’ve learned how to concentrate on the needs of my sexual partner. How to really focus on what they want and need. I have learned that sometimes those needs are not physical but simply emotional and just the need to have someone to listen to them. Someone to have a conversation with. Because I am a MILF I have the ability to have a conversation that includes life-long learning and experience. I have learned to instruct both men and women on how to please their partners even if it is a “wham, bam, thank you ma-am” because time is short. But I have also learned so many new techniques on giving long lasting pleasure to my partner, the things I learned in the past have been improved upon through my experience here as a courtesan. My primary focus is on making sure my clients thoroughly enjoy their time with me, that they leave fulfilled. I know what it feels like to be “of a certain age” and sexually unfulfilled — So, I pull out all of the stops and give 150% of myself to make sure that every single adventure is the best. As a Housewife, I was just there. As a Swinger, my pleasure was as much, if not more so, important as theirs. As a Porn Star, the camera ruled – its needs outweighed any others. As a Courtesan, your needs are my primary concern. However, as a Courtesan, I am having the best sex of my life. The connections with my clients are exciting and are driving my pleasure to new heights. Want to know a secret? I have more fulfilling sex as a Courtesan than I have ever had in my life. So, if I am having the best most fulfilling sex ever, don’t you think you should be too?
Yes, I am having the best time of my life, after 50, as a legal prostitute.
A premier courtesan at Dennis Hof's Love Ranch, Catrina Costa is a porn star and MILF extraordinaire who is well known for her sophisticated yet naughty companionship.
Cooking has always been an important part of my life. Growing up an Italian American, every holiday and family event was surrounded with all types of mouth watering foods, from succulent appetizers and entrees like braciole and chicken piccata, to delightful desserts like biscotti and pizzelle. My family would gather from around the world and across the country, and the kitchen would instantly be full of hungry and happy faces enjoying each other’s company after a long time apart. The best part about cooking is that it can bring together perfect strangers or relatives that haven’t seen each other in awhile.The dinner table can act as a unifier, a place of community.
Sexy Charlie Daze from Dennis Hof’s Kit Kat Ranch near Reno, Nevada
Sitting down to a meal is a basic social activity, and the primary situation in which we come together and share our lives with our friends, family, and lovers. Most first dates occur over a dining experience — and by the end of those sometimes stressful dinner dates, the participants usually know whether or not they’ve found someone they’d like to see again. Because sharing a meal leads to shared conversations, beliefs, familiarities, and connections, it is one of the most meaningful and revealing activities we can take part in with one another.
As a licensed companion at Dennis Hof’s Kit Kat Brothel, I’m often compensated to be a suitor’s “girlfriend for the evening.” Well, my evenings involve cooking, so any client that books me better bring his (or her) appetite!
One reason I came into this business was to connect with people and make new and long lasting friendships. I believe enjoying a home cooked meal together can accomplish that and much more. A cooking session with me not only allows my lovers to enjoy a great meal, but also make some lasting memories together. One meal can give us enough time to discuss our fantasies, wants, and needs —and allow us to get comfortable enough with each other so that we’re both absolutely willing to explore all of the sensuous possibilities during our time together!
The Girlfriend Experience is the most sought after encounter offered by sex workers at Nevada’s legal brothels. What could be more intimate, worthwhile, and romantic than sharing a home cooked dinner together. Instead of heading to that fancy restaurant you had in mind, lets head to the store! Together we’ll create a meal that will satisfy our cravings. I’ll cook for you. We’ll dine, laugh and get to know each other — and the best part of your homemade dinner is that you get to have me for dessert…
Here are a selection of family recipes that I enjoy cooking for my clients. If these dishes arouse your appetite, let me know if you’d like me to set a table for two…
Ingredients: Plump fresh chicken breasts. Stuff chicken breasts with fresh spinach, sun dried tomatoes, shredded parmesan cheese, season with salt and pepper to taste
Piccata Sauce
1 tablespoon Minced garlic
4 Lemons
4 tablespoons butter
1 jar capers
Salt and pepper to taste
Add all ingredients, squeeze lemon juice into small sauce pan, grate 1 lemon skin into the sauce (lemon zest) and simmer.
Put stuffed chicken in baking dish, top with piccata sauce and grated Parmesan cheese. I also like to top it with sliced lemon and fresh basil.
Cover and Bake at 350° for 45 minutes.
Ingredients: Sliced pork, spinach, pesto, parmesan, cheese, red onion, Italian salami, balsamic honey glaze, salt, pepper, garlic, and basil.
Slice pork in thin layers. Seasoned in salt, pepper, and garlic, and basil.
On top of the pork I layer spinach, pesto, freshly grated parmesan cheese, sliced red onions, and italian salami. Then I roll it up and use a toothpicks to keep it together. I back it at 350° for 45 minutes. When its ready I drizzle a balsamic honey glaze over meal.
Cut squash in half, scoop out the seeds, then bake the squash in a deep baking dish with water for 45 minutes.. Once squash is about 10 minutes from being ready. I start to Saute the portobello mushrooms in 2 tbsp of butter and minced garlic and onions than add red wine and flour to thicken. (Medium heat 5-10 min) Wrap filet in bacon and grill on each side for 5min on each side. Take Filet off of grill, add the squash to the plate and then drizzle the red wine mushroom sauce over bacon wrapped filet.
A fearlessly seductive Italian knockout, Charlie Daze will bedazzle you with her sensual savoir-faire. She is available for booking at Dennis Hof's Kit Kat brothel near Reno, Nevada.
Have you ever thought about role playing? More than dressing up in a costume, or pretending to have an accent — actual situations you might have read about in a men’s magazine or just let your dirty mind wander into. Scenes that you play over and over in your mind, revising and improving each time you touch yourself, as your fantasies ripen to perfection. With me, you can take your erotic script and turn it into a movie starring the two of us. Your fantasy scenarios will become real in an environment where you can reach out, touch and taste your dream girl, and transform your sex life into the passionate adventure you’ve been yearning for. Here are a few suggestions based on some common sex fantasies that really turn me on…
Roxy Gold from Dennis Hofs Sagebrush Ranch
Strangers At a Bar
You were supposed to meet your buddy for some drinks. He’s running late, you’re going to wait a little bit longer, but if he doesn’t show up soon you’re going to head out. The bartender hands you a drink “from the lady.” You look around and spot her smiling at you from the other end of the bar. She approaches you, and after some small talk, she asks, “So, do you want to get out of here? My hotel room isn’t far…”
The Fitting Room
You’re at a department store looking for some new shirts. A beautiful woman blushingly asks you to do her a favor. Her husband is about your size, could you try on some pants? No problem, you don’t mind at all. She needs to come into the dressing room with you to make sure they fit…
Taking Home a Stripper
You’re at the strip club. While you’re checking out the stage and going back for a lap dance or two, you can’t help but notice one of the girls is checking you out. Hard. You don’t think anything of it, until she whisks you to the secluded VIP area and whispers, “don’t worry about the price. I WANT you!” Things get (maybe more than a little) too hot for the club and you’re both kicked out. Luckily, her apartment is not far away and things can get really wild. Maybe her roommate can even make it a threesome…
The Boss’s Wife
The boss’s wife whose skirts are a little too short and whose sweaters are a little too low cut. You’re always afraid you’ll get caught checking her out. One day, after a conference she corners you in the elevator at the hotel. The boss is passed out drunk and she needs a real man tonight…
The Medical “Assistant”
You’re at the doctor’s office for a routine checkup. The nurse whispers something to the receptionist and they share a sly smile. Your name is called, and the nurse takes you into the exam room. It’s going to be a little while until the doctor is in, but she needs you to take your pants off so she can “check your virility and libido.” Before long, everything checks out satisfactorily and the nurse calls the receptionist in for a “second opinion.”
If you’re interested in exploring more of my favorite fantasies, or if you have another scenario in mind, drop me a line and let’s get our creative juices flowing…
A longtime provider of a sacred space for gentlemen, ladies, and couples looking to escape the confines of day-to-day life and explore their secret desires, Roxy Gold is courtesan-in-residence at Dennis Hof's Sagebrush Ranch near Lake Tahoe and Reno, NV.
Bunny Ranch brothel owner Dennis Hof here! I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate Raiders’ owner Mark Davis, the other NFL owners, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on making a great decision to move the Men in Black to Las Vegas!
As you know, I’m debuting “Pirate’s Booty,” the world’s first sports brothel, inspired by the Raiders, to coincide with the launch of the new football stadium in Sin City. This legal bordello will be a safe haven for athletes and their fans to explore all of their deepest sexual desires in a sex-positive and sports-loving environment. It’s going to be heaven on Earth for football fans — and I guarantee you no establishment will throw a better Super Bowl party.
Working girls from Dennis Hof’s Moonlite Bunny Ranch are gearing up for Nevada’s new sports brothel
Be that as it may, I strongly feel that we have a chance here to accomplish something more meaningful than merely inaugurating our sure-to-be-successful business ventures. I think that we can work together to eradicate the prostitution-related issues faced by the National Football League, and build a scandal-free future for your sex-starved NFL players. Eugene Robinson, Lawrence Taylor, Quentin Groves, and Warren Sapp are just a handful of NFL players that could have benefitted from satisfying their urges with a licensed working girl at a legal brothel instead of breaking the law and taking their chances with illegal prostitutes.
Roger, NFL owners, I’d like to offer you the opportunity to make my new sports brothel the “Official Brothel of the National Football League” and begin a new era where prostitution no longer tarnishes the impeccable image of the NFL and its unparalleled sportsmen.
By doing this, we can send a message to America about the merits of safe, healthy, and drama-free legalized prostitution, get every state in our nation to legalize sex work, and put a licensed sex den near every sports stadium in the U.S.A.
Say “yes” to my offer, and let’s work together to make the sports world a better place! The reputation of the NFL is at stake…
Dennis Hof is the charismatic owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the most famous legal brothel in the history of the world and subject of the smash hit HBO series “Cathouse.” Hof owns a total of seven licensed brothels throughout the state of Nevada including the Love Ranch, the Sagebrush Ranch, the Kit Kat Ranch, and the Alien Cathouse. Hof has lectured at Oxford, Trinity, the Sorbonne and hundreds of other major universities, colleges and public events around the globe and he is the author of the best-selling book, “The Art Of The Pimp: A Love Story” published by Regan Arts.
When my significant-other and I recently found out I was expecting (my partner may be 40 years older than me, but he still rocks it!), I knew two things—one was that I needed to continue building financial security for my family, and the second was to continue on my personal path to education. I have less than four years left to accomplish my master’s degree in forensic pathology; in successfully becoming a medical examiner. Anyways, if society already looks down on me for being a working girl (even though legal), you can imagine what they will probably think of a pregnant working girl! Even other working girls sometimes look down on pregnant working girls. But I’ve never been one to let myself be intimidated by what others thought! It actually never occurred to me that I would stop working at the Bunny Ranch while I was pregnant. I loved working here before, with my average sex drive, and I am lovin’ it even more now that I have all of these hormones pumping! And with that, I also knew I wanted to publicly, regularly and most of all proudly blog about my experience as a prego-working girl, from where I am today—14 weeks/three months—in my 2nd trimester, right up to the day I pop!
Sexy Summer Sebastian prior to becoming pregnant
I want to make a statement that supports the right of a woman to choose…to work as a prostitute while pregnant! I mean, for so many of you that know me, would you expect anything else? I am after all, 1000% open-minded, completely non-judgmental. And, if I can make it any easier for the next working girl to make the choice to work while expecting, then more power to her! So what’s my story? Well, at first I didn’t even think I was pregnant! I thought my move from Palm Beach Florida to here in Nevada had just really kicked my ass because a deep feeling of fatigue just totally took over. Then, I discovered I was expecting! For me, “keeping the baby“ wasn’t even a question! I love life! I’m pleased to have the opportunity to expand my already amazing family! I immediately started doing research on having sex while pregnant—I needed to know everything about it!
I finally decided to follow the advice and guidelines put out by the Mayo Clinic, I figure that’s a reliable enough source of information. According to Mayo, as long as the pregnancy is going along without a problem, I can have sex as much as i like! Yup, that’s what they say! Won’t hurt the baby! Miscarriages? Nope! The baby is shielded by the amniotic fluid in the uterus, and the muscles. “Snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug,” LOL! After that? Well, for all those that support a woman’s right to choose…to be a pregnant working girl, and for working girls who might be considering having a baby—but are afraid to be pregnant while working—here’s some do’s and don’t’s, along with my own experiences so far, added in! So, the best medical advice says…”Do’s”…I can have sex in almost any position I want—just as long as I am “comfortable”! I may have to experiment a little though as I go along and grow, and maybe even get creative if need be! Already I have gone from my usual 100 lbs to 122 lbs (still 5’ tall though—not growing that way- hee hee!). But adding this creative component to my parties with my clients has just made sex that much more exciting, and interesting! Oral and anal sex? No problem! I’ve had no issues at all! And kissing and caressing—go for it!—I’ve gone from being the QUEEN of GFE to being the Pregnant Girlfriend Experience!
Summer Sebastian in April 2017
I know being with a pregnant girl sexually is a HUGE sex fetish for a lot of people, and I sure hope to accommodate you over the next six months! I still don’t know whether I’m having a boy or a girl—hoping for a little boy though, I really like the name Jesse! I have two weeks until my next appointment and I hope to learn the gender then! I’m so glad I have decided to share this beautiful gift and experience with all of you. Every week I will be adding updated photos and information, as soon as it becomes available to me. For now, take a look at my pictures and my latest sonogram—cool huh?! So stay-tuned as Summer Sebastian, your “sweet, petite treat,” keeps you updated, and we can count down to the nine-month magical day together! Super excited! Thank you for reading my blog! X0X0
Summer Sebastian is paying for medical school by working as a featured entertainer at Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch. She maintains a 4.0 GPA, and holds a perfect sexual record for amply satisfying her clientele.
I’m in a good place right now. I’m a happy, healthy young woman with a bright future in front of me. I’m bursting with boundless energy and I can’t wait to explore all of the amazing possibilities the world has to offer. I just started an exciting new job and I’m thrilled about my life!
Not too long ago, this wasn’t the case. Less than two years ago, I was going through hell because I was associated with a shocking and highly publicized scandal involving one of my clients. As a result, my most cherished relationship was destroyed, my career was in dire jeopardy, I was publicly humiliated, and I was on the verge of suicide. You see, I’m Sara Elizabeth Bentley, and I’m a former companion of actor Charlie Sheen. One of the women that he referred to as his “Goddesses.”
Charlie was an admirer of my career in pornography. Since the age of 19, I had achieved a great deal of success as a pornographic actress, having starred in over 300 films to become one of the most recognizable names in the industry.
Sara Elizabeth Bentley is a celebrated adult entertainer and sex symbol
In late 2015, when Charlie revealed that he was HIV positive, the revelation sent shock waves through the adult entertainment community. Since I was publicly known as one of Charlie’s paramours, I was immediately ostracized from the porn world and couldn’t get work as an adult video actress, despite testing negative for HIV time and again. My boyfriend at the time, who I cared for deeply, left me. I was alone and my heart was broken. I couldn’t deal with it. I flipped and came close to ending my own life in a desperate cry for help during a live video webcast. If it wasn’t for the phenomenal support I received from the online community at that suicidal moment, I might not be here today.
I thought there was no coming back from such overwhelming despair. I was in the midst of a nervous breakdown and all I could think about was killing myself. A close friend introduced me to painting during this tumultuous time and I discovered a form of expression that took my mind away from the situation involving Charlie.
I painted prolifically during this period and displayed my artwork online. The same people that saved my life, the online world of invisible admirers and supporters, began to purchase my artwork. Now, a year after beginning my love affair with art, my paintings can be found all over the world, from Perth to Vancouver.
Elizabeth Bentley with one of her paintings
Through my art work I was able to pay my bills and draw myself out of my depression. But my true passion is adult entertainment, and I’ve decided to dive head on back into the industry. I refuse to let the media label me as an irresponsible, ditzy Jezebel. The truth is that I’m one of the world’s greatest lovers and I’m constantly inundated with requests for my unmatched companionship.
In fact, a fan paid for my flight to Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch so that he could see me in the setting of a legal bordello. At the brothel I discovered an environment where I can let my sensual companionship skills flourish, bring joy to my fans and supporters around the world, and build a stable financial future.
Charlie Sheen searched far and wide to find me. The next embattled sitcom star who seeks my counsel won’t have nearly as difficult of a time discovering my whereabouts…I’ll be right here at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch Vegas.
Elizabeth Bentley is an adult video actress, acclaimed artist, and a featured working girl at Dennis Hof's Love Ranch Vegas, offering the finest sexual services and intimate experiences for her distinguished clientele.
For any of you guys out there that haven’t tuned in to the “Brothel Cast” yet, this week is an excellent time to start. That’s because I’m this week’s featured guest, discussing the debate over the decriminalization of prostitution versus its’ outright legalization. Many of you may already know that I am in a doctorate program, and this subject is something that I have long studied in its’ various versions and models all around the world. What’s the difference between those two philosophies, you ask? Click here and I’ll explain the whole thing to you!
I should back up for a minute and tell you that The Brothel Cast is a weekly podcast (available in iTunes, Stitcher or at ) that takes a behind the scenes look at many of Nevada’s legal brothels. Each episode features some fun and sexy entertainment (like this week’s segment with Alien Cathouse madam Lydia Faithfull revealing her exciting and uniquely offbeat new hire), but the format also allows for the conversation to take a turn towards a deeper subject than couldn’t be accommodated on a shorter form medium.
So, even though it’s always fun to call in to a whacky morning zoo radio show and talk to a couple of guys about the latest positions that clients have twisted me into, it’s really refreshing to be able to break down a heavier, more important topic like this.
The Brothel Cast’s host Richard Hunter is firmly on the legalization side of the argument, so that made for some lively and thought provoking debate on the topic between him, Lydia and myself. Give it a listen and post your own thoughts in the comments section below! I would love to read them, and Richard might even share a few of them on a future Brothel Cast episode.
Christina Parreira, M.A., is a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In addition to being an instructor and researcher, she is a proud legal Harlot.
Hi! I’m Sable Renae and I am a legal courtesan at the Sagebrush Ranch in Carson City, Nevada. I’m also an adult film performer, so I have had my fair share of Mother Nature’s plethora of penis sizes and shapes. I get missives and pictures from all over. On the Bunny Ranch Message board, Twitter, Facebook, ect. Pictures of all sorts of “equipment.” Big ones, little ones, circumcised, un-circumcised, every color, every race, every creed, and all these penises belong to men who all with the same question…”Is it big enough?”
So, in order to put your mind at ease, here are some things you should know. Most males, at some time in their lives, worry about whether they are “big enough.” Many women also wonder whether bigger is better.
Dr. David Buss and his colleague Dr. Cindy Meston wrote a wonderful book called Why Women Have Sex. In it, they discuss penis size and sexual satisfaction. Their results may surprise you.
Sable Renee is a veteran porn star and sex expert at Dennis Hof’s Sagebrush Ranch
First, some penis facts…
The average penis ranges from 5 to 6 inches in length when erect.The penis averages 3 to 4 inches in length when flaccid, or non-erect. Contrary to popular belief, penis length is not closely related to height. In a study of over three hundred flaccid penises, the largest was 5.5 inches long (about the size of a bratwurst sausage) and belonged to a
5’7-inch tall man. The smallest non-erect penis was 2.25 inches long (about the size of a breakfast sausage) and attached to a stocky 5’1-inch tall man.
Does size really matter to women? More Importantly…does it matter to us working girls?
When people talk about penis size, they are usually referring to penis length. But according to one study, penis width is more important in determining if a potential mate “measures up.”
Psychologist Russell Eisenman and his fellow researchers at the University of Texas in Edinburg asked 50 sexually active university women whether penis length or penis width was more important for their sexual satisfaction. 45 out of 50 women said that width was more important. Only five said length felt better and none said they were unable to tell the difference.
Now that being said. I know for me there is “Everyday Cock”, “Special Occasion Cock”, and “Once in a lifetime Cock.” If you fall into the ranges of the Average Male which is 5 to 6 inches, honey I want to see you everyday! We are going to have a LOT of fun!! If you are 6 and 1/2 to 8 inches well then you are that “Special Occasion” for me… lots of foreplay and lube and ……OH MY that was a grand time that I will cherish on those nights when I haven’t had any and really need that naughty fantasy to take the edge off. Now if you are bigger than 8 inches….you my friend are that ONCE IN A LIFETIME!
A Rollicking good time…BUT I may need some prep work for this one.
LOTS and LOTS of foreplay and toys and LUBE on my the LUBE!! I-am-not-going-to-be-walking-normal-for-a-while LUBE!
Sable Renee has seen her share of penises
“But,” you say, “I’m not any of those things” with a frown. Never fear my sweet. See, while everyone out there is focused on length, they forget girth is also a factor. Studies have shown that a wider penis provides greater clitoral stimulation during sexual intercourse as well as more stimulation of the outer, most sensitive portion of the vagina. So smaller but with more girth is actually more fun. So although you may, and I state may not be John Holmes, Ron Jeremy, Peter North, Even Stone, or any of the other male actors out there in the adult industry…if it is wider than a sausage, we are going to have a TERRIFIC TIME!
“BUT, BUT SABLE,” you say with a blush and a tear, “I don’t have even that!” Never fear sweetheart. I have the knowledge and the desire for “not even that.” See, I know ways to compensate for “not even that,” and I will teach you everything you need to know. You, my dear sweet embarrassed darling, can pleasure yourself and me with positions and techniques you’ve probably never thought of, and I am more than happy to show them to you. As they said in that T.V. show: “We have the tools, We have the Technology” — and because I am a professional, I invest heavily and wholeheartedly in learning about all of the different ways to please YOU. (Which, consequently, pleases me.)
SO…….NO MATTER THE SIZE, the girth, the color, ect…we are going to have a GOOD time. That I promise!
Sable is a courtesan of vast experience and incomparable grace. Whether you seek tender intimacy or hardcore discipline, Sable is able to satisfy the deepest desires of your body and mind.