My name is Remy Martin and I love my job. Let me rephrase that: My name is Remy Martin, I am a black sex worker working at a legal brothel in 2017 and I love my job.
Let me rephrase that yet again: My name is Remy Martin and I am an intelligent, educated, beautiful, independent, caring, strong, and classy ebony (or Black or African American or however you want to describe my skin color) woman who loves sex and enjoys working at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch.
Surprised? You shouldn’t be. But there are a lot of people out there who are surprised at what I do, or make assumptions about me that sadly fall into stereotypes. I’m here to set the record straight and get real about being a black woman in a brothel.

Jungle Fever — Being the Chocolate Fantasy
Let’s face it, most people prefer certain types of sex partners over others, and a lot of people have certain triggers and fetishes that get them hot. Sometimes, people are hard-wired to fetishize a particular body part, sexual situation, object, or they have a thing for a specific race. Some people go for Asian or European women, and some are really into black girls like me. Racial sexualized fantasies, which include racially-oriented role play, are a very real thing and more popular than most people think — but because of the controversial nature of this specific sexual desire, racial sexual preference, race fetishes, and racial sex fantasies are not openly talked about very much.
Nevada brothels are known for maintaining the privacy of our clients and the women who work here are very nonjudgmental, so the customers who visit us trust us with their innermost and deepest desires. I can tell you that I have been, and I continue to be, the black fantasy girl for many of my regular clients, and I’m perfectly OK with that.
There is a difference between being “racist” and having a sexual inclination toward a racial type or an eagerness to participate in a racially-themed sex role-play scenario. My clients wholly respect me and I respect them. It’s that mutual respect that differentiates our relationship from a disrespectful relationship sullied by prejudice.

Black Sex Worker Stereotypes
I’ve encountered many misconceptions of black sex workers over the years. For example, many people think that all black prostitutes answer to pimps. I assure you that is not the case, especially here in Nevada where the world’s oldest profession is also a legal one.
And when it comes to being a black woman, we hear a lot about who people think we are that basically generalizes us. Like the myth that we enjoy sex more than Asian or Caucasian women or any other nationality. I’m not saying we don’t enjoy it – but we all have the same physical parts as other races and we do the same things. Each individual brings their own nuance or “flavor” to intimacy, but is it exactly that: an individual thing. To suggest that one’s libido is racially motivated is ludicrous.
There’s also the idea that every black sex worker is a single mother, with 3.5 kids waiting on them back home. While there are certainly black women who are mothers and work in Nevada’s legal prostitution system, there are many like me who are single and not only have no kids waiting for our return once we’ve completed our stays here, but have no kids scheduled to enter our lives at any time on the immediate horizon. One day, that status may change for some of us, but today is not that day. Me, I’m a parent to two dogs and a cat – end of story.
I am also not the unruly “Angry Black Woman” and I’m never aggressive or too loud, nor do I lose it when I drink dark liquor. I am down to earth. I listen, because you can learn a lot more by listening than by talking a mile-a-minute.
I’m well-adjusted, cultured and like the finer things in life, but they don’t consume my life. I’m more like the girl-next-door. You might be surprised about how laid back and how low-maintenance I really am. I’m more of a get-to-know-you, go-with-the-flow type of gal.
I love to laugh and I’m also here to have fun and have a good time – and when it comes to that, you are my priority.
The only thing I ask is that you don’t jump to conclusions and think you know me before you actually get to know me. You will be pleasantly surprised.