My Gaming PC Was Funded by Sex Work

2016 has been one of the best years of my life. I met several of my financial and personal goals, so a few weeks ago I treated myself to a custom-built gaming PC. The setup that I invested in was around $3,000 and my career as a legal prostitute financed this purchase. This is something that I’ve been interested in doing for myself since 2011 so I’m excited to see where my investment takes me. I’m an avid consumer of things like Youtube and Twitch TV so I could see myself being a content creator for a platform like that in the future and of course that would require a high end machine to stream and edit videos on. I’m still learning about how to utilize these tools, but I feel like being a sex worker has really opened up a lot of opportunities in my youth that I wouldn’t have had access to otherwise. It’s not the most orthodox way of achieving your dreams but it’s definitely one of the more interesting paths to take.


I’ve always been a fan of the Role Playing genre, so I’ve been playing games like Pokemon and The Elder Scrolls for years now. I love the feeling of discovering a new world and customizing my character to the role I feel like getting into for that playthrough. If a franchise has lots of charming lore and easter eggs then I’ll happily spend hours learning every little secret that its universe provides. I refer back to The Elder Scrolls many times because Bethesda’s work offers everything in a game that I crave. I wish I would have found out about the series sooner! I started with The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion in 2010 and noticed that it had a sense of wonder to it, just like the feeling that I got when playing Pokemon as a kid. Oblivion is such a charming game, there’s something very satisfying about finding an enchanted ring in a dark cavern and hours later stumbling across a piece of backstory explaining who it belonged to and why it was there in the first place. While entertaining, I always figured memories like these would be nostalgic and nothing more.


I wasn’t expecting for my interests to be relevant in my business life but it ends up that a lot of the customers I meet are interested in gaming as well. When a client is first meeting his lady of choice it always helps to have something in common. Relating on a personal level is so important to having a positive experience and when I meet a fellow geek interested in my services, the connection flows naturally. I have fond memories of reciting internet memes while being naughty in the bedroom with my partner, or listening to an original sound track from our favorite game while being romantic with each other. It’s little things like this that make me think about just how much being a gamer girl has helped me approach sex work the way that I do. Being the introverted nerdy type myself, it’s nice to come together with like minded individuals and share a memorable experience together.


Video game culture is something many people would consider a millennial interest but there’s nothing wrong with being involved in a staple of what makes the generation you’re from unique. It feels so good to be able to geek out with someone on the first date, and don’t even get me started on hot cosplay scenarios! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some awesome people since I’ve been working at the Love Ranch North and that increased even more when I hosted my first IamA on Reddit recently. I’ve been told that I am every Redditor’s dream girl, which is extremely flattering, and I hope to have more of an impact on different internet platforms in 2017.

Roxanne Price

Lovely and curvaceous, Roxanne Price is an elite courtesan who prides herself on providing the “authentic girlfriend experience.” An empathetic woman with a genuine sensitivity to her client’s sexual needs, Roxanne provides transformative erotic experiences to men from all walks of life.

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Breakfast in Bed: Why Morning Sex is the Best

Waking up first thing in the morning is never fun, but what if you had something incredible to look forward to? Picture this: Get dressed, get into your car, and head on over to the legal brothel for some hot morning sex and scrumptious breakfast in bed! Delicious waffles, with whipped cream and chocolate- followed by a fresh, tall glass of orange juice – cooked and served to you while you’re nice and naked under the sheets. If you ask us, that’s the perfect way to start off on the right side of the bed. Why not enjoy a Banana, while me and my girlfriends enjoy a different kind of breakfast (if you know what we mean…)


When you go out for breakfast, there’s a bevy of different options available: eggs and bacon, french toast, croissants – but here, we offer a different kind of combo. Not only are you getting a healthy, well balanced meal, you’re getting sexual satisfaction as the main course! Brunette and Redhead, with a side of fruit loops anyone? We can cater to your preferences: gluten free, low sugar, your favorite fruit, etc. It would be our pleasure to make your favorite breakfast combo even better. A healthy breakfast will be just the thing to give you the energy for incredible morning sex!


For us, Breakfast in Bed is the perfect girlfriend experience. You get to have one or two fresh-faced ladies cook for you, cuddle you, and of course, pleasure you. First thing in the morning we’re full of energy, and probably still in our pajamas too. If you’re looking for a memorable encounter, we strongly suggest indulging in morning sex. It’s something different than the normal ranch encounter- more intimate, personal, and friendly! Morning sex is the best- and not just for the breakfast! It activates all the feel good hormones that will continue to flow throughout the rest of your day. You’ll feel energized, refreshed, and ready to take on whatever the day brings you. Most importantly, it’s fantastic motivation to wake up!


Many folks say the best sex they have happens first thing in the morning. We could even begin together the night before, and wake up cuddled in each others arms. Allow us to gently coax your body out of sleep, and right into pleasure. Let us handle the cooking- we’d love to prepare your favorite breakfast, then sensually feed it to you- or you could always instead choose to eat it off of us instead! There are so many fun options to explore, combinations to try, and positions to indulge in. We can spoon together, then we can spoon feed you cereal! this is hands down one of our favorite sex experiences. Let us help make your morning the best part of the day.


 Pictured: Working Girls Alice Little and Roxanne Price

Alice Little

Alice Little is a 4’8” red-headed cutie with a super-fit, all-natural body -- but don’t let her small stature deceive you. This friendly firebox is a pocket-sized sexual powerhouse with unparalleled lovemaking skills. A part-time girlfriend coveted by both men and women, Alice will make you feel right at home at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

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How To Have Great Sex With Erectile Dysfunction

According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 52% of men ages 40 to 70 years reported some form of ED.  Of the 52%, 17% had mild symptoms, 25% moderate, and 10% severe.   Erectile Dysfunction is much more common than we think. 

Short or long term ED (Erectile Dysfunction) brought about by meds, health or aging, can be a feared source of embarrassment to many men who fear they will now be unable to please their partner, and having ED will mean the loss of their sex life.  They feel emasculated, impotent and less of a man.  And while intercourse may no longer be possible, you can still have a great and satisfying sex life by learning new ways to give and receive pleasure. 

Intercourse is only a small part of the countless avenues to give and receive pleasure, and studies show that a large portion of women do not orgasm this way.  Plus as people get older they find that orgasm is not the big goal it once was.  In fact it becomes less and less important, and what becomes more gratifying is connecting, sharing of intimacy, touching, romance, kissing, feeling close, loved.   


We mostly have the mindset that fucking is the destination and all other things are foreplay leading up to that.  But what if fucking is the foreplay and the real objective is experiencing one another, sharing intimacy, sensuality and connection, and all else is just a byproduct.

With this mindset, having ED can open up a whole new world of exploration in touching, kissing, intimacy, closeness and sensuality between you and your partner, that’s not just physical, but mental and emotional as well.

On the physical front, studies have shown it’s easier for women to orgasm from oral sex or the use of a toy, such as a vibrator, than to cum from vaginal sex.  When a guy knows how to lick pussy really well, it’s a very good thing.   Too often men want to zero in on the sex organs in an attempt to please their partner, and don’t think of giving full body, mind pleasure.  There’s ways to touch that are so erotic, so sensual, and feel so amazingly good.  And there’s ways to kiss the mouth and body that are so damn sexy, so damn arousing.   

Remember the entire body is an erogenous zone, with the mind being the greatest of them all.   Learn to stimulate your partner and turn them on mentally and emotionally, as well as physically.   Foreplay isn’t just sexual, nor is it just the physical stuff before sex.  Foreplay is also a series of emotional events used throughout the day and week to turn your partner on, emotionally and mentally, by making them feel special, validated, appreciated and noticed.   Ways to do this could be as simple as making a point daily to look for the good in them, and express appreciation for the things they do. 


A great form of emotional foreplay is that of impeccable listening skills. If you want your partner to feel really special, try looking at them as they speak, and hanging on their every word as though they are of life and death importance to you.  Hear what they’re saying, and what they mean.  Good listening skills in a man are very, very sexy.  Having someone focus all their attention upon you, and take a genuine interest in you is a very potent kind of foreplay.   It should be taught as part of foreplay 101. Another sexy turn on for women is a man who repairs things around the house for her, carries things for her, does chores and helps with kids. 

Make the time you spend together fun.  Have interesting things to talk about.  It’s also a good idea to ask one’s mate what makes them feel special.  Because what makes one person feel special is different from what makes another feel special.

I think most women would agree that good emotional and mental foreplay is much more satisfying and arousing than intercourse.  And if you pair that with stellar pussy licking skills, plus knowing how to touch and kiss for maximum pleasure, your sex life can metamorphose into a richly satisfying and rewarding experience for both you and your partner.   Knowing how to kiss and touch is very important.    Give more time for slow, voluptuous kisses all over your lover’s body, from head to toe; also in cuddling and caressing.

When touching, don’t just go for the genitals.  That’s boring.   Let these be the least of your focus, and touch her everywhere but there.   The same rule applies for pussy licking.  Don’t zero in on the clit and forget the rest.  Do the entire pussy as your main focus.  You can give a woman G-spot orgasms, clitoral orgasms and more, with skillful use of your tongue. 

A lot of women have stronger orgasms from being held close with lots of kissing, and use of a vibrator than from standard coitus.   


Explore going into sex with no agenda or destination other than the giving and receiving of pleasure.  This tiny adjustment can work wonders for one’s sex life.  It also takes the pressure off of having to perform.   

Erectile Dysfunction need not be the end of your sex life.  Whether or not you’re in a relationship you can have a truly rich and rewarding sex life with ED.  In my ED parties we connect and share intimacy on a deep level, while sharing intensely pleasurable ways of touching, kissing, and of giving and receiving pleasure. 

Don’t let ED keep you from experiencing deep levels of intimacy and pleasure.  If you don’t have a sex partner, you can make the most out of your ED by visiting a sex provider at the Nevada brothels who is specialized with ED.    Who knows, your ED could be a blessing in disguise that leads to new sensual and sexual horizons. 

Bryce Stevens

Bryce is an elegant, sophisticated, full service courtesan who is specialized in Erectile Dysfunction (ED), GFE (the Girlfriend Experience) and Role-Playing. Bryce Stevens caters to upscale, distinguished gentlemen who seek deeply satisfying, intimate encounters.

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The Best Place In America To Have An Orgy

When I started working as a legal Nevada sex worker a few years ago, I expected to encounter many lone men looking for intimate rendezvous, but I was not prepared for the inpouring of couples and groups that regularly converge at Nevada’s licensed brothels seeking the ultimate in sexual celebrations: an orgy. Group sex is bigger and far more popular than I thought it was, and I’ve learned that Nevada brothels are definitely the best places in the United States to enjoy unrestrained sexual revelry with five, ten, or even over twenty sex participants.

Shortly after I began my career as a courtesan at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch, it became apparent to me that a lot of adults are interested in group sex. In many cases, however, aspiring orgiasts are apprehensive to give in to their epicurean desires because of the delicate logistics of setting up such gatherings, or they want to avoid the drama associated with friends and family members discovering that they’re engaging in non-monogamous sexual encounters. After all, not everyone lives and works in a sexually liberal atmosphere. For some people, it’s a social risk to invite a few coworkers over for “cocktails and group sex.”

Many people like to keep their sex lives private and discreet. But when orgies are your thing, and you need to gather other playmates to have some fun, it often makes setting up an enjoyable evening of debauchery stressful and precarious.

When you take this into consideration, it makes sense that Nevada brothels have become America’s top spots for group sex parties. Here are a few reasons why…


Safe Sex Partners

One of the primary concerns people have when they’re considering joining an orgy is the potential risk of contracting an STD as a result of having sex with multiple partners. Nevada brothels ensure that all sex is healthy, safe, and risk-free. All of the women who work at Nevada brothels are tested weekly by medical professionals to guarantee their clients have no chance of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, by law, all members of the orgy practice safe sex, so there’s absolutely no need to worry about health and safety when having group sex at a legal brothel.

We Don’t Kiss and Tell

A lot of people want to engage in orgies but they fear that their coworkers or certain members of their community will find out about their sexual exploits and perceive them differently. When you visit a Nevada brothel, there’s no need to have any privacy concerns. All activities that occur in the brothel are treated with the highest degree of discreetness. What happens here, stays here.


 It’s Drama-Free

I’ve heard stories of people who have been invited to orgies and have developed an inappropriate level of emotional attachment to one or more of the other members of the group. This sometimes causes drama that spills into the personal lives of the participants, resulting in an unnecessary amount of stress and uneasiness between members. At a legal brothel, the working girls are highly professional, and we won’t get inappropriately involved in the personal lives of our customers. Our business is your pleasure, and your private life is none of our business.

Unlimited Choices

I work at America’s Red Light District where four legal brothels can be found, three of which are within walking distance of one another. This means that there are literally hundreds of sex partners to choose from. Women of all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities, and talents are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The most difficult part of putting together an orgy for most people, finding the participants, is easy-as-pie at a licensed bordello.


Nonjudgmental, Sexually Experienced Lovers

The working girls of Nevada’s brothels are the most talented and experienced lovers you will ever get down with. I’m personally amazed when I think of what I’ve learned over the past few years and I’m more than happy to impart my knowledge to my sexual partners. An orgy with us will allow you to finally fulfill all of your group sex fantasies with nonjudgmental women who have the skills and compassion to truly make the orgy a memorable, sex-positive, and life-affirming sensual experience.

You call a wedding planner when you’re getting married, so why not contact the sex experts when you’re planning your next, or first, orgy? Let us set up your group sex party. We’re legal, safe, private, and we know our stuff!

Pictured: Alice LittleCasey CrossRoxanne PriceSarah James, & Shelby Star


Casey Cross

Petite and passionate, Casey Cross is an elite companion in high demand at Dennis Hof's Love Ranch in Northern Nevada near Reno and Lake Tahoe.

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Hot Car Sex with a Prostitute

When people think of visiting a Nevada brothel, they think of having sex in a girl’s room, a VIP suite, or in some sort of stationary structure. Little do they know, you can also have sex in a car with a legal prostitute. The Love Ranch North, the brothel that I work out of, provides limo service and we also offer the option to go out on a date with the lady of your choice. This means that the opportunity for steamy car sex is always on the table. Car sex provides an entirely different level of excitement and arousal, and is very popular with several of my clients.

Many of us have had car sex at one time or another, and a lot of people have actually lost their virginity in a car. Think about the good old high school days when the only place to have sex was in a hiding place like the back seat of a car. The places to actually have some privacy were limited. Remember finding the perfect spot to park and making out. It is fun to feel young again isn’t it!

Car Sex
Shelby Star from Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch North

Half of the excitement during car sex is the fear of getting caught or being watched. This is a form of exhibitionism and a huge turn on for many. What if people driving by the limo can see us? It is a child-like feeling of being free and naughty. You can go anywhere and have wild sex in public.

Having sex in a limo or a car can be challenging. It pushes us to use our imaginations with sexual positions and contorting our bodies to do so. I have a few great potions to make car sex enjoyable and memorable.


  • Blow jobs are very good in the front seat. You can even use your seats belts as  bondage to secure not going anywhere!
  • Cowgirl position. The guy can sit in the backseat and the lady can sit on top of him and rock back and forth, up and down, around and round. She can also use the front two seats for leverage to rock back and forth.
  • Side spoon position is good for the back seat as well. Have the guy lay down with bent legs and the girl lay next to him with bent legs and they can spoon one another.
  • If the car has a bench seat, missionary style will work too. Have the girl lay down and the guy gets on top of her. The guy will probably not be able to straighten his legs, nor hers!
  • The guy can lay down on a bench seat and have the girl on top and cowgirl as well.

image1American men in particular tend to love their cars, and having a hot woman to share the freedom and love of the road with is appealing and sexy to them. Think of limos, hot rods, junkers, rugged trucks, and classics. There is a sexual adventure to be had in every type of vehicle.

So the next time you go riding in a car think of the amazing sex you could be having right now. It can become a reality with the company of a legal sex worker. We can go anywhere in the state of Nevada, whether it be a long sexy joyride through the desert or a drive to a restaurant with lots of foreplay. Let’s take each other for a ride!

Shelby Star

Shelby Star is the quintessential girl next door. A Texas native with a heart as big as The Lone Star State, her infectious personality and charming demeanor will instantly enchant you.

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The Benefits of Sex With an Older Woman

In general, it isn’t socially acceptable to be a woman who has had numerous lovers. However, by the time many sexually adventurous women hit 35, they’ve not only have several notches on the headboard, they have experienced several sexual situations. Like anything in life, the more experience you have at something, the more proficient you become.

Through the years an active woman has often experienced penises of varying size, shape and rigidity. She has experienced a verity of odd ball fetishes.  She has been the teacher as well as the student.  Think of it in terms of baseball.  When a boy gets a new glove does he take to the diamond with the glove straight out of the package.  No, he oils it up, massages it, plays countless hours of catch until the glove is ready for “prime time”.  The new glove is beautiful without imperfection; however, the experienced glove is ready for the game.

Regardless of your age here are some examples of why an older lover may be right for you…

River Song from Dennis Hof’s Sagebrush Ranch

She takes charge

Normally when a woman reaches her mid-thirties she knows what flicks her switch.  She has also become proficient at reading the signals a man is flashing. This makes her a huge turn on for men of all ages. Plenty of women (not me) still lie back and expect the guy to do all the work. If she takes the lead and becomes the sexual aggressor, it’s an automatic penis-pumper.

She takes her time

Let’s be honest in the right hands most men can be brought to the brink of orgasm rather quickly while a woman needs more time to get to the finish line.  There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just the biological truth.  Older women understand this and know how to slow down the situation so all involved reach the heights of pleasure closer to the end of the date rather than the beginning.  Besides the release is always better when your tachometer has been running over 5000 RPM for a while vs. when you first hit the throttle.

River Song is a licensed Nevada sex worker

She responds

A woman who has reached her sexual peak understand how the little thing make all the difference.  One of those little (HUGE) things is responsiveness.  It’s simple, men love to touch women and when a woman responds favorably to that touch, it blows that man’s mind.  I will agree that there is nothing quite like the perfect skin of a young woman, but the uncontrolled quiver of a woman with a few more miles on her can be so much sexier.

She is confident

A confident lover is always in demand – no matter what she looks like.

In fact, plenty of therapists say it’s an older woman’s sexual confidence which is at the heart of her appeal to younger men.

She’s not scared to give directions

The biggest lesson women learn as they travel the highway of their sex life is “If you don’t ask for it you probably won’t get it”.  Often a younger woman won’t tell her lover what she wants because she thinks it may turn him off.  Or even worse she expects him to magically glean what her desires may be.  What an unrealistic expectation, right?  An older woman will do no such thing.  She will tell you exactly what she likes and will in turn ask what gets you going as well.

We are all drawn to certain things.  No one can blame you if you are not into women who have passed thirty. One piece of advice, if you haven’t tried an older woman do so soon. You might be surprised how much you like her…

River Song

River is a vibrant, thirty-something, southern belle excited to make your acquaintance. This Simply Extraordinary legal courtesan, exclusive to The Sagebrush Ranch, will take you on a sexy trip through space and time.

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Where are the Legal Brothels in Nevada?

Many people are aware that Nevada is the only State in the USA where prostitution is legal in the form of licensed rural brothels, but out-of-state vacationers looking for a little fun are sometimes confused about where these establishments are located.

Dennis Hof, Nevada’s illustrious brothel buccaneer, owns six legal brothels currently operating in the Silver State, located near Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Las Vegas. But remembering which brothel is where confounds many tourists, especially when there are so many delightfully devious sex destinations to choose from! Below is an easy-to-read brothel map that showcases each of these distinguished dens of iniquity and puts into perspective their respective locations.

Reno, Lake Tahoe, Carson City Brothels

Four of Dennis Hof’s brothels are located in Northern Nevada, one of the most beautiful vacation spots in America. The magnificent Moonlite Bunny Ranch, subject of HBO’s popular Cathouse reality series, is a stone’s throw from Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Carson City, the capital of Nevada. The Bunny Ranch is a massive adult entertainment compound, complete with opulent VIP bungalows, swimming pool, stables, and numerous specialty rooms. It is the most famous sex haven on Earth, and the most respected adult entertainment getaway for men, women, and couples seeking the finest in erotic adventure.

Across US-50, not too far from the Bunny Ranch, is America’s only Red Light District, a cul de sac at the end of a road named “Kit Kat Drive” where three exquisite brothels and a gentlemen’s club can be found. Hundreds of gorgeous women entertain their customers at this sex-oriented business district, comprised of the Love Ranch North, Sagebrush Ranch, and the newly renovated Kit Kat Ranch. Also in the Red Light District is a strip club, Madam Suzette’s Red Light Cabaret, completing the quartet of steamy sex dens.

Las Vegas Brothels

Dennis Hof owns two luxurious bordellos located about an hour’s ride from the Las Vegas strip. The Love Ranch Vegas, a lush manor catering to the sensual desires of Las Vegas tourists from all walks of life (despite its reputation as a playground for Vegas millionaires), is in Crystal, Nevada, part of serene and pleasant Nye County. Nearby, in Amargosa Valley near Area 51, the Alien Cathouse, Nevada’s only themed brothel, beckons US-95’s randy travelers. Adjacent to an alien-themed gift shop, gas station, and 50’s diner, this Las Vegas area treasure is a favorite for kitsch-loving road trippers and is the unofficial brothel of Burning Man. Like all of Nevada’s brothels, the Alien Cathouse is best known for its gorgeous sex workers, who provide wayfarers with a warm embrace and tender loving after a long drive down a lonely desert road.

Click on the image below to enlarge map…



James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]

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How Prostitutes Use Social Media

Hello everyone, Roxanne here! Over the time that I’ve been working as a legal prostitute several of my colleagues have asked me, “Do you have any tips on how to gain traction on social media?” This is a great question, so I’d like to share my thoughts on the subject of marketing yourself as a sex worker. I’m a Millennial, so using tools like social media comes naturally for members of my generation. Knowing how to brand yourself on the internet goes hand in hand with being a successful sex worker. If you’re not on the grid and active online, you’ll have much less business, so it’s important to let people know that you’re out there. With Legal Prostitution in Nevada all the top providers that I’ve met work on their computers, iPads, and smart phones daily. Their success is achieved by staying focused and consistently incorporating marketing into their job as a sex worker. If you ladies are interested in maximizing your business, stay tuned because I’ve got some tips for you…


Have you ever wanted to be on the front page of the internet? Well that’s what Reddit is all about! Basically Reddit is made up of all different kinds of subreddits that consist of different topics with their own unique communities attached. Be mindful of the “reddiquette,” people are looking for content-rich or informative information and media when they surf Reddit, so quality over quantity is imperative. Once you create an account you’ll be graded by Karma points that reflect the quality of things that you’ve shared over time, Karma shows your status of how active you are on the site, so someone with high Karma would be viewed as a valid source of information. Someone with low Karma is most likely posting spam, or invalid information. Any post that you make on Reddit can be up voted or down voted and more up votes equals better Karma! I hosted an Ask Me Anything in the /r/IamA subreddit and the results were greater than anything I could’ve anticipated. Many sex workers have their own Ask Me Anything threads on Reddit, it’s a great way to clear up common misconceptions and the extra exposure is invaluable. /r/IamA isn’t the only sub-reddit sex workers can utilize for getting themselves out there, so be sure to create an account and start posting in the subreddits that are relevant to what you do.

Roxanne Price from Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch


That little blue bird that you see everywhere is kind of a big deal! Twitter is the best social media platform to use if you’re an adult entertainer because X-Rated adult content is pretty much allowed there. It’s ranked one of the top ten social media websites for a reason and sex workers from all over the world post their content there to gain a following. You can customize your profile, follow people or be followed, Direct Message potential clients or people you’d like to stay in touch with, and you can also post 140 characters of text with the option to attach pictures and videos – and that’s what you’d call “Tweeting.” As a top ten website, Twitter is also used as a search engine where you can type in key words to look for whatever it is you’re interested in. The search icon also shows you what hashtags are trending, i.e. #RenoEscort would be something that I’d want to attach to my tweet so when someone types that specific hashtag or term into the search bar I’ll be the first to show up.

Message Boards

While they may seem archaic to many tech savvy communicators, forums, message boards, and the like are still popular places to participate in a variety of discussions about sex work. Dennis Hof’s girls use the Bunny Ranch forum to post their threads, whether it be pictures, frequently asked questions, biographies or interactive threads where you can get to know someone’s likes/ dislikes. You can private message your clientele, which is always a great way to keep in touch! The Bunny Ranch forum has it’s own media section where anyone can create an album for the public to view and there’s also the Real Life Ranch Reports category where customers can post their reviews about ladies they’ve partied with. Typically forums have their own trophy/ point system, so when you look at someone’s profile you can see how many posts they’ve done along with whatever trophies they have earned.


Your own Website or Blog

Once you have written enough about why your experience is unique and you have a variety of pictures to use, you should consider designing your own website or hiring a professional to do it for you. A personal website is the perfect place to archive any content that you’ve created and you can link it to just about anything! You could take things a step further and create a store on your site where you can have merchandise with your brand, like calendars, coffee mugs, sex toys, used panties (big seller), or signed posters of your photo sets. Sarah Greenmore and Air Force Amy from the Bunny Ranch are two examples of sex workers with killer websites.

Videos and Podcasts

Most people have smart phones nowadays, with that device alone you can record a short clip of you being your cute self or stream your experiences live with an application like Periscope! Videos are a wonderful way to show your audience who you really are, no editing or Photoshop included. This is a useful tool for sex workers to use because when a potential client is looking through your information, a video is the best visual aide you can give them. You can always record them directly form your device and post the clip anywhere on the internet or you could use apps like Snapchat or YouTube if you’re interested in a video sharing social media platform. Podcasts are also a popular way of marketing yourself as a sex worker, several girls from the legal brothels have group podcasts where they get together and talk about a specific subject. Voice clips are easily shared on the different platforms that I listed above, so have fun with it!

Thanks for reading, I hope that my tips on using social as a sex worker could help out! If you have any questions feel free to leave them down below and I’ll be sure to answer them.

Roxanne Price

Lovely and curvaceous, Roxanne Price is an elite courtesan who prides herself on providing the “authentic girlfriend experience.” An empathetic woman with a genuine sensitivity to her client’s sexual needs, Roxanne provides transformative erotic experiences to men from all walks of life.

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Have a real Porn Star Experience at the Love Ranch Vegas with AVN award winner Sunny Lane!

Being known as “The Girl Next Door Turned Hard Core” comes with a lot of lofty expectations.  While legions of my amazing fans have supported my award winning career in adult films for years, only a select few have had the truly unique experience of traveling to Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch Vegas legal brothel to have an actual sexual encounter with me!  You read that right…pay-for-play sex is completely legal in places like the Love Ranch, and I am available to provide you with the Ultimate Porn Star Experience…and when I say ultimate, I really mean it.

Would you like to recreate one of my scenes that sticks out in your spank bank?  Maybe one of my AVN award winning performances?  We can replicate the scene blow by mouth-watering blow.


At this point, you’re probably getting a pretty clear picture of the “hard core” side of my persona, but you may still be wondering where the “Girl Next Door” description originated from.  That’s where my GFE “Girlfriend Experience” comes into play.  If you would like to have a softer, sensual, more intimate experience with me, let’s cuddle and be a couple for as long as you would like our experience to last.  I’m really a small town girl at heart, and I love having a personal experience with a fan that I can get to know over the course of our time together.

Do you want to film a private sex tape with me that you can take home for your personal library?  Let’s do it!  We’ll keep it between us of course, but if you’re an exhibitionist yourself and would like the world to see you giving it to me hard, let me know and I may use the footage on my own website!


I was born in Georgia with early aspirations of Olympic figure skating, but after foot surgery left me unable to skate, I tried feature dancing at the suggestion of friends in the NHL. Overnight, I came to be in extremely high demand and was later named Deja Vu’s “Showgirl of the Year”.  That also led to me being featured on the covers of many magazines including: People Australia, Playboy, Hustler, Club International, and Penthouse.


Whether it be the Hard Core Porn Star, the Sweet Girl Next Door, or some combination of the two, I’m so anxious to set up our date together!  I even have my own private suite on site.  You can contact me directly at [email protected] and I will respond to you personally to get you set up to come down my Lane!  In fact, I can even send our complimentary limo to pick you up at the airport or at your hotel.  Once you get to the Love Ranch Vegas and join me in my room, that’s when the real fun starts!

Reach out to me today and let’s get to know each other a little better.  I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


Sunny Lane

Sunny Lane

AVN Award-Winning Adult Entertainment Superstar Sunny Lane, your Girl Next Door Turned Hard Core, is exclusively available at Dennis Hof's Love Ranch Vegas for the Ultimate Girlfriend Experience, Porn Star Experience, and more one-on-one sexy-hot encounters!

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What Happens During a Girlfriend Experience with a Sex Worker?

Prostitution has been cutting the BS out of dating since 5,000 BCE, so it was a little confusing when I arrived at Dennis Hof’s Sagebrush Ranch and came across clients that wanted to date a working girl like myself. While the single girl in me wanted to say Yes I would give you a chance, the business woman in me wondered How do I capitalize on this? To go over the mechanics of this situation I must explain that, yes, I do come across certain men in this profession that I would love to have a serious relationship with. However, we have certain house rules to abide by, such as not seeing our clients outside the Ranch.

This is where I should pause and say that it can be difficult at times to not mix emotions with business. Since I am single, the temptation is always there to snag a cutie that picks me out of line up all for myself. In situations like these I suggest the next best thing… The Girlfriend Experience. 

Sarah James offers the Girlfriend Experience at Dennis Hof’s Sagebrush Ranch

The Girlfriend Experience or “GFE” fantasy is just what it sounds like. Let’s not get confused, it does not entail you rubbing my feet and listening to me complain about my boss, (that is called the Wife Experience.) It does include me asking, “What would make your day?” This is where I would take the time to listen and offer up suggestions to create a lovely evening just for the two of us. Normally, with these types of requests I like to take my time, and, just like a real girlfriend, get to know you first. 

We could start off by chatting over drinks at the bar, shooting a game of pool or being silly by serenading each other with the karaoke microphone. Once we are emotionally comfortable with each other we would talk about being intimate. I usually do more listening, as I normally don’t have too many restrictions on my parties. You would set the pace as the night is all about you.

Like most girlfriends you probably have dated, it is my prerogative to make you feel like my boyfriend. I find it extra stimulating to kiss and caress your body, maybe lather you up with soap in the shower if you just came from work, or give you a sensual massage with soft music by candle light. I try to keep my parties light hearted by cracking jokes whenever I can. I feel it is the best way to take away some of the nervous tension.

Foreplay is big part of this equation. When it comes to oral, I love giving as well as receiving. To maximize, I would, at some point, suggest we indulge in the 69 position.  Since we are not concerning ourselves with anything else, I like to punctuate our time with more kissing and stroking. I like to get a little naughty and snap a couple pictures or record some of our action, so you can have something to remember our first time together.

VIP companion Sarah James

The Girlfriend Experience does not stop when the party is over. Most clients requesting the GFE usually become regulars. What I mean by this is we continue to chat over emails, texts and phone conversations throughout my time at the Ranch. We exchange daily photos and silly links to thing we are interested in.

The ultimate Girl Friend Experience is when we leave the Ranch to go on an outdate. I have been on some memorable outings here as Carson City has a lot to offer in the way of entertainment. My Favorite outdate was skiing Lake Tahoe’s Heavenly slopes. Any adventure seeker will tell you, there are few views that can compare to overlooking the beautiful lake at 10,000 feet on top of the Cascade mountains.

So why do gentlemen seeking the services of a sex worker want to get emotionally involved with one? The answer is simple, it’s because they are not getting enough of it in their regular lives and want the fantasy of being in a relationship, and the caring and sense of responsibility and loyalty to another person that goes with it. Most often in these parties it is not about sex but experiencing the passion of spending quality time or being in someone’s arms that makes for a more intimate night. I can truly say, the Girlfriend Experience is my favorite request because I get to take the time to form a deeper connection.

I have now hit my one year mark here at Sagebrush Ranch and have found lasting friendships in this place. I have loyal patrons that I can truly call on in stressful times. I am planning on extending my time here in Carson City and have room for a lot more long-term companionships. I look forward to meeting you whether it be just for the day or for years to come.

Sarah James

Sarah James is the sexy Girl Next Door you've been dreaming of all your life. Offering the authentic Girlfriend Experience at Dennis Hof's Sagebrush Ranch, Sarah is a compassionate VIP companion with a down-to-Earth personality and a deeply sensual nature.

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