Let’s Replay Your Favorite Porn or Movie Scene

Everyone has favorite mainstream movies like Rocky or Working Girl or Titanic. (Maybe someday some adventurous director will make a movie about us called Legal Sex-Workers). No matter how many times you watch and re-watch your faves, you never get tired of them; there’s always some new feature or detail to spot. Maybe you like them because they remind you of special times when you were young, or holiday memories, or star an actor or actress who’s always been a secret crush of yours.

Smart boyfriends and husbands know that just seeing and hearing a certain film star on screen will get their lady randy and ready to rock and roll. And hey, if she calls out a male celebrity’s name while she’s climaxing, a quick-thinking guy won’t get jealous. He’ll play along with the fantasy because it’s his cock, not the famous guy’s, getting gripped and ridden by his doll’s eager beaver.

As you can see, you can employ mainstream Hollywood films to charge up your lover’s sexual imagination so much she’ll wrap her legs around your back and pump your penis into her honeypot so vigorously that you hardly have to move, just wait for the best time to groan loudly and spurt deeply into her.

But what about her—or with a couple—their favorite fuck scenes from the world of porn? There’s as much variety in porn today as there used to be mainstream entertainment. But that’s its appeal. Every audience—fetishists, swingers, any kind of sexual adventurer (or would-be orgiast) can find satisfaction across the pantheon of video porn.

Innumerable couples like to prep for sex by rerunning their favorite real-sex scenes. One longtime fave is Motel 69 Star, a several-episode series of amateur sex scenes between a really sweet-faced brunette and her unknown male lover (you never see his face), which is also known as “The Girl in the Green Sweater.”

That’s all she’s wearing in the best-known scene of the series, which she plays a secretary getting fucked doggie-style over her desk. The genius of the scene is that that sexual delight is conveyed mainly in her facial expressions as the guy plunges deep into her pussy, and in her body language too. Her back arches as she receives his dick, then her face whips through numerous shades of joy as the guy shifts position and fucks her expertly: her head whips around in ecstasy, her hands slap the desktop as her cocksman goes into a rocking back-and-forth, up-and-down rhythm that makes her cum, then suddenly pulls out. We then see his stiff cock poke in from her left, and she grabs it with her mouth and sucks him dry. All of this takes place within only two minutes’ worth of screen time—probably the hottest time interval you’ll see in many a year.

Another series, this time from Europe, is called Drunk Sex Orgy. In each segment, which can last an hour or more, a cast of hundreds of horny people appear before the camera’s ever-sweeping gaze, coupling and uncoupling and recoupling as trance music plays—a perfect soundtrack for the varieties of sexual contact taking place, shifting dreamily from one passionate fucking or sucking or pussy-licking or –fingering to another. Viewers can almost get dizzy from the circular, ever-undulating, fast-thrusting actions of the participants. It’s a sexual phantasmagoria.

We raunchy ranch ladies love to role-play, so why not re-create your favorite sex scenes with us? We can do a girl-boy, two-girls-and-a-boy, or a threesome with you and your girlfriend, wife, or whomever. A big cast can lead to lots of dramatic and sexual situations. Or, we can do a more intimate encounter. Anything you’d like.

Let me pitch you an idea: A guy sees a girl sitting at a table sipping a wine cooler. She’s gorgeous, striking, smiling, friendly—the kind of astonishingly beautiful girl you could never get in high school—or in college, for that matter. Ever watch a porn where a nerd meets a beauty and, improbably, gets laid like mad because she finds him charming and cute? Ever wanted to play the guy in that scene? Just ask and you will receive, as the book says. We will make your wet dream come to life. Together. I will suck you, gently or roughly, after I’ve fitted you with a condom of a color of your choice. And I will fuck you, like a princess or a whore, whatever character you like. Maybe I can be your sexy angel—or devil?

That’s what adult movies are about, dreams dramatized, played out by actors, and followed by camerawork directed by someone who knows how to keep the sex close, graphic, forbidden, and explicitly erotic.

People taking acting classes for the first time sometimes find themselves growing excited when they do an acting exercise called “mirroring,” which, like it sounds, matches two actors up so they can imitate precisely their partner’s motions and expressions. It’s meant to teach aspiring thespians how to improvise, which involves saying “yes” with your body and your emotions so that your performance with a fellow actor dovetails with what he or she is doing and increases the theatricality.

Let me pitch you another idea: Let’s improvise—let’s invent, move by move, word by word, our loving time together. I’ll grab something from the closet in my room—whatever comes to hand, to make it a surprise for both of us. Maybe I’ll snatch a negligée off the rack, change clothes to put it on, and we can play two people who accidentally meet in a college dorm hallway while the guy searches for a party taking place somewhere in the building. I’ll be the horny girl student in her sleepwear who encounters the guy, entices him into their room, and they make their own sex party.


Bring your Go-Pro or camera phone to our appointment and we can make a video memento of our meeting. If you’d like, I can talk dirty to the camera, describing all the sexy things we’re doing as you play and replay our date at home, closing your eyes and savoring the sweetness and warmth of our meeting. And don’t forget, just like porn videos have multiple chapters, you’re always welcome to return to make Part 2, 3, 4, and so on with me. Yes, it’s true what you’ve always heard about us courtesans—we really love it when you return and cum again with us!


Contact me directly [email protected] or come in to the Sagebrush Ranch!





Misty Lane

Hi there, Im Misty Lane. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by my page to learn more about me! I am one of the newest elite courtesans here at Sagebrush Ranch. The first thing you will notice about me are my long, long legs which are always accented by a great pair of heels. I am 5’8″ with a slim frame, blonde hair and big blue eyes. My fun, bubbly, sarcastic personality is something I’m known for. Life is too short to be serious all the time! I currently live in the Midwest but will be spending the first two weeks of each month here at Sagebrush. In my free time I love to be outdoors doing pretty much anything. Boating, riding quads, fishing, skiing and attending concerts are just some of my favorites. A night out for dinner and dancing or sitting by a cozy fire cuddling are also things I really enjoy. I pride myself in being a truly genuine person. I am naturally affectionate and couldn’t be fake if my life depended on it. With me what you see is what you get and I like to think I’m a really cool chick 🙂 I will listen and talk with you about anything and make you feel at ease. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or strike up a conversation with me over chat. Let’s get to know one another. Tell me your fantasies and desires, I will make them come true!

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A Blonde Goddess Who Will Relieve You of Your Virginity with Kindness, Grace, and Passion

The title says it all: If you are a virgin in need of experience and gentle, patient instruction, I am the Aphrodite of your horniest dreams. All six feet and luxurious blonde locks of me, matched with long, shapely legs, round boobs, an elegant, sloping back—which you can see rise and fall as we fuck doggy style, one of my favorite positions. You can have all of me. And more.

Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of. Everybody, man or woman, is virginal for a while until opportunity knocks, and they’re relieved of years of sexual tension. They are now adults, free to fuck as often and as hard as they want.

Some people are lucky enough to learn how to fuck early, some later. There is no set age by which anyone is “supposed” to be sexually active. The legendary actor James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader himself, didn’t get laid until he was in his mid-twenties. You’d think that someone with as commanding a voice as Jones’s could have any girl he wanted. Yet he was young and awkward, but eventually, he got laid. And so will you. Beatle George Harrison lost his virginity in the loft of a German kino (cinema) in Hamburg while fellow Beatles John and Paul looked on approvingly (and applauded when he finished).

You’ve been thinking of someone who looks like me ever since you woke up with your first cock-throbbing orgasm after dreaming of a fantasy lover. (The first one is always dry [no ejaculate], but the ones that occur after that become the splashing “nocturnal emissions” that leave you waking up with your Jockeys wet with cum throughout your teenage years.) The first girl whose image in your dream makes you cum could be a ballet dancer in a tutu with no underwear underneath who spins around a stage beautifully to soaring music, then walks off into the wings and straight onto your cock (dancers’ bodies are very supple and flexible) or she could be that ginger-haired spitfire next-door neighbor that you’re mad to fuck, who appears in a dream one night as a fierce siren in a short, tight dress, knocking urgently at your front door, entering and climbing onto a living-room couch, flipping up her skirt to reveal a pink cunny shining with moisture, and ordering you to “Stick it in me! You know you’ve always wanted it. Slide it in, baby!” And you do as soon as your rip your pants and underwear off. And, if you’re sleeping naked, you wake up with your cock stiff as shit and pumping six or 10 streams of man-milt over the bedsheet.

Pretty soon, one way or another—hand job porn on the Internet can help, if a friend hasn’t already shown you—you learn how to masturbate, and then the fun really begins. (One young guy told me it took him years to realize that “correct” jacking off means you fuck your fist. He just lightly stroked and massaged his hard-on, and came just the same. Whatever works!)

Every pretty girl you see now becomes your fantasy lover of the moment. And there are so many of them! Your dick will sometimes feel a bit sore from popping up so often and so hard Beware (hee! hee!). You are entering the fascinating and complex and erotically electric world of women’s sexuality.

We women have great emotional depths, and the men who learn to plumb those depths will become our most appreciated and fortunate lovers (and get to unite cock-to-cunny with us). A woman with my skills and experience can teach you how to please lovers all your life, and so well that they’ll do anything for you in bed. And you will make them feel so sexy, so wanted, so desired, so hungered for, that they’ll let themselves go wild with you.

But first, you need to move from sexual daydreams into the body of a real, live lady. One of my favorite activities as a professional sex worker is to relieve men, whether they’re age 18 or 36 or older, of their virginity. I do so my own special way—nice and easy and with slow, sensuous seduction.

When a young man’s sex drive awakens, he’s generally running full speed all the time. That can create such pressure, such a buildup of excitement that the moment a virginal man’s penis, even covered by a condom,  slips inside a girl’s tight, warm pussy, he’s likely to shoot his cum prematurely.

It happens to almost every guy the first time, because being deep inside a girl is like no other pleasure ever invented. The girl is allowing you to enter her body in the most intimate way possible. Trust me: You will never before have felt such deep pleasure. And women feel it too. The sexy actress Cameron Diaz told Playboy in an interview that she’s flown thousands of miles for good cock. I want you to become the kind of lover that women will cross a continent to lay with. (And don’t worry, if you shoot fast, you definitely get a second chance with me: After a little rest period, I’ll slip a condom on your cock, apply some sweet edible lubricant, and gently suck you back to full hardness, ready to meet Ms. Kitty again. That “premature” shoot usually breaks down a young man’s anxiety, and he finds that when he gets in the saddle again, he can stroke away maybe a hundred times or more before he’s ready to blow a second time, so powerfully that I’ve felt his dick vibrate like a tuning fork as he loads up with cum the rubber he’s thrust so deep inside me.)

When we first meet, I will take you to my private room where we can chat a while and get to know each other. I realize that most first-timers will be nervous, excited, and expectant all at once, and I want to channel all that eagerness into a completely memorable experience. First, we’ll take a double selfie, because I want you to see yourself as the innocent sexual seeker next to me, the girl you’d brag to any fellow guy about fucking. After we finish fucking, we’ll take a second photo. I guarantee the goofy post-orgasm expression on your face will make you laugh with joy for decades to come. It will become a precious memento. All your life, you can gaze at those photos remind yourself: There she is, my First Lover. (You’re very welcome!)

But first, the seduction. As we sit and have a convo, we can talk about how you’d like to be turned on. Maybe you’ve always wanted a girl to lean in close and whisper in your ear, “I’m really horny and I need some cock right now. Can I have yours?” I said earlier that I like to fuck doggy style, so maybe I’ll suggest that you kneel on the bed and hold your gloved-up stiffie straight out so I can back my pussy onto it and fuck you with my hips. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to talk dirty to a girl, so we pretend you’re phoning me to tell me how just thinking of me makes your cock jump up and push hard against the zipper of your jeans, and that you wish I would pull down that zipper and stroke your fresh hot cock. “Get your ass over here and I’ll stroke your willy and more!” I could say back. Nothing is too dirty for me.

Next, I’ll teach you the fine art of pussy-handling. For that, we’ll need a latex glove, a couple squirts of lube, and me laying back naked on the bed with my legs falling wide open, the pink rose of my honey hole ready to opened and explored.

I’ll ask you to take a gloved finger and slowly slip it into me. (The middle finger works well.) Circle it around my sugar walls. You’ll feel my vaginal canal lengthening and stretching to receive your penis. You’ll sense my inner self responding to your fingering. One nice trick to make girls cum is to slowly, very slowly, withdraw your finger, letting it slide up and over the clitty. Some girls arch their backs and cry out ecstatically. Some girls’ bodies jerk like they’re being tickled. And some girls clamp their pussy muscles down on your finger to give you a preview of how hard your cock will be gripped during sex.

What’s a sure thing is that if you take your time getting a girl warmed up, no matter what finger-style you use, the girl will be grateful, because a gentleman always ensures that his lady climaxes first. There are many levels of orgasm for women, and I’ll show you how to finger-bang a girl to orgasm. After a couple of toe-curling orgasm, she will get a wild look in her eyes just before she slips her lips over your best buddy and blows you to kingdom come. I will teach you how to arouse a woman to such a state of excitement that she’ll take deep breaths before diving on your Johnson like a madwoman.

Then, the Moment of Entry. When your hard-on slips into me, I may groan or giggle or howl, but I will let you know I feel every inch of your manhood feeling like a man should feel, for the first time. “Rock and roll” was originally a slang term for fucking, and when you rock and roll with me, you’ll never listen to music the same way again. The heavy beat will always remind you of the first time you belly-bumped with a queenly beauty like me.

C’mon, let’s make some sexual history together—yours, breaking on through to a wonderful erotic future.


Let’s fly together.

Contact me at [email protected].

Tiara Tae

Breathtaking blonde bombshell Tiara Tae is the drop dead gorgeous playmate of your dreams! Join her in her personal playground, Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch legal brothel near Reno, NV and Lake Tahoe.

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Happy Mix Ups

There are so many ways to get “mixed-up” in the bedroom.  For me, this is not a problem, it’s an opportunity! There are so many ways to remix recipes for passion and I am the caliente spice for all of them.

You could be secure and en amorados (really love each other), but you fantasize about sharing your passion beyond the boundaries of your relationship.  You don’t want the world to decide what is right or wrong for you.  Instead, you want to live your life with gusto, experiment, and take some risks.  You just aren’t willing to risk the relationship itself.  That’s where I come in.  I have enjoyed women many times. Just look at the way I see her and you will know I am muey excited that you want to share those special feelings with me.  I can also guarantee a few things to put your mind at ease.  First, I’m not trying to replace anyone.  There will be no surprise seductions or game-playing with your emotions.  I won’t be going home with you, texting behind anyone’s back, or stalking you after the encounter.  Secondly, with me, there are zero reasons to worry about std’s.  I’m tested every week and I only practice safe sex.  Thirdly, I am absolutely contento to play with you.  I am here because I love sex and I advertise for couples because I love the added boost an extra lover brings to the bed.  Not all ladies choose to play with couples.  The fact that I am trying to draw you to me is proof that I want you.

You may be a same-sex couple and that’s bueno for me, too!  Perhaps you are a bi or bi-curious man?  The brothel is the safest, most discreet option for that journey into self-discovery.  Bring your partner and you can book an encounter the same way any other couple would do.   Talk to me about your fantasies and expectations.  By testing the waters in a three-some you have me as a safety net as you leap from fantasy into reality.  Also, I love to observe the passion of others.  When you show me things I have never seen before, it makes me passionate so don’t hold back because you worry about being judged.  I am as emocionado as you are about taking on adventures.   Two women?  Why not add me as the third?  It’s all about adding a new flavor to what you have already and I promise to add the spice to your sugar!  It is hard to imagine a more sensual tangle than a bed full of sexy sisters!


Perhaps you have been together for a long time and you want to enliven a sex life that has become too routine?  Sometimes it’s easier introduce role play, toys, flavored condoms and lubricants, and other options when it’s a “date” rather than in an ordinario situation.  Sometimes you have to get out of your “safe-zone” to get that zing of adventure that can push you to the next level of passion.  So, let’s play!  I want to be included in those loco fantasies of yours! I want to take you to a new level!

You see, for me it is all so much more than “sex”.  Fantasies deserve to be made real and the passion and sweet feelings are so wonderful when I am with two people who love and lust for one another.  Whether it is time tested true love or the terrifying exhilaration of new lust, I consider it an honor when you share it with me.


I love the natural expression of carnal desire.  I love to be spontaneous. The best parties happen when we go beyond the physical acts to make real connections.  That’s one reason I prefer to give these kinds of encounters mucho time.  When you are trying something new or trying to build chemistry beyond two people there will be the need to let it unfold and happen so that what follows will be everything you dream of.  Taking the time beforehand to be social can ease jittery nerves.  Conversation can also create the opportunity to find that spark that will help light our fire.  Sensuality is crucial, too, and can be great foreplay.  I love music that sets a mood.  I enjoy sharing the sensuality of scent.  Even sharing drinks in the hot-tub with you can be especially sexy and create turn-ons that we can take to bed with us.

And once I lead you into my bedroom?  I will first make you comfortable. We can start slow and let things naturally get wilder as we lose ourselves in each other. We may end up on the bed or we may end up playing in any part of the room you want.  I am a natural horny girl and I enjoy being myself so I don’t care which of us gets bent over or are on their knees or if we all end up taking every position. I just care that we wear each other out in the best possible way.  And when the bedroom fireworks are over, I can settle you down with massage and aroma-therapy.  My hands and my attentions will push you deeper into a relaxation than you ever thought you could go.  And just before you lose yourself again, I will recharge your energy with food.  There is nothing so delicioso as a sandwich after every other craving you can have has been satisfied.  Only this time I will not be IN the sandwich!


I am Dasha Dare and I am daring you to let me help to mix you up.  I promise happy surprises and memories you will cherish.  And hopefully, you will be inspired to keep coming back to me to get new twists that will keep your love recipe spicy for life.

Black is Beautiful, and I Will Show You Why

There’s an old saying: “Once you go black, you never go back.” It’s become a cliché that refers to the supposed transformative sexual powers of black women (to say a mouthful), or, more plainly, that fucking a black woman gonna whip your head around so you’re seeing backwards, and you will never want to sleep with any woman of any other race ever again. Well, it can be true, sometimes: Some black women (like me) are so damn good at making love, at taking charge of the mood, at knowing what erotic suggestions to whisper in your ear at just the right time, when to gently nip your neck, and then suddenly pull back and fasten their soft lips on your mouth for a deep soul kiss. They know when to lay you back, deftly slide a condom over your penis, suck you stiff, crawl atop you, slide their soft, giving pussies slowly along the full length of your stiff cock, then reach down, point your pal northward, and guide him as he slithers up deep inside.

Ooooh! I’ve done things like that with my clients, and remembering that first rush of sensation when a man’s cock penetrates me deeply for the first time always gives me something I like to call the “quivic vivors.” The words came to be in an erotic dream. Though I can’t figure what they mean, they somehow seem to describe the feeling of the sex shivers that travel up my spine when I get a cock inside me. It also sounds like a hot hip-hop lyric: “Man gives me the quivic vivors, ya see / He gets me deep down, completely excites me!”

It’s not only black women who can do something really good like that to a man, but any woman who knows how to use her body, who really loves watching a man’s best friend slowly stand to attention as he studies her appearance lustily, as she lets herself be adored.

But we black women have gained quite a legend over thousands of years. Men look at us and they see the long centuries of living, sometimes hard living, in our dark eyes. We go all the way back to Africa, where humans first evolved, even to the era of the ancient empire of Egypt. Men see our strength and survivability and are attracted to us. During the 1960s, there was a movement that promoted the idea that Black is Beautiful. Can you imagine that anyone ever needed to state the obvious? We black women are all kinds of beautiful. Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones, in his memoir, Life, notes that when he first toured the U.S., he got the chance to sleep with several black women and treasured how sweet and passionate they were. Well, we do love life, and the good life involves lots of good, refreshing sex. And we love masculine men. (And Keith’s bandmate, Sir Mick Jagger, has a daughter, Karis, with the black model Marsha Hunt. He has eight children. But he’ll have to go quite a way to catch up with the legendary Ray Charles, who had 12 kids with 10 women.)

Men of all races and cultures seek out black women because we possess a real sexual firepower, with balls-to-the-wall spirit, lots of pride, and lots of stamina. We are very confident, strong women, we are Aretha Franklin, we are Beyoncé, we are Alicia Keys, we are Tina Turner, we are Toni Braxton, we are Diana Ross, Mary J. Blige, and any other powerful woman of color you can think of, because, baby, these days, we are everywhere making things happen.

Prominent white men have learned the allure of black women: the Oscar-winning actor Robert DeNiro has been married to black women all his life: Diahnne Abbott, his first wife, and Grace Hightower, his current wife. Chris Noth, the former Law and Order homicide detective who played the sexy Mr. Big in Sex And The City, is married to the black actor Tara Wilson. The late, great David Bowie had a long and happy marriage to the remarkably beautiful model, actor, author, and humanitarian Iman, who was born in Somalia. And of course, one of the best-known interracial couples is New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray.

I’ve had a lot of men as lovers for whom I’m the first black woman with whom they’ve ever made love. They’ve come to me, and cum in me (inside the condoms I provide) believing all sorts of silly stuff about sex with black women. They think I’m gonna boss them around like some stereotypical “ho” from a gangsta movie, that I’ll get up in their faces, put my hands all over them, not be demure like they expect from a white girl, that I’ll take a knee in front of them and with both hands, just tear down their jeans and underwear without unbuckling the belt, see their dick hardening up, whip a condom pack out of my pocket, tear it open, and apply the rubber with my mouth, my eyes wild, my lips eager and hungry, and suck them fast with both hands until the tension builds and builds and the guy, whipping his head around, pumps that condom full of white lightning and falls back in a chair, exhausted.

I guess that’s the Angry Black Woman stereotype—overwhelming, combative, loud, tough as nails. But that’s silly, because women of all races, class, or culture can attack a cocksucking session with gusto, controlling a man’s pleasure and getting him to blow a huge load of sticky relief inside that rubber in her hungry mouth. I’m not angry myself; I’m a sweet and welcoming lady with a beautiful caramel-brown face and body and kind eyes. I’m not looking to play the imperious black diva. I’d rather make us a delicious gourmet dinner, enjoy some wine by candlelight, dance to soft music after eating, hug you close, let you feel the soft curves of my body under my clothes while you imagine me naked, and slowly maneuver you over to my bed, kiss you luxuriously, then let you undress me, piece by piece, down to my heels. (I can keep them on in bed if you’d like.)

But maybe a black diva is what you want, so, yes, I can play that role. In African culture, many women have earned a certain dominance. They’re African Queens, and every man has fantasized about sleeping with a queen. If you are the lover of the queen, it’s like you’re sleeping with the representative of every beautiful woman in the country the queen rules. I can play the monarch as she arrives home to you, her consort, after a hard day of arbitrating disputes and issuing judgments. I’m exhausted, and I need some TLC. You help me out of my dress suit and headdress until I am naked. Am I not black and comely, my love?

You run the shower, and we step into the warm, misty spray while you slip on latex gloves into which you pour liquid soap. Then I hold onto a wall railing while you bathe me all over, soaping up my breasts from behind and pinching the nipples until I gasp with royal pleasure, parting my legs to you. Your soapy gloved fingers teasingly snake their way into my puffy pink vagina—one, two, then three, as thick as a cock—and you finger-fuck me as my insides lengthen and moisten, ready to receive your Johnson.

I turn around, reach for a condom dispenser I keep on a handy shower shelf, and select one that’s clear with a purple hue (purple is a royal color), unwrap it, and unroll it over the head and shaft of your by-now rigid member, turn around, grab that railing, bend slightly forward, and say, “I command you to enter your Queen and ride her to climax! Make your thrusts steady and ardent until you feel your Queen cum. You may shoot as soon as I enjoy my climax.” (And with this queen you’ll shoot buckets.)

It’s good to be the queen! If you’ve never experienced sex with a black woman, or you’ve had lots of multiracial sex, it doesn’t matter. Like all other ladies of color, I am just another unique human being. If you believe ladies of color have special powers, enjoy your fantasy, it will add to our fun. I love the warm company of a good man of any race, and I’m as affectionate, creative, sweet, sociable, and kind as any woman on the planet. Beneath the skin, we’re all human beings, and we come—and cum—in all colors and shades.


Contact me at R[email protected], and let me expand your horizons.

Remy Martin

Charming and beautiful, Remy Martin from Dennis Hof's BunnyRanch is the loyal, respectful, and highly erotic woman of your fantasies. Remy adores traveling, sailing, swimming, dancing, and cooking -- let her fix you something succulent to eat during your time together.

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Reasons Why You Should Vote for Dennis Hof This November by Bunny Grace Cee

To be quite honest, I don’t know much about politics, but I know Dennis Hof. I also know how people portray him in the media. Most of the time, people who have a negative outlook on pimps, and the sex trade that has be around since the dawn of time, portray him, inaccurately and unfairly, as a stereotypical bad-guy Pimp Master puffing on his cigars and sporting a diamond-studded watch on his wrist. However, there’s more to this business owner/politician than just the girls, glitz, and Glamour.

He’s been working since he was nine years old, and has always had a dream to be his own boss. I didn’t know this at first but after reading his book, The Art of the Pimp, I learned that his first business was a gas station in Arizona. After a few years of getting to know the business, he ended up owning five gas stations by the time he was twenty-five! He decided that from then on he was going to be his own man, and that’s exactly what he did.

I have never met a man quite like Dennis Hof, but I’m glad that I met him and Madam Suzette. Thanks to them, I’m an eighteen-year-old businesswoman who’s learned how to be my own boss, too! Not only am I my own boss, but this job has taught me to do things like online marketing, and has helped me improve my time management. Its given me the freedom to have the possibility to attend any school I want, and it has also helped me to open up and come out of my shell.

I still get shy when I first meet new people, but now I tend to warm up quickly as we chat and I’m able to get to know someone. It truly is a priceless gift and opportunity Dennis and Suzette have given me. I make my own rules, choose my own clients, and they both have always made me feel like a part of the family.  Dennis has inspired me to go for my dreams regardless of the public’s stereotypical view of sex workers or our work. He has been able to take a dangerous profession that has been around forever, and turn it into a legitimate, safe, classy, and of course has made it an exhilarating yet relaxing experience for both men and women. If you’ve seen the TV show Cathouse on HBO and have come in recently for our complimentary tours, then you can see how much love he has put into the Moonlite BunnyRanch and all its associated ranches. It’s absolutely beautiful here at the BunnyRanch with the plants, the gym he had put in for us, the pool, jacuzzi and so much more.

I can’t wait to see what happens in November’s election, where Dennis is the Republican nominee in District 36 for a seat in the Nevada State Assembly covering Nye County, Lincoln County and part of Clark County, and what he’s going to do to help Nevada.

If you have any questions about how things work here, or if you would like more info on me, please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will answer all the questions that you have! I hope this blog helped shed a different light on the Moonlite BunnyRanch and I look forward to hearing from you(:

Grace Cee

I’m Gracie, the youngest bunny at the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. However, don’t let my age mislead you… What I lack in years I make up with smarts. I am a dainty, all natural, lively oriental girl who loves to meet new people and learn about their journeys!

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World Peace, One Orgasm at a Time – Isabella Reign from LoveRanch Vegas

I’m only 25 years old and I haven’t had much opportunity to experience the world but I am very concerned about a lot of what I see in the news and social media.  In the movie, Truman, the director says, “We accept the reality of the world with which were presented. It’s as simple as that”.  But I am not buying into that.  There are some things that shouldn’t be accepted.   I may be one person but I have committed myself to making a difference.

In my lifetime The American Academy of Family Physicians has recognized violence as a major public health concern. Also, self violence – suicide – has increased steadily from 1999 through 2014.  That’s pretty much my whole life!  I have to wonder why so many people fall into these negative patterns when it is so unnatural to act against your own survival.

So, I did some research and found out some things that I kind of already knew in my heart. Violence is especially triggered by increased exposure to humiliation, vulnerability, and shame.  It just makes sense that if you want to stop that cycle you must create the opposite effect.  Make sure people feel safe, cared about, and connected.  That will help vulnerable people create a healthy sense of self-worth.   It might seem crazy to some people that I think a brothel is the best place to do that but it makes perfect sense to me.  Where better to focus my loving attention on someone in the most personal way possible?  What better place to attract people to me who are looking to have some emptiness filled? Connections are made quickly here and connection is what this world needs to heal.

No matter what a person is going through or what they have done or said, I believe in the goodness in everyone. If I can take an interaction to a personal level, just ‘Hi, do you want to talk?’ I think that just that small offer can set the stage for a good outcome. I know there’s no magic word that can hack into your mind and I don’t claim to be a mind-reader so the next thing I do is listen without judging.  So many people need someone who’s willing to listen because they probably haven’t had that in a long time. Everything that I can do, I do it to validate, accept, and empower you.  I know that if I do it for you, you will return the favor.

So, after talking, what is my next step towards world peace?  Well, it’s no secret people who get laid more are happier than those who rarely or never “get lucky”.  And just like the issue of violence, the research I did confirmed what I already knew – Orgasms are good for your happiness. When you orgasm, your brain lights up.  It starts in the sensory cortex (related to the genitals) quickly spreads through the limbic system (memory and emotion) and finally sparks in the hypothalamus releasing the love hormone, oxytocin. Orgasms result in a surge of dopamine. They also create a cocktail of natural opiates and then release serotonin (a key ingredient in Prozac). Orgasms also trigger the release of prolactin, (the hormone active in breast-feeding women) which has a calming effect. Knowing this, I definitely believe I can be successful in increasing world peace one orgasm at a time.  But I am not going to stop there.

New research has found something more. Psychologists found that affection and casual chatting are responsible for long-term happiness.  So, for long term results, to make that orgasm really matter, I need to go above and beyond. It is actually the post-sex cuddling and casual pillow talk that cements happiness into your bones.  So, being listened to helps your feelings of self-worth, sex and orgasms make you happier and more peaceful but a big part of why that happens is because both provide affection and an intimate connection.  And that’s what I want to do.  Some people call this the “Girlfriend Experience” but I think that falls short of the importance of this kind of bonding.   I would call it the “Human Experience”.


Who wants to join me and help me complete my mission?


Isabella Reign

I’m Isabella and I’m an all natural California girls. I have beautiful green eyes, smooth blonde hair that you can run you’re fingers through, a nice ass and round firm breasts. I’m a Libra, so I’m very sensual and perceptive to other’s needs and wants. I’ve been lucky enough to venture into Adult Films, so I have the skills to provide an amazing PSE party, that you will crave every time you think of me.

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I’m A Furious Fellatio Freak – Aisha Shah

The model and actress Jerri Hall once famously described which sex act did the most to enhance and strengthen her relationships with men: the spontaneous BJ: “Even if you only have two seconds, drop everything and give him a blow job.” Considering that she lasted 22 years, and four kids, in a marriage to Sir Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones, one of the world’s randiest sex symbols, and now is married to billionaire Rupert Murdoch, she must know what’s she’s talking about, oral sexually speaking. We women have a certain erotic advantage over men: When we get a guy turned on, his body produces an unmistakable, observable physical response. His penis awakens, thickens, hardens, and lengthens until it’s pointing northwards. Some guys may be embarrassed and try to hide their erections, but their dicks are dicks after all, and they want to be seen and stroked and kissed and sucked and fucked.

And appreciated, especially. Sometimes, when I unzip a man’s pants or tug down his shorts, and bring his bad boy flopping and bouncing out into the open, sometimes my eyes get wide with delight because I’m a connoisseur of cock. When a man spots that look, his penis swells up as if it’s proud of itself. (And well it should be!) I admire a well-formed shaft, perfused with blood, and on top a handsome, healthy purple cockhead ready to be tasted and later, to spearhead an exquisitely gratifying slide balls-deep into my pussy.

As soon as I see that that tower of fleshly plowing-power is fully stiff, I unwrap a condom, and slip it ever so slowly on. I use a sweet, teasing technique with my hand where the guy feels like I’m slowly jacking him off while I gradually slip the sleeve of the rubber in my palm to the base of his cock. I squeeze some edible lubricant into my hand, spread it all over the condom, and then…

I grasp that lovely dong in my hand, stroke it gently, look up to make eye contact with my guy, and tell him he’s going to get a wild cocksucking like he’s never experienced before. “After I’ve got you throbbing and ready to ram yourself into me, (here I give him a quick, deep “sample” suck) I’m gonna blow you more and more, until you’re desperate to fuck, like a mad lion. OK?”

And I proceed to show him how a Knowing, talented, eager mouth can stimulate his blow pop. Sometimes I tickle his testicles while my lips smoke him like a big cigar. Sometimes I grip him at the bottom of his shaft, making it temporarily extra-hard, perfect for teasing kisses and sudden, head-bobbing sucks at the round glans. Sometimes I hold him in my mouth and whip my tongue around his manhood. Sometimes I have him hold my shoulders while his crazy cock fucks my sexy mouth.

If you want to get to know me, everything I’ve already said will tell you that I am an ardent dick-worshipper. Some people take a knee to make a political point, but when I kneel before a man’s fully engorged flesh-lance, my purpose is controlling his pleasure. The control lever that rests between a fighter pilot’s legs, straight up, didn’t get its nickname “joy stick” for nothing. When you have a man’s cock in your mouth, you have his full attention. If you are an expert fellatrix like me, all it takes is a see-through condom rolled carefully onto a stiffie, some edible lubricant, and my talented, eager lips, and I’ll have you arching your back and begging to tell me all your secrets while your anus puckers from the hard sucking up front.

A great BJ can also begin without my soft, warm mouth engulfing your Johnson, but with some teasing, anticipatory dirty talk. I like to get a new client comfortably settled in a chair, with his pants on, before we begin. Then I lean in and whisper in his ear: “Let me guess what kind of package you’ve got for me. It’s long and hard and tasty—and manly. I think once I get it out, I’m gonna get a grip on it, admire it, and turn myself on looking at it. I love sucking dick. It gets me sooo horny. Does it get you horny, honey?” By this time, when I glance at a man’s crotch, I’m going to see a hard bulge straining to get out and wave freely in the air. Some guys get so hard that when I unzip their pants and reach in, Mr. Happy pops out suddenly, like a snake darting out from its den. You know what types and shapes of cocks I like? All of them! Some guys have thin shafts and fat heads; some guys’ dicks are arrow pricks; other guys have cocks that curve upwards at the head; and some shy, not obviously macho guys will shock and amaze you with the size and strength of their tools. What’s great about a man’s penis is that I can never tell what I’ll find until I get his pants and underwear off.

Sometimes I like to tug off a client’s pants, leaving his dick inside his Jockeys briefly so I can imagine what that bulging mass will look like once I peel down his clingy underpants and expose his fuck-buddy. We sex workers see an exciting variety of dicks on the job, which is one of the benefits of doing what we do—and for the people we do. One of the things I love to do is to cradle a new cock in my hand and study and admire it like a work of art. I tell the guy what qualities I like about it, hoping he’ll keep my words of praise in his memory to help keep him confident in between our visits. I love strong, veiny, bobbing, heart-shaped-head cocks. But I also like thin, sensitive, slim-topped dicks, too. If the guy attached to a cock knows how to wield it in the tender, steady, deeply plunging, desperately fast-pumping business of penetrating a pussy, my oral skills will ensure he’s ready to fill me up.

I like to trace and tickle the outline of a man’s manhood with my fingernails. Some guys experience these teasing strokes as series of prickly waves shooting up the spine. After a few minutes of this foreplay, I’ve seen men get that crazy-to-fuck expression on their faces. The trick is to get them to wait and let the excitement and anticipation build up. Before I go down on a man, I like to give his cock a few slow strokes with my hand while we make eye contact. This builds trust (my laughing eyes and warm smile help) and lets him know that it’s not just any dick that I’m going to blow, but his alone, because I want to. You never know; some guys have never gotten a good knob-polishing from a pretty girl. (And some have been beneficiaries of the oral talents of many females, and know precisely what they want. Life is full of variety.)

The penis is the locus of a man’s deepest, wildest feelings of pleasure, and a woman’s ardent mouth can make him feel like a primitive Neanderthal roaming the ancient European plains with his mate, hunting and gathering, and stopping every few miles of traveling for a refreshing BJ and fuck with her.

While I’m fellating you, close your eyes and daydream about any fantasy situation you want. Whether it’s remembering your first BJ in the back seat of a car with an old girlfriend, or being pushed onto a bed by a drunk college girl eager to suck you dry at a dorm party, with me you’ll get the best head you’ve ever had.

And even better, after I’ve got you ready, you’re gonna get a slow, comfortable screwing—or a wild, no-holds-barred bam-bam fuckfest.


So contact me at [email protected]. I guarantee satisfaction!


Aisha Shah

A highly coveted sex goddess of South Asian descent, Aisha Shah is a premier companion at Dennis Hof's Love Ranch North near Reno, Nevada and Love Ranch South near Las Vegas.

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Let’s Go Fishing by Harley Lane

The snow has melted, the weather is beautiful, and the fish are biting. It is Summer time in Nevada!

Being a country girl from Texas I absolutely love being outdoors no matter what activity I am doing but one of my favorite past times since I was a little girl is to go fishing. Whether it is sitting on a dock chatting about everything and nothing while fishing for Perch or a deep sea adventure I love all types of fishing. I even catch my own bait and bait my own hook! I am not one of those sissy girly types that won’t get dirty or is afraid to touch a bug or worm.

One of the great things about this area of Nevada is that there are so many fun things to do and enjoy and among those is the world class fishing and water-sports available a short ride away at Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Lake, the Carson River, Truckee River, Walker River and many more. I have been fishing several times at Lake Tahoe for Mackinaw Trout. Not only is it one of the most beautiful and picturesque lakes in the country it is also has great fishing.

A few interesting facts about Lake Tahoe:

  1. Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States and the tenth deepest in the world, with a maximum depth measured at 1,645 ft (501 m), and average depth of 1,000 ft (305 m).
  2. Lake Tahoe is the highest lake of its size in the United States with an average surface elevation of 6,225 ft (1,897 m) above sea level,
  3. Lake Tahoe is 2/3 in California and 1/3 in the state of Nevada
  4. The water is 99.994% pure, making it one of the purest large lakes in the world. For comparison, commercially distilled water is 99.998% pure.
  5. The sun shines at Lake Tahoe for 75% of the year, or 274 days.
  6. The amount of water that evaporates from the Lake each day (330 million gallons) could supply a city the size of Los Angeles for 5 years.
  7. If the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower, the tallest building in North America, were dropped into Lake Tahoe at its deepest point, the top would still be submerged by 195 feet of water. The average depth is about 1,000 feet.
  8. The Lake holds about 39 trillion gallons of water, enough to cover the state of California to a depth of 14½ inches.
  9. Lake Tahoe is over 2 million years old. It’s considered an ancient lake and is counted among the 20 oldest lakes in the world.
  10. Lake Tahoe was originally named “Da ow a ga” by a Washoe tribe of Native Americans. Pioneers who arrived later mispronounced the name as “Da ow,” which eventually evolved into Tahoe. Da ow a ga” originally meant Edge of Lake.

Lake Tahoe is full of various sport fish species, including lake trout — also known as the mackinaw — rainbow trout, brown trout and kokanee salmon, to name a few.

What could be more fun and relaxing than a beautiful sunny day on the water, taking in the amazing view and some great fishing while we enjoy each other’s company? Afterwards we can take our catch to one of several restaurants around the lake that will clean and prepare our catch for a delicious dinner or we could take the Evening Dinner Cruise on one of the lake’s Paddle Boats and enjoy a romantic dinner while seeing the sights then topping the night off with dessert and some sexy fun in my private suite.

If the lake isn’t your thing then how about a quiet day at the river filled with fishing for Rainbow and Brown Trout, splashing in the water and a delicious picnic lunch cooked by me? I am waiting on that special someone to come make this day possible. Will it be you? I sure hope so 😉


By: Harley Lane

Moonlite Bunny Ranch




Harley Lane

Harley Lane is a petite 5'1" Texas teen with a positive outlook on life and sex. Despite her youth, Harley is uncharacteristically sexually sophisticated, and is eager to show her clients everything she has to offer as a premier companion at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

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Hookers in History – The Story of Molly B’dam by Delilah Rae

 So those of you who’ve gotten the chance to get to know me are well aware that I am a HUGE history nerd and this blog is giving me to talk about my favorite historical figure- Molly B’dam. I love the lost stories of history and I love working in the field I work in. So I figured I would marry those loves and tell you about a famous sex worker.

So let’s talk about Hookers in History by introducing you all to Molly B’dam

Molly was born in 1853 on December 26th in Dublin, Ireland as Maggie Hall. She decided marriage and a life of servitude to a husband in Ireland wasn’t her thing. At age twenty she moved to America ready to try her luck. Sadly the luck of the Irish left her at the New York harbor and like many young Irish women of the time she was unable to find employment due to anti-Irish discrimination.

She became a barmaid in a place… well let’s just say the good church ladies of New York didn’t dine there. She quickly met a young man name Burdan who was enamored with her certain je ne se quoi. They were quickly married and promptly disowned by Burdan’s father.

Burdan’s father had the right idea about his son as he wanted nothing to do but lay around and gamble all day. Without Daddy’s money Burdan soon needed another way to pay off his gambling friends. He convinced Maggie to change her name to Molly and suggested she start sleeping with his debt collectors.

Maggie now Molly was a smart woman and soon realized she was the goose that laid the golden egg in her marriage. Rather than waiting for a smart witted giant killer to spirit her away she took off on her own and headed west. On the way to Idaho, dressed in her expensive furs and on her horse a blizzard struck up. Molly took a single woman traveling with her baby into an abandoned cabin on the trail. Wrapped in her furs the three travelers waited out the gale in relative safety and comfort. In the morning Molly set them back on the trail to Murray, Idaho.

The rest of the caravan had given them up for dead until Molly walked into town with the other woman and child on her horse. Greeting the surprised folks Molly promptly asked for the first cabin of the red light district (the madam’s cabin) and room and board for her friend.

With her Irish accent the townsman thought he heard her husband’s name as Molly B’dam. As a woman who fell from the mercy of the Catholic church in favor of making her own fortune the pseudonym may have been a blessing and a prophecy.

Her legend doesn’t stop there however! During a smallpox outbreak the good and godly citizens of the town hid in fear of catching the disease. Molly organized a town meeting, called them all cowards, and politely but efficiently demanded that the local hotel be turned over to her and her working ladies to be used as a hospital and would the healthy men of the town get off their asses and start burying the damn dead.

I doubt any of you will be surprised to find that the townsmen and women were properly cowed, shamed and behaved themselves. There’s an interesting side note of science and vaccines and germ theory in the fact that few if any of Molly’s working girls and Molly herself never contracted the smallpox disease. That, however, is another blog post for another day. It is suffice to say that Molly saved the town by implementing the common sense of quarantining the sick and properly disposing of the dead. Somehow the god fearing folk of the town hadn’t made it that far in their planning.

Molly was well known in the entire gold rush area for both her charity and her business savvy. She and her working girls routinely visited widows with gifts and food and clothing. She also visited men injured in mine accidents and would often offer up one of her cabins to families in need. She may have been excommunicated from the church but she held fast to her ideals of what it means to be a good person.

Molly’s legend did not end in her premature death. She contracted consumption or what we now know as tuberculosis. Apparently working yourself to exhaustion to help the town you live in is a bad idea. Note to self…

She has obviously not been forgotten since her tragically early death at 34. She is buried in the Murray town cemetery with a grave that reads “Sacred to life, Maggie Hall, Molly B’dam.” She is still referred to as the patron saint of Murray and the town celebrates the Molly B’dam Gold Rush Days every year.

One of my favorite Molly stories that I will leave you with today is that she once is said to have dragged a bathtub into the middle of the town street and informed the miners that if they filled it with gold dust she’d jump right in- wearing nothing but a promise and a smile.

The town of Murray currently has a population of 89 people. However part of the town, in one of the two original town buildings is the Spragpole Museum and Inn. In the museum there is a recreation of Molly’s bedroom. She’s been immortalized in song, in books and in oral legend. There is one surviving photo that is believed to belong to her but her visage is best remembered in her charity and her American grit.

I love this story because it shows the passion, kindness and savy that so many working girls still carry today. This is a lost story of history that continues to resonate with our world today. I tossed in a photo that is believed to be of Molly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Blog about Hookers in History.




Delilah Rae

Delilah Rae

I am Currently a Sagebrush Ranch Starlet. We all have secrets and desires we want to share. Those little things we need in our lives that we haven’t quite found yet. We all want to touch, taste, feel and see all the world has to offer. Sadly, we are often limited in what we can explore in ourselves and others. Luckily all those taboos and limitations fall away when you enter my room. Secrets become shared experiences and every desire is chased after to completion.

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Let me Nurture your Spirit with essential oils!

I am not a doctor and these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This blog post is here for entertainment value 🙂 and I have no intention to heal, treat, cure, or diagnose with my methods. Consult your doctor before starting any regimen that might be potentially helpful and awesome for you!


So let’s start with some basic facts to start!

Essential oils:

  • Have been used for centuries as a holistic treatment to enhance emotional and physical well-being
  • Have fascinating aromatic qualities
  • Exist primarily as qualities that help protect the plants
  • Have history as alternative medicine
  • Known to Induce relaxation, clarity, focus, and other desired effects
  • Are extracted from various parts of plants, including bark, berries, flowers, leaves, peel, resin, rhizome, roots, and seeds
  • Can be breathed in, ingested, or applied directly to the skin

You may, or may not be surprised to know how widely-accepted the use of essential oils has become. Licensed masseuses, professional acupuncturists, and certified yoga instructors use these special oils as tools to enhance their work.


By integrating oils into the healing modality, (let’s say sex-therapy in my case), the energy and balance which is cultivated in the session will be enhanced with longer-lasting stability and feel-good effects. The oils interact holistically within our bodies at the cellular level.

These stable molecules are lipid soluble and therefore, rapidly are absorbed and accepted into the body. When I worked for an herbalist back home I learned to appreciate that holistic plant medicine is not forceful, but instead it gently assists the body in it’s optimal functioning. The body is able to pick and use what it needs and is able to dispel the rest.

Personally, I like to add a few drops of my essential oil to a palmful of sweet almond oil to create a uniquely rockin’ massage oil. When I massage the oils into the skin, (I like to do the temples, chest, and bottoms of the feet) I am giving you Instant benefits because the body pulls the oils in due to increased blood flow in these areas.

That sweet stimuli of touch is my secret to meaningful and memorable moments here at the ranch. Warm touch invites a sense of connection and trust.


I take you into my room and ask you to select what kind of feeling you would like: Uplifting, Invigorating, or Calming.

From there, I will walk over to my oils box and select a couple of options for you to smell, perhaps a cedar wood and a juniper balancing mix if you ask to feel calm, strong, and rooted. If you are looking to ‘wake up!’ Peppermint and citrus smell are my classic go-to. For a sexy, subtle and sultry experience, I often favor ylang ylang and jasmine. I also have a cocoa smelling oil for a really nice treat!

I like diffuse the oil throughout the air for a divine aromatic experience.

Certain essential oils have proven to enhance the libido. They reduce stress and can regulate hormones. I insist that my clients’ exit my space in a more healthy, happy and balanced state then when they first arrive. The usage of essential oils, paired with my down-to earth, sweet caring vibes do just that.

Rose Oil, Bold and Daring: It is no wonder why the exchange roses are so popular among lovers. Rose oil is utilized for it aphrodisiac and calming qualities.

Jasmine Oil, Unique, Balancing and Exotic: The flowers of the jasmine plant are quite warm and sensual. I use to enhance a romantic encounter and increase attraction. Pure Jasmine oil will refresh the senses and enhance alertness.

Clary Sage, Balancing and Soothing: When hormonal imbalances are at play, clary sage provides a homeopathic approach to return to balance. Clary Sage can uplift a cloudy mood.

Yang Ylang, Rich and Invigorating: With a gentle floral scent that appeals to most; it elevates sexual energy often can be paired with a sandalwood to create an earthy invitation.

Neroli, Intense and Uplifting: This scent is derived from the orange blossoms and increases sexual desire. Neroli also is a stress reliever and hormone balancer.

Fennel, Sweet and Spicy: Increases libido due to some estrogenic effects. It’s usage supports the female body in it’s unique systems


I love essential oils and I think that you will too.

I can’t wait to see which ones you choose!

XO Mercedes


Sexy and fit, Mercedes is the luxury companion with a body that can do things you won't believe. A headliner at Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch, Mercedes looks forward to turning every single one of your sexual fantasies into sweet memories.

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