Khloe Kardashian Thinks Nevada Brothels are Disgusting

Posted by James on June 16, 2016

In January of 2016, during an interview with the Howard Stern Show, reality TV star Khloe Kardashian opened up about her marriage with NBA player Lamar Odom and how she felt about his much-publicized drug overdose at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch brothel.

“I said [to Lamar], ‘listen, you do whatever the fuck you want to do but please promise me you’ll never go back to a disgusting brothel again,” Kardashian told Howard Stern. “And if you want to pay someone, you could pay someone in the privacy of your hotel!”

Apparently the fashion and fitness icon has some pretty negative opinions of legal Nevada sex dens. So negative that she prefers her cheating spouses to procure the services of illegal prostitutes over the licensed variety.

Let’s look at a few brief facts about these “disgusting” legal brothels and the Lamar Odom scandal, and see if we can help Kardashian see things more clearly.

Legal brothels are safe, professional, and healthy

The prostitutes working at the Love Ranch and Dennis Hof’s other legal brothels are far from “disgusting,” at least as far as their health and professional standing are concerned. Sex workers are required by law to be tested weekly for sexually transmitted diseases. All prostitutes at Nevada brothels practice safe sex and condoms are mandatory. There has never been a case of a customer contracting an STD or HIV as a result of visiting a Nevada brothel.

Legal Nevada hookers also undergo a strict background check in order to receive their Sheriff’s card and business license. No one with a serious criminal history is permitted to be a legal sex worker. There are stricter health and legal requirements imposed on licensed Nevada prostitutes than on reality TV performers like Kardashian. In other words, it’s safer for Lamar Odom to have sex with one of Dennis Hof’s prostitutes than it is for him to have sex with Khloe.

Legal brothels are drug-free

Nevada brothels like the Love Ranch do not allow any illegal substance on brothel property. All of Dennis Hof’s establishments are drug-free. Which is why when Hof invited Lamar to return to the Love Ranch, it was under the condition that Odom does not bring illegal drugs into the bordello.

Customers are not searched when they arrive at a Nevada brothel, just like visitors aren’t searched when they check in to most hotels. So, unfortunately, it is possible for a customer to bring illegal drugs into a brothel. As in Odom’s case, if the customer uses drugs while alone in his private suite, his clandestine drug use can go undetected for a long time.

Sadly, addicts like Lamar Odom often overdose. They can overdose in a five-star hotel, in the bathroom of a Walmart, or in a Nevada brothel. It’s not the location that’s at fault, it’s the addict. Sorry Khloe, but the only person to blame in the Love Ranch situation is Odom himself.

Lamar Odom is Alive BECAUSE he went to a Legal Nevada Brothel

Lamar Odom OD’d at a legal establishment that has no reason to fear law enforcement. Because of this fact, when Odom was discovered unconscious, brothel employees immediately called 911 and took steps to get Odom the medical attention he needed.

Imagine if he overdosed with an illegal prostitute at any hotel in Las Vegas. How can Kardashian be so sure that an illegal escort would call 911 to save Odom (and risk getting arrested) instead of fleeing the scene of the overdose? Kardashian seems to believe that Odom would be better off with an unlicensed street walker in a hotel. Why?

No one expects Khloe Kardashian to go public as an advocate for legalized prostitution, that’s probably not good for her image as a high-class sex tape maker. But to call legal brothels “disgusting” while at the same time advocating the hiring of an illegal prostitute is just moronic. Kardashian should be thanking the brothel workers who saved her husband’s life, not insulting them.

Photo of Kardashian By Toglenn (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons


James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]

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Author: James

James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]

2 thoughts on “Khloe Kardashian Thinks Nevada Brothels are Disgusting”

  1. LOL! Really? Reality check, people think the Kardashians are disgusting. Get your heads( you and your sis) out of your ass. You ain’t all that hot. Both of you are just a bunch of social phonies. The thicker the make up the phonier you are. Without all that crap on your face even a freight train would take a dirt road!!!

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