Nevada and the State of Freedom — "No Little Girl’s" Attack On Legal Brothels

Posted by James on April 18, 2018

What makes Nevada special? I discovered the answer to that question a few years back when I met with a young documentary filmmaker at a watering hole on the outskirts of the dusty town of Pahrump in Nye County. The filmmaker was making a documentary for CMT.

Over a beer, I asked the filmmaker, “So, what exactly is the topic of this movie you’re making?”

“Freedom,” he answered. 

“Freedom? What does that have to do with this far-off Nevada town?”

He looked at me perplexed, as if, as a resident of the Silver State, I should have already known the answer.

“In this town you can legally buy fireworks, open carry a firearm, keep exotic pets, gamble to your heart’s content, and…well look around,” he replied, motioning to our surroundings.

“I guess you have a point,” I said, as I gazed at the dozens of sex workers strutting their negligee-clad stuff and chatting up their goggling clientele in the saloon— a saloon that just happened to be connected to a 20-acre legal brothel. 

“This is what the freedom looks like,” he said.

As I fulfilled my duties as a communications rep for the licensed bordello that day, I realized that what I was a part of was very precious and unique, and, like the concept of freedom itself, something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Chanel Tiara Tae and Lana West from Dennis Hofs Moonlite Bunny Ranch

The State of Nevada is now at a crossroads. Petitioners in Lyon and Nye Counties are organizing an attempt to end legal prostitution in those areas. The women of Nevada’s brothels are under attack, and their freedom to lawfully practice sex work is threatened.

Why? Why does a group called “No Little Girl” want to close the brothels? 

If their website is any indication, the group says it wants to ban legal bordellos to end trafficking in these establishments, support the women who were forced into this life of “sexual slavery,” and create a more prosperous economy for the community.

But, the women working in Nevada’s legal brothels are not coerced, trafficked, or enslaved — there are certainly no records of such crimes occurring in these bordellos. The women all undergo a strict federal background check through the sheriff’s office, and every sex worker voluntarily operates in a regulated, safe, well-maintained, and disease-free environment. Many of these women have been willingly working in the legal brothels for years and are thriving financially as the breadwinners of their households. Scores of Nevada’s legal sex workers have passionately spoken out against No Little Girl on social media and in blogs and podcasts, making it clear that the sex workers did not ask for, and do not need, No Little Girl’s support. 

As far as economic development in these counties, the largest industrial park in the world, hosting some of the planet’s top companies, is located just a few miles from a legal brothel — so legal prostitution is unquestionably not an impediment to a Nevada community’s potential for economic growth. 

If No Little Girl’s website doesn’t offer a legitimate argument for their position, why does this group really want to close the brothels and take away one of Nevada’s unique freedoms?

KnowMe from the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Lyon County Nevada

No Little Girl was formed by faith-based activists with a strong opinion of what is morally right, and they believe that exchanging sexual services for money, legally or otherwise, is morally wrong.

There’s nothing wrong with having a moral position based on one’s religion. I grew up Catholic and, prior to entering college, experienced twelve years of parochial schooling, so I’m well aware of my church’s current position on sex work. I’ve had many spirited discussions about legal prostitution with relatives that chose the priesthood as their vocation, and I fully accept their right to have a point of view I disagree with.  

We each see the world, our nation, and the people in our local community, through our individual moral lens — and that’s OK. Every one of us has the right to disapprove of another person’s life choices based on our moral perspective. What’s not OK, and what No Little Girl endeavors to do, is to impose a specific moral or spiritual belief system onto the entirety of a community, and take away the freedom to make personal choices from members of that community.

I get it: There are some people that consider legalized prostitution sinful. There are also people that abhor gambling, firearms, liquor, and marijuana, but that definitely doesn’t mean Nevada communities are going to vote to abolish these freedoms.

Part of living in a free American society is accepting the fact that we’re sharing our space with people whose moral compass may not align with our own. What makes many of Nevada’s communities among the freest in the nation is our deep understanding of this “live free and let live” viewpoint. 

If No Little Girl gets its way, and we let Nevada’s legal brothels go, what freedoms will be taken away next?


James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]

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Author: James

James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]

5 thoughts on “Nevada and the State of Freedom — “No Little Girl’s” Attack On Legal Brothels”

  1. Thank you for sharing Jeremy. I know I love being a sex worker and providing a service which has so much meaning behind it. Being able to share my passions, provide companionship, and at times being the one person they may confide in. All of which is special and fulfilling to both of our lives, myself and clientele. No one should have the right to take that away. All of us working ladies know our value and the positivity we spread to those who visit us. There are bigger issues to focus on in this world, then an industry where we choose, we love and we will continue.

  2. Is this being driven by mainly women?

    What are the true underlying motives behind this push?

    Peel this onion and one will find the truth/agenda.

    Personal beliefs, religion, morality are just what’s on the surface.

  3. This is the kind of thing that happens when corrupt individuals hide behind religion. Then they try to mix human trafficking with in the legal brothel industry. ( which is pure B.S.) Where is the tax dollar that the legal brothels generate now? Going to come from if you shut down this legal business(s) It will not only effect the county coffers , but also those of other business that provide needed services at the brothels. Closing down legal prostitution in Lyon County will be felt in many different areas. I don’t see the voters approving this type of economic disaster for the county . I am going to use a quote from Mr. Hof. ” People go to church and Walmart for one reason . They need to” I choose to come to a legal brothel because I want to. I know I am safe environment all the way around. You could not ask for better service from everyone. From the ladies all the way to the person running the vacuum through the parlor they all treat you like you are someone special.
    Nye county is another one that needs to really look hard before letting a minority group ruin their tax base by attempting to close down brothels in Nye County. There is more to this story that meets the eye in Nye County. This group in Nye County some are recent transplant that think they are going to make Nye County more profitable by getting rid of the legal brothels. When in reality it is more of a personal attach on Mr. Hof.
    Let see if the other two brothel operators in Nye County take a stand for their investment. There have been two sets of rules for operating brothels in Nye County, those that are written and enforced by every letter written in them . Then there is the good ole rules that have been applied to other operators. Let see if all operators of the brothels can unite and defend this new petition.

  4. This is Typical of the Moral Right wanting to get their way. Nevada is one of the very few States left that tolerates all types if Freedom! Also, Congrats to Dennis Hof on his recent Primary Win! Lets Hope he gets Elected as State Assemblyman this Nov and the Referendum Ballot to Ban Legal Brothels in Nye and Lyon Counties gets Defeated! Good Luck Denis in Nov!

  5. Have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July 2018 to everyone at the Moonlitebunnyranch!

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