Nevada Brothels Confront, Tackle Virus Dangers

Posted by James on March 17, 2020

(Chuck Muth) – Nevada’s legal brothels – like every other business in the state, especially service businesses – are experiencing challenges posed by the continued spread of the Wuhan Virus.

But unlike most other businesses, brothels already have extensive experience in minimizing health risks to their workers, their clients and the public.

“The women working in our ranches are already subjected to weekly health tests,” noted Suzette Cole, owner of four brothels in Lyon County and president of the Nevada Brothel Association PAC.  “And our people have been fully trained to screen clients for potential health risks and take appropriate measures to protect everyone.”

“However,” she continued, “the coronavirus threat is far more serious than what we usually deal with, so we’ve taken a number of additional safety precautions at our properties that are in line with recommendations by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and other health care professionals.”

Among the additional steps detailed by Ms. Cole…

  • Regular staff memos and management reminders on good hygiene practices to all brothel workers, employees and patrons
  • Adding hand sanitizers to all entrances, exits and public areas
  • Enhanced deep-cleaning and sanitizing of high-contact surface areas – including restrooms, ATM machines, bar tops and door handles – every two hours
  • Suspension of all group staff meetings until further notice
  • Suspension of all group events, parties, social gatherings and celebrations until further notice
  • Reducing by half the number of bar stools to increase the space between customers
  • Implementing additional “social distancing” recommendations by the state’s Medical Advisory Team
  • Invoking an indoor smoking and vaping ban in all public areas, including the parlors and bars
  • Prohibiting clients and workers who have been overseas in the previous 14 days
  • Courteously and professionally asking patrons exhibiting signs of illness (coughing, fever or breathing difficulties) to come back at another time
  • Requiring independent contractors who are ill to return home or check into a hotel and self-quarantine until well
  • Sending employees home if sick and requiring a doctor’s note before being allowed to return to work
  • Encouraging “virtual happy hours” with clients and friends to maintain human connections and social interactions during this stressful period of time

Ms. Cole added that she is monitoring press reports and communicating regularly with medical professionals, first responders, law-enforcement and elected officials to keep up-to-date with developments.

“Health and safety is, and always has been, our primary concern,” she concluded. “We’ll continue be vigilant, caring and sensitive in order to safeguard our workers and clients and do our part to bring this national crisis to a close as quickly as possible.”

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a limited-government grassroots advocacy organization, and government affairs counsel to the Nevada Brothel Association.  His views are his own.


James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]

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Author: James

James is the Sr. Media Director for the World Famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch. In addition, James creates the profile videos for the Company and productions. See all the videos created at along with the productions on Follow Twitter @BunnyRanch Email [email protected]