Concealed carry and brothels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hoyt Ruger, Mar 22, 2020.

  1. What are the firearms policies at brothels? Like many Americans, I legally carry a concealed firearm. I take precautions to choose hardware that doesn't print or otherwise reveal itself because I know some people are very uncomfortable in the presence of a firearm. When you book a party and undress, is it a big deal if I remove a holster and leave it with my clothes? I can't imagine the properties are strictly gun free because I assume some of the ladies carry. Anyone have any experience with this? Ladies especially are you freaked out if a client is carrying legally?
  2. wrb55rosco
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    wrb55rosco Well-Known Member

    First the state your from .Better have reciprocity with Nevada , for your CCW. Then worry about the rest.. And do not talk about if you carry or not................
  3. Pizza Man
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    Pizza Man Well-Known Member

    Out of sight out of mind. But I can verify that out of all of the 4 ranches the Bunny Ranch has "screened" me at the front door if I walked in carrying any kind of bag, etc. Usually with me it's just gifts or a new toy for the lady. I'm used to it now.

    Lastly it's always best to communicate this in advance if you feel like it's going to be an issue.
  4. kevinz0071
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    kevinz0071 Well-Known Member

    No offense and as a former soldier I'm all for guns, I'm pro 2nd Amendment etc. but Brothels are supposed to be fun I wouldn't see a reason to bring one into the ranch. The girls are very non threatening. But if you absolutely can't leave your weapon in the car I would definitely communicate with the ladies as it would create an awkward potentially party killing situation otherwise
    tahoebigbear likes this.
  5. Weapons of any kind are not permitted. You can’t bring one in, a lady can’t have one under her pillow either. :)
  6. AlexaWu
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    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    The only weapon you should have is in your pants :p[smilie=hot over you.gif] (and born with it attached to you..)
  7. TN_MAN
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    TN_MAN Well-Known Member

    I am against a weapon being in The Brothels. I just can't think of a good reason for having a gun in this case. However, in my personal life I allow friends and family to carry in my home...go figure!
  8. kaynine26
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    kaynine26 Well-Known Member

    Don't all the ladies carry weapons of mass seduction? Lol
    Hoyt Ruger and thunderstorm like this.
  9. destinistarr
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    destinistarr Your Ultimate GFE Companionship

    The only weapon you can have is what’s inside your pants. Your Penis lol

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  10. Anything to encourage frisking from you, Miz @destinistarr :)
  11. That should be all the firepower you need! :)
  12. Pizza Man
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    Pizza Man Well-Known Member

    What if we've "enhanced" our "weapon"...does that count @destinistarr and @RoxyGold?[smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  13. RubyRae
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    RubyRae Well-Known Member

    As others have said, no weapons of any kind are allowed in (by clients or ladies). Personally, I would feel extremely uncomfortable with that. I don’t see the reason to bring it in.
  14. Thank you for clarifying what the rules are. The only reason to keep it on your person instead of leaving it in the truck is to prevent theft. Part of being a responsible gun owner is taking every step possible to make sure your firearm doesn't end up in the wrong hands. My primary residence is in Atlanta. Many people in GA carry and firearm theft from vehicles is a big problem here so I try not to leave it in the car anymore than necessary. I'm certain this is less of an issue in NV, but it's a valid concern regardless. I don't always carry but some days my business absolutely requires it. If I found myself with a few hours to kill in a workday the ranch would be a great place to do that. I was just asking so that I'd know if that was something I needed to plan for. The best option is probably an in vehicle safe.
    RubyRae likes this.
  15. I'm aware of and comply with NV laws. I was asking specifically about the brothel rules. I don't like to talk about carrying. That's why I wanted to have the question here anonymously instead of just showing up uninformed and making everyone uncomfortable when I asked.
  16. It's not for the brothel. It's for before you get there and after you leave. Guns are serious business and like kids, you still need to make sure they're safe and sound even when you're partying. Unattended in a car parking lot is less secure than most prefer. :)
  17. Definitely not a weapon. He's a lover not a fighter.
  18. Couldn't help it..............................................................

  19. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    You can also leave your firearm in a lockbox attached to the inside of your vehicle with a cable. I expect that there are cameras on the parking lot so they'll know if anyone is skulking around the vehicles way before anyone can actually break into one, find the (hidden) lock box, and cut the cable.
    Hoyt Ruger likes this.
  20. I'm getting my CCW, and if the Brothel says no to me bringing my CCW in. I might not go at all. There are some rules, people that are required to carry at all times. It's a Federal Act, with very stringent requirements. If I go to a brithrl, I don't drink anyway. If and when I drink it's at home anyway. I'm driving a car, and I don't drink and drive. If a brothel has a zero tolerance policy, I'm going someplace else. Two, I'm possibly required to carry, due to my former job.
  21. RubyRae
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    RubyRae Well-Known Member

    What former job requires you to carry a gun any place you go? You wouldn’t be able to bring a gun into a school? A church? Or at least, why would you? Bringing a gun into a brothel and into a lady’s room puts her at risk.

    It’s definitely not allowed, so I hope you’ll rethink it and realize it’s for the safety of everyone and respect the rules :)
  22. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    I'm all for everyone's right to carry and we have seen times when a citizen with a legal weapon has saved lives, but we have also seen when people use that right as a way to intimidate others they do not like or agree with and they use their right to carry as an excuse to display their HATE!
    As a man of color when I see someone other than a police officer wearing a gun(not that I feel that comfortable when I see a cop) I unfortunately start judging the person wearing the gun which is wrong and I have to work on that but the first thing I think is he or she wearing the gun because of people that look like me.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    RunningSquirrel and Pizza Man like this.
  23. If you see someone wearing a gun then they aren't carrying concealed which is off topic for this thread. An interesting conversation but not what I was posting about. And if you see someone displaying a firearm to intimidate or scare someone that is "brandishing a firearm in public" which is illegal in just about every province under the sun. Open carry, which is legal in NV, is definitely a topic people should debate but I don't think this is the forum for it. I don't know what kind of experiences you have had that you feel like people who open carry are racist, but that makes me sad for you and me. I don't have a racist cell in my body and I'd hate to think someone might think otherwise. I also know that nobody has feelings like that for no reason, so someone somewhere acted inappropriately and it affected you negatively. That's very unfortunate. In any case, I started this thread asking about the brothel rules. Ruby was kind enough to answer that question. I think the thread has run its course and I honestly hope it fizzles out now. I didn't intend to start a debate on guns and I think this thread is just going to turn into a place where people spout off opinions in either direction. Unnecessary since Ruby already provided the facts.
    Tony Dark, Built tough and Pizza Man like this.
  24. Pizza Man
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    Pizza Man Well-Known Member

    @Hoyt Ruger it's super easy to DELETE this entire thread if you so choose. Right at the top where the thread title is if you look to the right of that is a menu button that should say "DELETE THREAD" and poof it's gone.
  25. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Yes this is true you don't know my experiences but I had a gun pulled on me and I will tell you my office was in Charlottsville!
    Don't delete the thread you asked a question to start a conversation. People get defensive when race is brought up but they have to understand race is a part of the gun conversation or stigma especially now a days and to change the perception you have to be willing to not just talk but listen. I was trying to get people to see it through my eyes and I truly am willing to listen and learn and not just stop the conversation and maybe it will help me too.
  26. No need for a “silencer”! :)
    Pizza Man, Matty5 and RunningSquirrel like this.
  27. Matty5
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    Matty5 Active Member


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    Pizza Man likes this.
  28. NEVER! :) I hate censorship. There is good information in the thread. I just hope it doesn't turn into a shit show.

    I was carjacked in DC, where I couldn't legally carry. They got my truck and the property I was transporting for my client. I had a glock shoved in my face and another one pointed through the passenger window. Then I had to come out of pocket for a $5k insurance deductible. It was a great day. I'm not defensive about race being brought up so I hope it didn't sound like that. I do disagree with the idea that you can't discuss gun laws without discussing race. The two guys that robbed me were both the same race and the only time that detail was relevant was when I was providing a description to the police. I didn't ask a question to start a conversation about guns, just to find out if you can carry into the brothel. The comments that were a bit annoying were the ones where people assumed I didn't know about reciprocity laws, or that I thought I had to carry to be safe in a brothel or that I didn't know guns and booze don't mix. People don't read, or maybe don't understand earlier replies in the conversation and that was frustrating.
    Pizza Man likes this.
  29. Pizza Man
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    Pizza Man Well-Known Member

    I have no idea where this thread is going right now. I was going to make a "Six Million Dollar Man" reference about a man replaced with robot parts but now I feel lost. LOL
    Matty5 and Built tough like this.
  30. Matty5
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    Matty5 Active Member

    The wheels have fallen off the cart.

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    Pizza Man likes this.
  31. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Wow that sucks but you walked away from it. I had gun shoved in my face when I was in college I thought I was going to die. I'm glad that you didn't delete the thread and gave us a little more insight of what happened to you. And I'm glad you responded in a way where we can agree to disagree but both have a respectful conversation about a touchy subject. It helps me see your perspective like I said you might be someone who saves me or someone I care about one day and I hope you see it from my perspective too.
    Thanks it gives me a lot to think about.
  32. Well, CVS says "no firearms" so I will no longer shop there as it would be an easy target for attack with that knowledge.

    However, one on one, usually a stranger and one gal confined behind closed doors and nude, and a guy with a gun & me without one, is another situation I would not like to be in.

    I've had gentlemen pull out their handgun to place it somewhere safely and sometimes I let it stay, sometimes I don't. But then again I am somewhat of a rule breaker/rule bender.

    The rule is "NO FIREARMS", it's best to follow that rule inside any brothel. You could really freak some people out and you DEFINITELY don't want a bunch of freaked out women!!!!

    On another note, funny story:

    I was in Vegas blowing an on duty cop, (yeah I did that) and a call came over his radio saying there was a bank robbery. Myself thinking, "oh good, I can get rid of this non paying, crooked, opportunistic jerk" and I say to him, "Aren't you going to get that?" and he says "Nah, we can't get there in time anyhow". WTF!!!:eek:

    I don't know I guess the thought of firearms and sex reminded of that incident.......:rolleyes:
    TiredFrog and Built tough like this.
  33. I think I love you. ;-) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
    Air Force Amy likes this.
  34. My personal opinion is that the 2nd amendment has been interpreted to allow far looser regulations than our founding fathers words intended. I support your right to disagree and I also support your right to follow any law that I disagree with. My issue is with the laws and not the people who disagree with my opinion. Although, I'm not proud to admit that I do get carried away sometimes, respect needs to be followed on both sides. I lost a close friend because I made it clear that he was welcome in my home, but his firearms are not allowed on my property. His argument was that I was violating his 2nd amendment right and my argument was that the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to private property and, even though I trust him, where do I draw the line.
  35. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Two points: Clearly, your friend was wrong that you were violating his 2nd amendment rights in the same sense that a company is not violating an employee's 1st amendment rights when they fire them for calling someone a jerk. The amendments were to limit the power of government, not the citizenry.

    Second: There are some limits on gun ownership. Except in very, very rare cases private citizens are forbidden to own automatic weapons. And every gun sale, whether at a gun shop or gun show, must be preceded by running the potential purchaser through the federal NICS database. If they don't meet the standards, they don't get to purchase the weapon. Depending on the state there may be additional restrictions.

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