About Me ✨❤️Chloe Cakes Reviews & Testimonials❤️✨

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by ChloeCakes, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    I mean it 100% when I say I LOVE my job and what I do. Being a working girl is the oldest profession in the world (and not always the most respected or glamorous.) Nonetheless, receiving sincere reviews like these truly makes what I do a more rewarding job. This thread is going to be a compilation of honest genuine reviews from actual clients past and present.
    Xo, ChloeCakes
  2. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Chloe is really sexy and down to earth. She made me feel very comfortable for my first time going to the Sagebrush ranch. I really recommend you go see her.

    This was a text message from Zach (a former virgin until me!)
    BigDaddy76 likes this.
  3. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Email from an amazing handsome client who I finally met last night and booked an appointment with me for next week:


    I haven't dated in like 20 years, but back then there were all these rules. You don't call someone for 2 days, you don't show someone you are too into them, etc etc etc.

    I am not good at that because I only know how to be open. I say what I feel. If someone doesn't like that, at least I know they are not right for me.

    So here goes.

    You are amazing. Not just physically, but you seem like a kind person. That came across in at least one of your emails too.

    It might seem or sound weird, but all the stress, all the frustration, just disappeared tonight. For me, hope is so huge. Something to look forward to makes the present not so hard to deal with. For years I have been hoping for some sign in my marriage that things would change, something to look forward to. But all that has happened the more that I have made it how she wants it, the more things that I prefer end up going away - the more distance there is.

    Tonight you gave me something to look forward to. It is a great feeling to not worry about how things go here at home. I will still be a good and attentive husband, but now I feel like so much of the frustration and anxiety won't have to be there - because of you.

    Hope is so important in life.

    So my retired detective friend would be ticked off if I was totally open with him. He is pretty much the only one I share everything with, and the only one who knew of the person I was getting to know at Mustang. I know with the person at Mustang, he got pissed at me and said "she is not your girlfriend or friend, she is someone you are paying to spend time with you, nothing more". I guess part of me always looks for more meaning in things. I know this is your career, and even if you couldn't mean or didn't mean some of the stuff you said, I hope in time I can be something you look forward to as much as I do you. I want to show you respect and kindness. I want to treat you gently and make the time amazing for you too.

    And please know just because I am paying money, you don't need to go overboard to try to please me. Just be yourself, be who you were tonight. You don't need to wow me so I come back, you already did. You don't need to be perfect, just be you. You took so much stress away from me, I want to be something that relaxes you too.

    I believe what people say, so I probably wouldn't make a good sheriff deputy. I also say what I feel. So I would prefer honesty over trying to please me. I don't see myself as all that special, and it is ok if you don't pay compliments if things are really not there. I would rather honestly know what you feel. Because I want to get to truly know you, not just in passing or on a shallow level. Again, I know shallow level is the nature of the business. People aren't coming in mostly for a penpal lol !

    I am sending this via email so you don't feel like you have to write back right away, and also so you get some quiet on your off days, and don't get bombarded with a long text.

    Honestly I know I was thinking too far ahead on my way home. But if we can do an outdate later in the year, instead of just 6 hours if I could afford like 9 hours, then we could actually do an overnight here. Dinner, jetted tub, fireplace, snow, etc. Just thinking too far ahead I know. But you've brought those sorts of thoughts back into my life. I can plan those sorts of things now. Where my wife won't even change clothes in front of me. There is no planning between us of romance or the types of things couples are supposed to enjoy. Life is too short and I don't want to look back and feel like I missed out.

    Maybe it's hokey, but i'll text you some pics of my world if you want, the painting projects I did, the tub with view, etc. In getting to know you, I want you to know me and my life too because I hope to see you regularly. I'm already thinking of working extra days to afford more time!!

    I feel like I can enjoy some little things again that have been clouded before because of my thoughts focused on and longing for other things. I don't have to long now. Thanks for meeting me and thanks for the person that you are.

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
    AthenaLee and BigDaddy76 like this.
  4. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Text message from an anonymous amazing man:

    Chloe, I cannot stop thinking about our time together. You made me feel a way that I haven’t been able to feel in over 12 years. As soon as I saw you I knew I had to have you but I had no idea the positive impact you would have on me. You took the time to listen to me vent and not only made me feel comfortable, but made me feel like a man again. My last visit to the brothels was 5 years ago and it was a horribly rushed, impersonal, business transaction. I did not know what to expect when I came to Sagebrush (despite hearing good things about this ranch,) to be honest I wasn’t expecting anything special. You really made me feel like a king and I want to tell the world how amazing you made me feel but due to the fact I love my wife and am only lacking the physical intimacy, I hope you can keep this anonymous. With everything going on in my personal and professional life, you made all my stress and problems disappear with your serene presence in your peaceful room. I know you saw the difference in my attitude from when I came in to when I left. I felt like a true God, my goddess!!! I can’t anticipate my next visit to the Carson area enough just to relive all the ways you helped and made me feel alive again.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
  5. Bobbi Besos
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    Bobbi Besos Well-Known Member

    Amazing post girlfriend, thanks so much for sharing your reviews! It's clear your love for what you do really shines through to your clients.

    [email protected]

    ChloeCakes likes this.
  6. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    You are oh so sweet! Thank you much beautiful!
  7. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    what amazing reviews! Thanks for sharing!
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  8. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    How do I begin...we'll I'm a newbie to Dennis Hof empire of sin but Chloe made me feel right from the moment she met me at the bar. She brought gifts and had the bar master a drink to honor my 1st visit, bravo!

    Out of all the people that I've met in my life, she has style and class that is natural, and unmatched. And I haven't even got to the stuff she's good at!
    I won't spoil the surprise by listing salacious details. But needless to say, it was an experience that I won't be writing home to mom about-because she'd have a heart-attack, if she knew. Seriously, every word of her bio is accurate. So, if I going to detail anything, it is her badonkadonk, arse, or tyłek-it is so much better in person.

    Guys, or Girls: upon first glance, it was like staring into the Sun, like a super-nova of FUN!

    I had to shield my eyes and pick my jaw off the floor.

    I am lucky that Chloe was my 1st courtesan experience. She made me feel just right from beginning to end, in and out of the hotel room.

    In short, I highly recommend the Cake(s).

    Ba . donk . a . donk
    /bah , donk , eh, donk/

    Proper noun

    1. a monumental sight of hip and leg flowing together to present one with a delight greater than all XMASES past
    2. a treasure that one would give up their last dollars ($$)
    3. one of ChloeCakes' many assets

  9. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily


    If you are someone who is looking for a lady with curves that make men melt a voice like honey & a loving personality well then you've found her in Chloe. I have had the pleasure of getting to chill with the sweet thing many time & finally spent some times doing more than chilling in fact she really knows how to turn the heat up. I believe the ingredients to this cake are sugar, spice & everything nice plus a little dash of naughty. Thank you@ChloeCakes for spending time with me.
  10. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Little Miss Chloe,
    Thank you for our time together. I picked you in line up because of your beautiful body, outfit, and eyes. I had the most amazing time with you and I will definitely will CUM back for more.
    Your amazing body massage and lips had me begging for more.
    I'll be setting something up real soon
    - Ed

    DesertRose likes this.
  11. Kaylee Marie
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    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    I like your necklace super cute Girlyyyyy
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  12. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Thank you! It came from poland :)
  13. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Can’t wait to add more reviews and make amazing impacts on my beloved clients!
    Let’s get down to business since summer is ending !
    [email protected]
  14. RubyRae
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    RubyRae Well-Known Member

    Great reviews, Chloe! :)

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  15. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Thank you so much Ruby!! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  16. Jessica Riley
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    Jessica Riley Well-Known Member

    Congrats Chloe on the great reviews! Can’t wait to see you mamma!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  17. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    BigDaddy76 likes this.
  18. Tegan Hart
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    Tegan Hart Well-Known Member

    Great reviews for a absolutely wonderful girl![smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  19. JanelleLotus
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    JanelleLotus Well-Known Member

    SOmeone cum book this beautiful lady today

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  20. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Thank you babe hope to add some more to this soon
  21. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Xoxoxoxox thank you gorgeous !!!
  22. CherryLane
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    CherryLane ❤️ Cherry Lane ~ Lover of the Year 2018 ❤️

    ChloeCakes likes this.
  23. Come have fun with this beautiful lady! Book her today!
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  24. CherryLane
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    CherryLane ❤️ Cherry Lane ~ Lover of the Year 2018 ❤️

    ChloeCakes likes this.
  25. Such wonderful reviews, Chloe. :) I know many more are in your future!
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  26. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Thank you Natasha! I sure hope so xoxox
  27. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
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  28. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    0F5C5755-A568-470F-B7DA-E928F1E73D91.jpeg Let’s live for today and make great memories
    WinterSantana and Tony Dark like this.
  29. This is an amazing thread and you look absolutely beautiful
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  30. MistyLane
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    MistyLane Party starter at Sagebrush Ranch

    Love reading great reviews about the lovely ladies. Great job
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  31. CherryLane
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    CherryLane ❤️ Cherry Lane ~ Lover of the Year 2018 ❤️

    I love reading all about your parties babe!
    You are a cutie for sure, mwah!

    [email protected]
    Cherry Lane's "Post Directory" Thread CLICK HERE
    Love Ranch Profile Page CLICK HERE

    Come be my naughty Santa!
    I am offering double the pleasure this Holiday Season with

    ChloeCakes likes this.
  32. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

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  33. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    You're Very Sweet Miss Cakes!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  34. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

  35. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Still one of my favorite parties with you @booty_lover :)) thanks for this amazing review!


    Memories are fresh so I wanted to write down asap.

    I'm 28 and it's been very long for a guy to wait. I was lurking at bunny ranch forum and I found Chloe. I went to Sagebrush website and checked her profile. I always have a thing for curvy women. So, I contacted her in end of August and we decided to meet in September. Life happens sometimes so I couldn't make it and I had to postpone. In order to make sure that I don't change my plans again, I made a deposit and decided to meet her 20th October.

    I was a little nervous. I'm not a very shy person as I have been working on approaching women. So, I drive for 5 hours and I reach the ranch. I ordered a drink at the bar to relax and then I finally meet Chloe. Received a very warm welcome. She looked amazing. Especially the curves (I will die for those curves ). We chatted, had drinks and then she gave me tour to the ranch. Then time came for negotiation and it was very smooth. After handling all this side business, we decided to party.

    I don't want to spill the juicy details. All I would say that it was amazing. We both made sure we are comfortable in each others presence. She ordered complementary champagne during the party which we enjoyed in the bubble bath. And because it was my first time, I wanted to make sure I don't do anything crazy. I hope I was gentle. During the party, I was asking for her feedback. I felt that maybe it somehow kills the mood, but I wanted to make sure she is comfortable as well. I made notes of what learnt during our experience

    After the party ended, we chatted for a little bit and cleaned the room. I was then waiting at the bar just observing the Halloween decoration everyone did. There was a Halloween party starting at 7pm. First, I decided that I will leave so I can reach home on time. We hugged and bid farewell to each other. After driving 5 miles, I decided to stay for the party because occasions like these happen once in a lifetime. I went to the lake, had my dinner, came back. I wasn't there for long at the party but for the time I was there, it was fun. I chatted with Roxy for good 10-15 min and she's very friendly.

    While I was driving back reliving the memories of the day, there's one thing which really stood out. Everyone at the ranch is very welcoming. There's no need to feel shy or judged. I talked to different ladies during my time there and they were all very friendly. You will meet people of all ages. Honestly, it's a less intimidating environments than night clubs. Also, hats off to Chloe and all the ladies out there, they do make a lot of effort for their clients. They make sure they look good from top to bottom, get their hair done, smell great, wear sexy dress. And they put themselves in a vulnerable position so they can meet our expectations.

    Thank you @ChloeCakes for giving me such a great time.

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