Avery Lee Gimme 5!

Discussion in 'Games' started by Avery Lee, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member


    Gimme 5 uses for leftover turkey
  2. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Turkey sandwiches
    Diced turkey mixed in with stuffing
    Cubed turkey stir-fried with cubed green pepper, tomato, and pineapple and served over rice
    Turkey, cheese, and mushroom omelet
    Puree the turkey and then use the puree to make a trail of footprints leading from the oven to the back door. Wait for someone to find the footprints for the fun to begin.

    My last one didn't show a creature coming out of the oven, but it hinted at it. Old horror movies used to do this by having little visual and auditory cues (scraping footsteps in the night, etc.) instead of a straight-on shot of a 10 foot tall monster with razor-sharp claws.

    Gimme 5 movies/TV shows/books that hinted at the monster/bad guy for at least part of the time.
  3. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Friday the 13th
    The Usual Suspects

    Gimme 5 great 70s shows
  4. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    MASH (so much better than the movie)
    Dukes of Hazzard (this was a show about a beautiful woman wearing cut-off jeans shorts, some guys doing things with cars, and a beautiful woman wearing cut-off jeans shorts)
    WKRP in Cincinnati ("I thought they could fly!")
    The Jeffersons (because every once in a while George acted like a good human being)
    Wonder Woman (every episode was the same thing: There was a plot, there was more plot, then she'd do that twirly thing and I couldn't pay attention to the rest of the plot)

    Back in the 70s we were told of all sorts of great technological innovations that would happen within 50 years, some of which actually happened. Gimme 5 technological predictions (whether they came true or not) from the past.
  5. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Flying cars
    Self driving cars
    TV phones
    Food in pill form

    Gimme 5 favorite "one hit wonder" songs?
  6. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    This one was harder than it appears - many one-hit wonders are poor songs that become popular because of a gimmick. So because of the gimmick I hate them, even though they're popular.

    Crazy - Gnarls Barkley (Also in the Kick Ass movie)
    Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol (This is a good song so I'm amazed a band this good only had the one hit)
    Wherever You Will Go - The Calling (See above)
    Breakfast At Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
    Counting Blue Cars - Dishwalla

    One-hit wonders are often: Slap something together in a day, give it a womp-womp, and become a star! Gimme 5 things (anything, not limited to songs) that took a while to create.
  7. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    The Avatar sequel:D
    Sistine Chapel ceiling
    Great Wall of China
    Apocalypse Now
    The Moon Landing

    Gimme 5 films you would NOT want to find yourself a character in
  8. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    A Quiet Place - If you're not good with your hands, you don't survive long in this world. And I'm not.
    Ringmaster - A reenactment of Jerry Springer. I never understood the appeal of a show where you treat people like crap until they hit each other with chairs.
    Vacancy - Everyone in this movie is either tricked into being in a snuff movie or one of the monsters arranging it.
    Any porno - I'd be self-conscious about my dialogue, like do I say "I'm here with your pizza, and here's some extra sausage!" or "I'm here with your pizza, and here's some extra sausage!"?
    Home Alone - The only people I liked in that movie were the burglars, and they went to prison!

    Jussie Smollett was found guilty so he'll probably lose his acting job. I thought Subway might hire him as a spokesperson, but that probably wouldn't work out.

    Gimme 5 people that would be terrible as spokespeople (you can pair with a particular product if you want (e.g. Smollett - Subway), but some people would be the kiss of death for any product they promote)
  9. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Alec Baldwin for Smith & Wesson
    Snoop Dog for D.A.R.E. America (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)
    Kim Kardashian for the Catholic Church
    Tiger Woods for Viagra
    OJ Simpson for any glove company

    Gimme 5 favorite mixed drinks
  10. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    I'm not replying with an actual . . . y'know - reply, but wanted to say that this was brilliantly creative! Someone else, feel free to come in with another 5.
    BigAlbowski likes this.
  11. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Pina Colada

    Of course, mixed drinks are best at a bar and what do you also find at a bar? Pick-up lines! Gimme 5 pickup lines you'd love to use on the ladies at the ranches, or 5 pickup lines you'd love them to use on you.
  12. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    • If you would go on a date with me, give me a little smile.
    • I’m not someone for a one-night stand, but I could spare two or three hours.
    • I have no idea who you are, but I would really like to know.
    • I’ve had a terrible day so far. But your smile saved it.
    • Your eyes tell me a lot, but they won’t tell me your name.
    Gimme 5 things you love about snow!
  13. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    It eventually goes away
    If there's enough of it:
    • You can make a 6 foot tall penis (and some of us don't even need snow for that!)
    • Kids can make a few bucks shoveling sidewalks
    You can say to your wife "Honey I'd love to drive to the store to get your cream cheese, but the roads are too slick!"
    If it's cold enough that the snow's grainy and the wind's strong enough to whip it into dunes, when you wake up your backyard looks like a white Sahara desert.

    Speaking of the Sahara, it's inhospitable and yet people live there. Gimme 5 reasons you/other people would live in an inhospitable environment whether it's made that way by nature or manmade.
  14. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    If you hate people it's not crowded
    Prove your toughness
    Getting away from rat race
    No other option

    Gimme 5 TV or Movie Stars you think are overrated
  15. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Nicholas Cage
    Ryan Gosling
    Vin Diesel
    Aaron Eckhart
    Bruce Willis

    Gimme 5 Dog Breeds
  16. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Border Collie

    Gimme 5 Films the need a remake!
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  17. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Green Lantern
    Samel’s Lot
    Queen of the Damned
    Flowers in the Attic
    The Last Airbender

    Gimme 5 One Hit Wonders!!
  18. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Peter Schilling – "Major Tom (Coming Home)"
    Nena – "99 Luftballons"
    Martika – "Toy Soldiers"
    Aqua – "Barbie Girl"
    Deee-Lite – "Groove Is in the Heart"

    Gimme 5 Foods you Hate
    BrooklynBale likes this.
  19. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Black Beans

    Gimme 5 of your favorite movies
  20. wrb55rosco
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    wrb55rosco Well-Known Member

    She wore a Yellow Ribbon
    Star Wars
    Gimme 5 sex toys………..
  21. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Hitachi Wand
    Vibrating Cock Ring
    Wartenburg Pinwheel

    Gimme 5 NFL Teams!!
  22. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Washington Commanders
    Detroit Lions
    Houston Texans
    Baltimore Ravens
    Cleveland Browns

    Gimme 5 chicken dishes
    BrooklynBale likes this.
  23. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Chicken Alfredo
    Chicken and Waffles
    Chicken and Dumplings
    Chicken Parmigiana
    Chicken Tacos

    Gimme 5 Flowers!!
  24. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Black- eyed Susan

    Gimme 5 Talk show hosts
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  25. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Jimmy Kimmel
    Jimmy Fallon
    Ellen DeGeneres
    David Letterman
    Oprah Winfrey

    Gimme 5 state capitals!
  26. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member


    Gimme 5 cartoon characters
  27. he-man
    Raphael (TMNT)
    Optiums Prime

    Gimmie 5 Greek Goddesses
    BrooklynBale likes this.
  28. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member


    Gimme 5 actors who played Dracula
    BaldBushi and BrooklynBale like this.
  29. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Christopher Lee
    Gary Oldman
    Thomas Ian Griffith
    Bela Lugosi
    Luke Evans

    Gimme 5 philosophers!!
  30. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Immanuel Kant

    Gimme 5 great painters
    BrooklynBale and BaldBushi like this.
  31. Michelangelo
    Leonard DeVinci
    Raphael Sanzo

    Gimmie 5 Moons
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  32. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member


    Gimme 5 stars not including the Sun
    BrooklynBale likes this.
  33. Leo

    Give me the name of 5 banks
    BrooklynBale likes this.
  34. BrooklynBale
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    BrooklynBale The Buckle Bunny Who Actually Rides!!

    Nevada State Bank
    Bank of America
    Wells Fargo
    Greater Nevada Credit Union

    Gimme 5 Historical Events!
  35. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    1099... The First Crusade
    1492.... Columbus sails to America
    1215... Magna Carta signed
    1431... Joan of Arc execution
    1585...Founding of Roanoke Colony

    Gimme 5 types of Sharks

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