hehe let me start, because it's on my bucket list to join the Mile High Club Maybe I can get the chance to cross it off one day! Airplane!
Honolulu, Hawaii! I have never been to Hawaii before but I can see there would be a lot of fun places to run off to there! Maybe a cabana!
Safariland part of Great Adventure in New Jersey in the midst of all the Tigers and everything you lay the back seats down and you make love with the animals all scratching at the windows and the metal
School's principal office 7 at night broke in and the principal's office the floor was a perfect place to knock one off too bad I had to be the the pillow in the blanket for the girl
Hands tied behind my back bent backwards over one of those inflatable medicine balls in a gym and having no ability but to let her enjoy doing whatever she wanted
In Nafud: a desert in northern Saudi Arabia that is noted for its red sand and violent winds. at least the red sand sounds pretty! heh
In the seventies visited buchenwald that was part of it that were shut off and We snuck into the shower area and did it standing up I'm only saying this for this contest I am totally ashamed of what I did now the desecration was not funny now at the time 2in mature to know any better no LOL
A ger in a remote desolate Valley stinky sweaty flea infested never take a vacation there no matter what the people are A+ but not a big enough one
During a X-RAY. (Side note, how cool would be pictures be!!) -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder