Back And Ready To Purrr Fpr You!

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by KarinaKaifova, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. lover5, ROADRUNNER J and kaynine26 like this.
  2. lover5
    Chat with Me

    lover5 Well-Known Member

    So sexy[smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    KarinaKaifova likes this.
  3. Thanks babe, you are the bestest!!! :-*
  4. You look amazing Miss Karina, best of luck with your tour at KKR!
    KarinaKaifova likes this.
  5. Thanks so much love we are long overdue for a round of shots Russian style hehe...
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  6. Absolutely! Hopefully I can swing a trip sooner than later!
    KarinaKaifova likes this.
  7. Well I am here til the end of July... Then I go to Russia Mid August to Mid September & If everything goes as planned I will be returning in October...
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  8. I'm trying to travel in early August but my budget is pretty tight..once the last week of August hits, best I can do with work considerations is quick weekend trip
    KarinaKaifova likes this.
  9. I will not be here in August... Looking at flights home for August 2nd...
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  10. But my budget improves in the fall pretty quickly ;)
    KarinaKaifova likes this.
  11. Lets plan it darlin!!! :-*** but of course no pressure :)
  12. Let me clarify that lol.... I will go home here in the US August 2nd and then Russia mid August lol...
  13. Let me build the funds and I'll definitely get back to ya babe, you're definitely on my "want to party with" list xoxo (what is your Russian shot choice? Cherry vodka?)
  14. Hump days are my favorite!!
    Jessie Summers likes this.

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