Oo, just remembered another great one: Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides. I don't read much fiction, but this one was absolutely fantastic. Won a Pulitzer.
@CanelaCumings @AliceLittle Ew - sorry, I looked up Picknett's Magdalene book on Amazon and I wouldn't recommend the book personally. Not to be judgmental, but if I want a readable book on a quasi-historical religious figure, it should come from someone with reputable academic credentials. From the book's description, lack of reviews, and the author's other published works, I would just say take anything you read in it with a grain of salt. Or read it for entertainment and not for instruction in history. For a perspective on Mary Magdalene from an established, credentialed and scholarly author, try Bart Ehrman's Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene. While I have not read the book, I've read other mass-market books by Ehrman (a professor of New Testament at UNC Chapel Hill) and they are excellent.
Yaaass - Hurrah for Bloom County, the Starship Enterpoop, Billy and the Boingers, and Opus for helping me think of a dream retirement job: "Well, the skinny-dippin' wolf women of planet Heineken offered me a job as towel boy in their nude nitrogen pudding baths."
Thank you! Very informative and it makes sense! if we are reading to educate ourselves we should choose books written by those with excellent credentials, I totally agree
Desert, you know me and how I love paranormal things. I love reading anything by Kay Hooper. She has a few I couldn't put down. I haven't read in a while though, maybe i should start back lol. Your thread may make me want to start reading again lol.
Have a couple I'm working on... I recently started re reading Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series, for those who don't know it it's a fantasy epic that I've always loved and a great read. And also working on Johnny Cash's biography, appropriately titled "Cash." I'm a huge fan of the Man In Black and his music so really enjoying that one as well.
Sun Tzu - "Art of War" it's always worth multiple reads Author Stephen Fry got 4 more of his new novels For fun, Calvin & Hobbes (take note @RoxyGold ) and Dilbert because cubicle life is funny and ironic.
No need to apologize. Since most of the books I buy come from used bookstores, etc. maybe I got what I paid for. My criticism is that she comes across as too scholarly. Maybe she is just trying too hard.
I agree 100 percent, Ruby! When both parties are coming from a place of being fair, negotiating can be pretty painless.
I recently got as a present a Paulo coelho book, Adultery. That is what I am reading now. If you want to borrow some on mine, you know where my room is
Kind of a turn on to have deeper discussion of the powers of Magnetic combinations.... Love this post. 1.) Reread (Great brain candy) Poisen Study by Maria V. Snyder 2.) Anatomy Trains about fascial lines in the body. Body-nerd!!! 3.) Daring Greatly- Audiobook (Like her voice) Brene Brown I see a few on the list. I will add Intimate Matters, and Getting to the Yes, to the list!
with all the awesome books the you read are there any that you have been able to live out within your parties???
I keep remembering good reads... I was recently reminded of "Escape," by Carolyn Jessop. It's the story of a young woman who escapes from a polygamous religious sect with her eight children. Amazing courage and heartbreaking backstory.
This one came down to me as a strong recommendation from a family member. The Worst Journey in the World is a readable story of early 20th-century British Antarctic exploration. Imagine hiking for over a month with two friends in the dead of the polar night, pulling supplies on heavy sleds, and braving cold so intense the liquid inside your frostbite blisters froze--and all for the scientific hope of retrieving an emperor penguin's egg.
I'm actually reading a book right now that is NOT academic! Woo! I'm reading The Girls by Emma Cline. It's an easy summer read about a cult. Very Charles Manson.
Enjoy it sweetie! Nothing sexier than a girl with a book in her hand! www.airforceamy.com by Air Force Amy posted Jan 15, 2016 at 5:16 PM
I remember that movie! I have to go watch it again! www.airforceamy.com by Air Force Amy posted Feb 3, 2016 at 8:17 PM
Don't bother with Trainspotting. *sigh* I now think the movie was better because of the cast (Jonny Lee Miller and Robert Carlyle, to be specific)
Time for an update. Work is now "Dies the Fire" by S. M. Stirling. The car is now Philip K Dick's "The Man In the High Castle". And bubble bath reading is now "Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the "Frenzy of the Visible"" by Linda Williams. Edited to add: I'm just starting Hard Core, it's a study on hard core porn films, first published in the 80s, then a second edition in 99 with a new preface, epilogue (with photos), and bibliography. Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
I ordered "Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It" from Amazon.com. It arrives in the mail tomorrow. It is another book on negotiating, but from the perspective of an FBI agent. The company I work for is planning to reduce their workforce next year. It will come in handy if I'm doing job interviews.