Direct links to photo pages

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by torontoral, May 22, 2017.

  1. torontoral
    Chat with Me

    torontoral Well-Known Member

    Now that this version of the forum has been around for awhile, I find it sorely lacking in one aspect: links back to each ranch's home page.

    When I enter the forum, I bypass all the home pages automatically, and with the influx of new women, I find often I may miss particular new arrivals because they are listed and viewed on the home page and not necessarily on the forums. Or sometimes they aren't listed on the home page and they should be.

    I just think it might be useful in terms of a reference point for a future customer who might want to view everyone at once.

    PhoenixRising likes this.
  2. PhoenixRising
    Chat with Me

    PhoenixRising Well-Known Member

    hmmmm I thought you could just click the arrow and it would take you back to the picture page???
  3. PhoenixRising
    Chat with Me

    PhoenixRising Well-Known Member

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