Hey guys! Just wanted to say Happy Father’s Day to the daddy’s out there working hard and having patience raising your little ones! Anytime you need to relax and take a break from that hard work you do, come see me! I have 50% off for all dads that come in today! Muah!
I see a potential issue with this special, technically there is nothing stopping a new client from simply coming in, telling you they are a dad, and getting the 50% discount, as long as they have a picture of their nephew or niece that they can show yu,should you ask they would get away with it. It would be an awful thing but it can be done and for a 50% discount clients would do it. People wilk go to great lengths for a discount
Thank you for the well wish, pretty lady. Hope you have a bunch of dad’s take you up on your special! Unfortunately, I live a LONG way away.
You are right Lol.. Make them bring the birth certificate. Wish I were in town to get mine and come get my 50%. Such a beauty to spend time with.
Ummm sweets, thanks for the advice but I am ENTICE. I have been around this place a long time. NOBODY can get over on me. I know exactly what questions to ask and how to ensure they are a parent. Thanks for helping me though, much appreciated
The first question would be: true or false - when it says 8 - 10 pounds on the diaper package, that is how much pee and poop the diaper will hold.
A good friend of mine, and maybe more importantly, a great Dad, had T shirt that said: "Any man can be a father, it takes a special man to be a DADDY!" I think it's a very important distinction.
I couldn't come in that day, Entice, (I was with my Daughter and three grandkids) but the fact that you made an effort to recognize Dads, made a jaw-dropping sexy card, and especially your beautiful smile made my day. Thank you!