PIC THREAD Hey ladies! SELFIE CHALLENGE! No make up, no filter!

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by RoxyGold, May 20, 2018.

  1. LarryK
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    LarryK Active Member

    Beautiful. Thank you for adding to the thread. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif]
    ChloeCakes likes this.

  2. Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks, Ragazo :). [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    Ragazo Solo likes this.
  4. Ragazo Solo
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    Ragazo Solo Well-Known Member

    Always Natasha :)
    And... I meant every word of it !
  5. You have such beautiful skin! :)
  6. 6950CB47-8857-4123-B05B-99B26B86134C.jpeg

    Don’t worry, be happy! Smile and laugh with me! :)
  7. Thank you! :)
    Baba1234 likes this.
  8. There are often days when I choose not to wear make up and get glamorous... and now I have a thread to capture them. Any lady who wants to join me in this thread is welcomed and encouraged xo
  9. image.png
    ........let's do The Batdance! :) .............
  10. [​IMG]

    Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk
  11. Yeah! The Bat-tussi! :)
    ChloeCakes and RunningSquirrel like this.
  12. 59FenderSuper
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    59FenderSuper Well-Known Member

    Definitely more beautiful with no lipstick, powder or paint!! What a BABE!!!

  13. Hehehe! Thank you so much! I appreciate it. :)

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  14. 3C20C5AF-49D3-476A-96ED-5C78886B524B.jpeg

    Here I am! In my summer flower print! :)
  15. Love it, Roxy!! It is just perfect for summer. :)
  16. Thank you, Natasha! I love all your cute summer outfits too! :)
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    Running errands on a beautiful day! :)
    grizzly, Kmoe2244, auron79 and 3 others like this.
  18. Kaylee Marie
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    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    All of you ladies definitely look beautiful without make up
  19. CherryLane
    Chat with Me

    CherryLane ❤️ Cherry Lane ~ Lover of the Year 2018 ❤️

    Thank you for sharing a bit more about yourself!
    I love learning more about you and your pictures are simply gorgeous!
    Stop on in and see this beauty today!

    [email protected]
  20. You're so naturally beautiful, Roxy!!!!! I love how you embrace it :)
  21. Thank you, Kaylee! I have to agree that casual can be just as pretty as glam! :)
    HotSexyDiction likes this.
  22. Aww, how nice of you to say that, Brianna! You’re such a sweetheart! :)
  23. FumbleNutts
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    FumbleNutts Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Love to have places to get my Roxy fixes [smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  24. auron79
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    auron79 Well-Known Member

    You look so pretty in yellow Roxy. Love seeing you smile. :)
  25. Thank you everyone for the encouragement and sweetness! :)
  26. FumbleNutts
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    FumbleNutts Well-Known Member

    This thread is proper motivation for me :) So, thank you [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  27. Email her today or see her in lineup
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    grizzly and RunningSquirrel like this.
  29. 59FenderSuper
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    59FenderSuper Well-Known Member

    Thank you, how about I want to thank you baby, and my mama wants to thank you too...

  30. I could not agree more Hot n Sexy @BryceStevens. I still remember our first encounter vividly and could recite in great detail, poetically, romantically, sexily, wily and thankfully! You are a giver and a pleaser, consummate provider, professionally speaking.
  31. A57CADA9-2CD6-4CA4-A1CA-99BDDBEFCD61.jpeg

    Carrying on the selfie challenge into 2019! Show me your beautiful faces, ladies! Xo :)
    auron79, grizzly and RunningSquirrel like this.
  32. You are gorgeous as always!! xoxox
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    auron79, RunningSquirrel and grizzly like this.
  34. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

  35. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    Very beautiful @Natasha Star love this look on you!!

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