Is it a sin for a single man to go to a brothel?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by carlitoalex, Dec 2, 2017.


Is it a sin for a single man to go to a brothel?

Poll closed Feb 2, 2018.
  1. Yes

  2. No


  1. Looks like I am screwed any how according to the The 10 commandments I have violated 6,7,&8 OH! well not worried about it. If it is a sin to go to a brothel might as well add that to my list been going to the brothels in NV. since 1984. :D:D:D:D:D
    thunderstorm likes this.
  2. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    I think it's more of a sin NOT TO visit a brothel!
    carlitoalex and thunderstorm like this.
  3. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    It should also be a sin not to enjoy the SAFE pleasures of a lady while visiting us at the BunnyRanch...
    thunderstorm likes this.
  4. thunderstorm
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    thunderstorm Well-Known Member

    It all depends on what you believe and how you choose to live your life. If you have atoned or plan to atone for your wrongs, you can still right the things of your past. :)
  5. thunderstorm
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    thunderstorm Well-Known Member

    It is definitely a SIN to have never tasted Randy's charms!
  6. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    Oh la la, I like the sound of that!
    thunderstorm likes this.
  7. Why would it be a sin? Never understood the logic behind that.
  8. LoverOfWomen
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    LoverOfWomen Well-Known Member

    The more I think about this one I feel it would be a sin Not to go !!![smilie=happy.gif][smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  9. Is it bad to be a little sinful?
  10. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    No it is not bad to be a little sinful.
  11. If it's a sin then I guess I'm going to hell. But it's no different from being with woman. I have spent and went to the sky with my appreciation. Once I started putting money up. I got left. So I rather spend time with beautiful ladies than suffer another 9 months of being shattered

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  12. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    Is it a sin to visit a brothel? On Paul, sex shaming, and disgust

    Paul: the snarky and prudish New Testament author

    Paul was a devout Jew, scholarly and zealous, who converted to Christianity on the basis of a vision he had, perhaps 20 years after the death of Jesus. He made several missionary journeys though most of the Mediterranean and was responsible for writing several letters to churches that were later included as part of the Christian New Testament.

    I want to say a few words about Paul, since he wrote much of the language that we today associate with the Bible's being against "sexual immorality." And the thread is about whether it's a "sin" to visit a brothel. Paul didn't mince words when it came to sex.

    "It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God..." (1 Thess. 4:3-5)

    And a particularly "painful" verse from the perspective of sex workers and those of us who love their services:

    "Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!" (1 Cor 6:15-16)

    Note the following:
    - Paul claims to speak directly for God, and God seems to care about sex.
    - If you don't "control your body" (repress your sexuality), then you are not with "us," you are with "them."
    - If you don't "control your body," you are not "holy and honorable." By implication, you are "unclean." You are dirty. You are repugnant. Soiled. God will turn up his nose at you.
    - If you don't "control your body," then Paul implies you didn't try hard enough, so you are morally culpable...weak and incapable, unwilling, or both. Either way, it's your fault.
    - If you claim to be a Christian but use the services of prostitutes (obviously he's speaking to men here, but that's another thread...), you crossed a red line (no pun intended). Again, by implication, you took something that was clean and holy and polluted it with someone who is socially dirty, outcast, and could never be "one of us."

    Sex and "disgust"

    Sex is something that conservative religious folk have trouble with. When it is kept neatly in its box of marriage and reproduction, behind closed doors, and between one man and one woman, then adherents may consider themselves "clean" or "undefiled." Take it out of that context, and immediately emotional, moral judgments are made. Moreover, there is a real problem for religious adherents who fail to "measure up" or "stumble" - the common euphemism used in church circles - for some, the shame and guilt they experience for having "failed" sexually is lasting. Why is this so?

    I'm reading an excellent book by Richard Beck called "Unclean: Meditations on Purity, Hospitality, and Mortality" and I will quote from it extensively here. In the book he discusses our psychology and its relationship with religious beliefs of right-doing and wrongdoing. In the introduction is a critical statement:

    “the psychology of disgust and contamination regulates how many Christians reason with and experience notions of holiness, atonement, and sin.”

    Paul and other religious leaders have linked sex to notions of holiness and purity. The problem is that moral violations of sanctity or purity (anything that demeans, debases, or profanes human or religious dignity or sacredness) can evoke responses of disgust, and disgust is extremely powerful. Think of how you feel about such things as eating bugs or worms or encountering feces or vomit.

    Whether or not people have a religious belief, sex can invite a reaction of disgust. It involves body fluids, smells, and guttural sounds. Think of the most common swear words in English - most have to do with perfectly natural bodily functions (excretion and reproduction), yet disgust can accompany all of them.

    In addition, sex has the ability to be pleasurable or it can be perceived as a most nauseating intrusion - it depends on the state of relations that exist between two people.

    Sex is also subject to "sociomoral" disgust. Societal rules (perhaps shaped by religious dogmas) spell out a "natural order of things" for sexual behavior. When these are violated, the violators become "contaminated."

    one feature of contamination psychology is the attribution of permanence. Once an object is deemed to be contaminated there is very little that can be done to rehabilitate the object. Consequently, sin categories that are psychologically structured by purity metaphors are experienced as “permanent” and are difficult if not impossible to rehabilitate. For sins of this nature, once purity is “lost” there is no going back. At least that is how we experience purity violations. Pastorally speaking, this may be why sexual sins, which are often uniquely structured by the purity metaphor in many churches, elicit more shame and guilt.

    Which brings to mind a quote from Dr. Willie Parker in his book Life's Work,

    “In the black churches of my childhood, an unplanned pregnancy was reason enough for a public shaming, or even expulsion from church ministry. A girl who became accidentally pregnant might be forced to stand up before the congregation on a Sunday morning and beg forgiveness for her sins, while the equally sexually curious boy who helped get her pregnant sat, with his brothers and sisters in Christ, in judgment of her. This was the Christianity I grew up in...”

    How do we get past this? For religious adherents in a degree of distress over their sexual desires and what to do about them, it can get complicated. Sex workers themselves are well aware of the shame and stigma that can surround their jobs, however much they enjoy what they do. It can give them something in common with the religiously anxious would-be brothel patron, although the stakes for him could be as high as where he will spend the afterlife! This is why I want to spend some time talking about Paul the apostle.

    Why listen to Paul when it comes to sexual morals?

    Paul may have been a mystic, an apostle, teacher, and religious leader, but was a human being like the rest of us. Religious conservatives sometimes make the mistake of thinking that because Paul's words are in the Bible, it's the same as saying they are words that came directly from God. It is critical to keep in mind that It was up to other religious leaders late in the life of the Roman Empire to decide which of the old documents they had was important and authentic enough to be considered part of a "canon," or basis for church doctrine and instruction. The Bible as Christians have it most certainly did not fall out of the sky in its modern form. Certain books and letters were included, and others were left out. This was a choice made by men, not God.

    In the Bible itself, we find that Paul could be irascible, indignant, preachy, and sometimes downright snarky...not unlike religious leaders we could all think of. He sniffed, "I wish that all of you could be as I myself am," (1 Cor 7:7) meaning celibate. Paul cursed the members of the church in Galatia for being "stupid" and wished that missionaries from another sect who were talking to "his" church would castrate themselves.

    Such is the nature of religious rivalry and competition for converts.

    But let's consider again the idea that Paul claimed to speak on God's behalf.

    For many, faith claims of various religious traditions no longer make sense, and with good reason. St. Paul left clues in the New Testament that show he was convinced that the return of Christ (God running the world instead of human kings and emperors) would happen very soon - meaning within the lifetimes of his contemporary Christian converts. In this, he was obviously quite wrong, as all others who claimed to know when the world would end have been. If Paul got the timeframe of Christ's return wrong, might he also be wrong about what God thinks about sex?

    With the passage of time and the advent of new ways of thinking, e.g., science, old ways of thinking about ourselves and our bodies have changed dramatically. We no longer see any good reason to consider our bodies and our sexual desires as inherently sinful (as Augustine and other church fathers taught) - even most churches today would agree with this.

    A better way to understand sex is to understand our bodies through the lens of evolutionary biology. Whatever mystery of the universe that underlies our existence, we can be quite certain that our love of sex is completely natural. We can marvel and wonder at the awesome complexity of our reproductive systems, but they are undeserving of the idea that our desires have been corrupted by original sin. Our bodies - and the sexual desires that come from the neurochemicals and electric sparks in our heads - simply are.

    The nature of "civilian" and brothel relationships

    Beck brought a wry grin to my face when I read the passage below.

    “Dirty” sex can be enjoyed in a healthy, loving, and spiritual union. But the illicit nature of this “dirty sex” is mitigated by the spiritual bond shared by the partners. That is, “dirty sex,” although highlighting physical pleasure and erotic abandon, remains dual, a physical and spiritual act. It is a way to indulge the body without moving into degradation, spiritually speaking."

    Beck is struggling to write in a way that religious people will understand. For the rest of us, "dirty sex" is fun sex! The rub is that Beck seems to think that the "right" way to have sex is between two people who are at least in some kind of long-term monogamous relationship, although he avoids using the word "marriage" here.

    Then on the same day that I read this passage, I ran across a great exchange between Alice Little and someone on Twitter:

    Q from twitter: "Are you able to draw the line between SW/Client or can love get in the way?"

    A from @AliceLittle : There isn't a line. Once you start offering the girlfriend experience you are forging a real human connection with another human being. Yes, money is involved, but it's really just a relationship with different rules!

    Guys, Alice speaks truly. There IS more than one way to have sexual intimacy. Both the church and most sex workers would agree, I think: sex is best in the context of a relationship. It's just that in a brothel the rules of the relationship are different. Both church-approved "civilian" sex and brothel sex can be spiritually uplifting and meaningful. Both can be "dirty" and "carnal" and "animalistic" (which is quite fun!), and that's okay.


    Religious dogma and moral finger-shaking have done a lot of damage, and continue to do so. My heart went out to @grizzly when he shared his story on CNN's documentary series "This is Life" of being threatened in a religious cult with God striking him dead if he had sex outside of marriage. We are all happy for him that he's left that behind and found a measure of sexual peace through the ranches. Something similar unfolded in my own life.

    In the Gospel of Luke, there's a story that when Jesus came to a synagogue, he read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and recited, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18) At the slight risk of being sacrilegious, to any would-be brothel patrons who are considering a visit but are anxious about what God would think, I would say this verse is for you. It's time to move beyond the minds that you have regarding sex. It's a new world out here. Unfortunately sex workers still live with social stigma, and I suppose you might, too. But the religious threats and shaming can be safely released and left behind you. Good luck.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    Perseus and grizzly like this.
  13. Ok so it's a sin why. Cause no ring on the woman finger. I mean I sure these women might find there other half doing this. Some probably did on the past. Look if my heart is smiling and she is smiling and the true meaning of love is showing. Then I don't think it's a sin. Don't you think God would have burned us by now. I read the Bible trust me . True believer Phil 4:13. Jesus loves me and j can do anything! Jesus said do not cast the first stone. And he kissed Mary Magdalene on the cheek

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  14. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    Yes I have found a measure of peace @Broadhildt it was a long road of one where I tried to end my life on multiple occasions due to the struggle I felt was real from the churches. Even masturbation was considerd a sin. As it was explained to me, Jesus is pure and would not sin...and jesus lives in you and by you masturbating you are making jesus masturbate thus causing him to sin.

    For me the ranches are my lifesaver and I do not see them as a sin. The ladies I have met like @AliceLittle @roxanneprice @Ashlyn Sparks @Felina Meow @ElainaGilbert @SableRenae @AmeliaHeart @Alexandria Moon @DesertRose @MissPhoenixFyre have done me more good than any amount of therapy has ever done! With out the ranches I would be dead or in.prison!

    I have a very high sex drive & I am working through some stuff at the ranches in a safe place that provides ladies that are trained and open me out.

    I see these ladies as friends lovers and therapist.

    It.may be an expensive form of.therapy but me.

    When I saw this post I wanted to respond but decided to hold my tongue. I am not against any belief system that gets you through the day. But speaking from experience telling them they are going to.hell or sinning because they seek out the legal company of women who do.more than many therapist has done, according to my own therapist. It reminds me of what Jesus said to.the crowd wanting to stone Mary the prostitute Ye who is without sin cast the first stone. In other words no one has the right to.judge you!

    Live your life to the fullest and screw the rest of the negative people. I got rid of friends who judged me and said the ladies at the ranches would/are taking advantage where were they when I was camping and cold and my stuff was stolen. was a lady at the ranch that stepped up and offered to help me out.

    Sorry I will shut up now...because I.can go on and on.

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
    Broadhildt likes this.
  15. I there ya go grizz. See Jesus loves us. And we can show that love to these ladies that works hard to make sure we enjoy ourselves. Gotta make them feel important too. And you know what. My father didn't marry as a virgin . He had sex before marriage. You know what. He sitting right there in heaven cause I feel his presence when something special is coming. And I want to share my love and affection and my heart. Hell couples that goes to church like clockwork ended up divorced n bitter n blamed God. Instead taking upon to look inside and see if there love is deep as his.i believe these ladies have a deep love for every man that comes I and shows appreciation and enjoy their company

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  16. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    Grizz, I wish you would keep going!

    Wow, the cult you were sounds like it had some lurid fascinations with sex. Your story shows how the "mind-fucks" that people can get from cults and conservative churches can be devastating. I'm so glad you're still with us today and that you found the ranches.

    I'm hopeful that other men who are going through things like you and I did will find some hope in this thread, blog posts from the ladies, or a YouTube version of the Lisa Ling brothel episode. The link below doesn't have the best video quality but it works:

    grizzly likes this.
  17. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    I have a reason to live now 2 years ago not so much. I have a job I love, the ranches as my escape & place of rest & relaxation.

    It took years to undo the damage done by the cult! But now I am living life my way and enjoy every moment.
    Broadhildt likes this.
  18. LanaWest
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    LanaWest Your Model Bunny Girl Next Door

    Absolutely not!!! A brothel is simply a space where you are guaranteed an intimate experience, full of connection and companionship. Nothing harmful here!!!
    carlitoalex and grizzly like this.
  19. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    Is a place to have fun and to make new friends.
  20. CherryLane
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    CherryLane ❤️ Cherry Lane ~ Lover of the Year 2018 ❤️

    I don't think coming to a brothel where amazing women await to give you the experience of a lifetime would be considered a sin[smilie=heart fill with love.gif] Now maybe if you get yourself in a bit of naughty fun, then yes.. maybe you can consider sinning, lol.
    carlitoalex and grizzly like this.
  21. SableRenae
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    SableRenae Premier MILF at Kit Kat Ranch

    ...Broadhildt sums up pretty much everything I was gonna say and quote....I guess like minded people think the same
    Broadhildt and grizzly like this.
  22. LoverOfWomen
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    LoverOfWomen Well-Known Member

    Just incase it is a sin this may help !!! [smilie=happy.gif][smilie=hi ya!.gif]
    Broadhildt likes this.
  23. Thanks for the link to the video @Broadhildt . It was very interesting and enlightening to get an in depth look at the ranches and folks who work there. Knowledge is key to understanding and understanding is the best way to achieve peace with pur fellow man and overcome fear. The world is a much brighter and less frightening place when we understand it and how the people and things in it work. :D
    Broadhildt likes this.
  24. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    There's a hashtag out on Twitter now called coolmendontbuysex. I'm going to mention a few of the best retorts to it, because, among other things, this message is part of the sex-shaming stigma that pervades our culture, and a lot of it originates in religion.

    "So the men behind coolmendontbuysex may be feeling smug right now but they fail to realise that buying a woman drinks/dinner/drugs/lingerie/flowers/trips in the hope they'll get sex in return is ALSO an exchange. We all have currency, I'm just more upfront about it."

    "Coolmendontbuysex isn't taking into consideration that not all men have the same kind of privileged access to their erotic and sexual needs that you 'cool' men do."

    "Dear coolmendontbuysex, [expletive]. Get back to me when you’ve lived through the hell of social anxiety, when you crave intimacy but you’re brain won’t let you anywhere near it. I buy sex because I can’t get it otherwise."

    "People Who Hire Sex Workers & Aren't *** 'Losers': - clients with disability - trauma survivor - post- prostate surgery - long-distance relationship - shift worker (eg. doctor, bar staff, DJ) - timepoor CEOs - single dads (& mums!) - ordinary guys - members of your family?"

    "Being on the autism scale, were it not for SW I never would have the confidence I have now in relationships."

    "Please stop spreading these harmful ideas about our industry. I’m not degraded or trafficked. Plenty of really cool men *do* buy sex!"

    "Ive been beaten and bruised by actual bfs of mine. Never has a client ever disrespected me or over stepped a boundary. Ive never felt objectified either. Maybe speak w a prostitute before ASSuming and generalizing how we feel."

    "Cool men compensate women for their physical and emotional labor and recognize that sex work is work and pay women accordingly. (PS all sex is transactional. Everyone pays something—even if it’s not cash—and hopefully, but not always, they benefit as well.)"
    Perseus and grizzly like this.
  25. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    "Is it a sin to visit a brothel?"

    Ever wonder why God seems to be so luridly interested in sex sometimes? Like, is he counting up the number of times you masturbated or gazed in longing lust at someone else?

    Seems kinda strange that he's so keen on an accurate accounting of all sexual "wrongdoing" when there's so much real need in the world that could really use a little divine intervention. That's why I joke that ladies should invite the religiously anxious into their rooms with a whisper, "Did you know? Heaven is a place on earth. Come into my room and I'll show you!"
    Perseus and RunningSquirrel like this.
  26. In my opinion, I don't think so
  27. Like when you arrive at the Pearly Gates...."hmmm, number of times masturbated "Two million, five-hundred and thirty-five....number of times took the Lord's name in vain..." million and six..." "Jeee-zus Chri...."
    Perseus and Broadhildt like this.
  28. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    If you're feeling judged by your religious social group for wanting sex, learn to laugh at it. Sexual desire is normal. Controlling it is appropriate. Expressing it at the ranches is a joy. Repressing it leads to all kinds of suffering.

    From the "Bloom County" comic strip, many years ago, back when Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart were getting nailed in the press for sexual scandals:

    Perseus and RunningSquirrel like this.
  29. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    Was listening to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" on the drive home from work today. Made me think - you were born with a sex drive. Control it, yes, but never be ashamed of it.
    Perseus and RunningSquirrel like this.
  30. Perseus
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    Perseus Well-Known Member

    Ha ha ha, Ack. Oral Bill!
    Bill the cat, one of the best comic characters ever.
    Broadhildt likes this.
  31. That all depends on your moral background and beliefs.

    I might be a little biased, as I love my chosen profession. But I don't think it's a sin at all <3
    Broadhildt likes this.
  32. lover5
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    lover5 Well-Known Member

    The real sin is not enjoying all these beautiful ladies and having great sex. I will be sinning through out 2018 with as many of these hot ladies as I can. Brothel lover for life and life is good :):)
    carlitoalex likes this.
  33. This ok so let's go hell cause we get drunk too. Hey at least these ladies aren't getting raped and killed like I see in tv. Those are more severe than than having women companionship

    Cajun man with love
  34. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    Instead of phrasing the question, "Is it a sin to go to a brothel?" (a distinctly religious word) let's rephrase it a bit and ask, it is moral to go to a brothel?

    Well, let's look at some fictitious scenarios - this is excerpted from Richard Beck's book Unclean.

    Beck cites four situations and asks the reader to make a moral judgment: is there anything wrong with the scenarios below?

    1) A woman is cleaning out her closet, and she finds her old American flag. She doesn't want the flag anymore, so she cuts it up into pieces and uses the rags to clean her bathroom.

    2) A family's dog was killed by a car in front of their house. They had heard that dog meat was delicious, so they cut up the dog's body and cooked it and ate it for dinner.

    3) A brother and sister like to kiss each other on the mouth. When nobody is around, they find a secret hiding place and kiss each other on the mouth.

    4) A man goes to the supermarket once a week and buys a whole chicken. But before cooking the chicken, he has sex with it. Then he prepares the chicken for dinner.

    So is anything wrong with any of these scenarios? If so, what moral principle is being violated?

    Even in this exceptionally permissive and nonjudgmental environment, most of us will probably say YES to at least one of them.

    But why is it wrong? Defend your answer.

    If we responded "That's wrong!" To any of the scenarios, it's likely that we did so by appealing to an idea of purity or sanctity, or in other words, a departure from the normal order of things. And it's not surprising if you experienced sensations of disgust when reading at least one of them.

    This is the difficulty when having conversations about these topics. Why is eating the family dog wrong? Because it's disgusting. Why did you find it disgusting? Because it's revolting/horrifying/sickening.

    So we might imagine a similar conversation with those who would discourage our friend from visiting a brothel.

    "You can't go to a brothel! That's wrong!"
    "Why is it wrong?"
    "Because brothels are filthy and repulsive!
    "What makes them so repulsive?"
    Because what goes on in there is repugnant!"

    Notice that we haven't come up with a real moral warrant for why it's wrong to eat a road-killed pet or go to a brothel. In both cases the responses are simply restatements of the moral judgment.

    So the bottom line for those seeking answers to "Is it moral to go to a brothel?" as Alice suggested earlier, is "it depends."
    RunningSquirrel and Perseus like this.
  35. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    Continuing from the previous post:

    Now, it's important to remember that for every moral vice there is a virtue. Brothels do more than sell sex. They can also teach GOOD sexual morals. You can't follow sex workers on Twitter or interact with the ranch ladies on the boards very long without being reminded of the following:

    - Never touch someone else intimately without their consent.
    - When consent is given, touch someone with the intent to give pleasure as well as to get pleasure.
    - Respect the other person's humanity: give gifts, show appreciation.
    - Mind your manners.
    - Both parties have the right to call an immediate halt if personal boundaries are crossed.
    - There are ladies there who, if asked, will give you their advice and opinion on how to have a good relationship in the "civilian" world.
    RunningSquirrel likes this.

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