About Me Natasha Star's Review Directory

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by Natasha Star, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Reviews!.jpg

    Here they are! All my reviews in one place, making it easier to see what people are saying about me! :)
    (All bold emphasis is mine for easier reading.)



    click here to see the original review

    I have been coming to the Ranches about four years on a regular basis. I have only written a few reviews, all good and all I would and have partied with multiple times. My intention of my review is to assist those looking for that perfect party. If one of my reviews interest you and you have a question, please private message me.
    Natasha is definitely a special lady. The Ranches can find attractive woman that are friendly and enjoy their work. What they cannot Do is teach a woman to have the sex appeal that Natasha easy shines with. She is lovely inside and out. I found her to be true to her word, easy to negotiate with, and easy to talk to. If you like me like to kiss and be kissed, don’t miss out. For strangers meeting for the first time, I felt at complete ease as I do with someone I know well. Natasha illuminates a loving, caring feeling that I felt in her kissing and sex. Her body is very responsive to all and she can have multiple orgasms and squirt.
    Natasha, we shall meet again if you will have me.
    Not all parties work out for one reason or another. The party with a Natasha was a 10.

    Very few things in life are perfect.
    Baseball, jazz, Citizen Kane, maybe.

    However, the kind of beautiful symmetry needed for perfection is rarely part of the human condition.

    That said, I have no hesitation in saying that my time with Natasha Star was perfect. I’m just a guy, flawed as hell. So, the only way things could be perfect between Natasha and I would be because of her.

    She is an amazing person- smart, funny, sexy as hell, and - most importantly- kind as few other people you will ever meet. Maybe the most beautiful thing about her is that she is genuinely sweet. Nowadays, frankly, sweetness is like gold, and Natasha is that rare wellspring of compassion and warmth.

    Physically, she is absolutely gorgeous with a dancer’s body that would make Isadora Duncan plead for mercy - sleek legs all the way up to her neck, a backside that is the stuff of dreams, and a deliciously knowing smile that will reduce your legs to jelly.

    Ask her to dance. She is a trained dancer with the grace and fluidity of a ballerina and the naughtiness of the best exotic practitioners. Honestly, I think she was born to dance, because the way she moves is so naturally expressive and the lines of her body are so perfect. It would be criminal not to marry her physical grace to music.

    As I say, so few things in life are perfect.

    But your time with Natasha can be, because she is.

    Life is principally about memories.
    They mark the important moments, the ones that have true resonance. And by memories, I mean the ones that you will remember 20 minutes, 20 months, and 20 years from now.

    I have seen Natasha three times, and she has left me with one of those lasting memories each time. Yes, she does have that kind of effect on you. More than that, each memory is unique and wonderful - very much like Natasha herself.

    One memory has to do with sweet intimacy, another with deep conversation, and the third with a moment of intense passion. She touches you emotionally, dazzles you intellectually, and happily exhausts you sexually.

    I've run out of superlatives for Natasha, because none seem to adequately express how special she is.

    As for those three visits, two were on the same weekend. I hadn't planned on two visits in two days. However, if you see Natasha once and you are still in town the next day, it's practically guaranteed that you will see her again. Like I said, she has that kind of effect.

    Although there are so many wonderful things - too many to list, really - about her. Perhaps, Natasha's greatest gift is her extraordinary ability to know what you need precisely when you need it.

    Oh, and one other thing, her beauty is undeniable - mesmerizing eyes, a perfect smile, sleek and sexy legs, a backside that stops traffic. However, her insight and charm and kind spirit are even more beautiful.

    So, yes, twice is nice with Natasha, because every time you are with her it will be something that you will never forget.

    I made my first visit ever to a brothel and went to see Natasha. I was really nervous but as soon as she came out, wearing that oh so nice white lacy dress, and gave me a hug, I knew I was in the right place.
    First... she is beautiful in the pictures on here but wow, they don't compare to her in real life.
    Second... she is really nice here on the boards but.. in person... she was one of the sweetest persons I have ever met.
    Third.... I had no idea that skin could be so soft.
    When we talked about what I wanted.. she knew quickly what I needed and she went above and beyond to give me one of the greatest times of my life.
    Natasha... thank you

    I saw a movie once where one of the central characters was trying to explain the difficulty of being great at something. He finally summed it up by saying, "If it was easy, everyone would do it."

    I suppose I would also add that being exceptional has an enduring quality to it. Very few people can do something great even once; fewer still can keep doing it.

    I've seen Natasha five times, and each visit seems to be more remarkable than the last. In fact, I'm guessing that the next five meetings - or fifty, for that matter - would be even more extraordinary still. So, whatever parameters you might place on what makes for a wonderful intimate encounter, throw them out, because Natasha will exceed them all.
    [smilie=hot over you.gif]

    If you want a personal connection, she is remarkably present and caring. If you want fireworks, she is intensely passionate. If you want physical perfection, Michelangelo couldn't have sculpted a more flawless example of the female form. If you want smarts, she is a quick wit and a deep thinker.

    Sounds intimidating, right?

    Here's the kicker, Natasha is one of the sweetest, least judgemental people you will ever meet. She is incredibly easy to talk to, wonderfully welcoming to snuggle with, and wildly energetic to, um, well, do that with, too.
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

    I have been amazed at the deeply personal things I have been able to share with her and with a comfort level that still surprises me.

    If you haven't arranged a visit with her, you are missing out on one of the most amazing experiences of this or any lifetime.

    If you have already been lucky enough to spend time with this remarkable woman, you should see her again, because it gets even better. Believe me, it does.

    So, I guess I understand that movie character's difficulty in trying to fully explain the essence of being great. Fortunately for me, I don't have to explain it. I just have to recognize it and be lucky enough to spend time in the presence of the beautiful person who possesses it.

    Thank you, Natasha, for being so great.
    Wow! What a sweet treat! Natasha is the whole package... she's got looks, personality, and charm. She's the perfect trifecta!
    This little Size 2 hottie knows her way around the bedroom too. She's very open-minded (which is a big plus for me) and she's a true squirter! Dayum!

    If you're looking for a real deal lady who is down to earth and smokin' HOT, stop in and meet her. You will NOT be disappointed.

    5 Stars... ChicagoBob Approved!


    Natasha a Shining Star: The Kinky Side

    I have had the joy of several parties with Natasha Star. It is a well-known secret at the Sage Brush Ranch that I am enamored with her. I have had girl friend experience (GFE) parties and kinky encounters. I write today to praise and honor her kinky side.

    My Background
    A little bit about my background sets the stage. I am 66 years old. In my 20s and early 30s, I visited a lot of professional dominatrices in the San Francisco Bay Area and I was a frequent visitor at the Mound House brothels. I suspended those activities for approximately 25 years when I got married. After a divorce, I am back in the brothel scene. I have never seen someone as often as I have seen Natasha. I am drawn to her by a powerful force.

    Natasha – Loving, Compassionate, and Kinky
    Kink has a lot of different pathways and a plethora of activities. I will not address specific activities here. For this review, the activities are merely details.

    Natasha often brings a playful attitude to our kinky parties. Without breaking the mood, she will surprise me with a bit of humor. More importantly, it is astonishing the way she adds a loving dimension to kink that I have never experienced before.

    Natasha’s profile line is, “I put passion in compassion”. Tag lines are sometimes just a short string of words, but Natasha is the epitome of compassion. Search “compassion” in any dictionary. You won’t find a definition, just her photograph.

    Although I have never experienced it with her, if you want a “mean” domme I know that is in her repertoire. Do not view anything I write as a limitation on what she can offer.

    Angelic Beauty and Approachable Demeanor
    Do not let Natasha’s innocent, angelic beauty (and gawd she is pretty) fool you. You can openly discuss anything that’s legal with Natasha. She will make you feel comfortable while sustaining an edge of exciting anticipation. She will not judge you. She will accept you, help you articulate what you want and make your secret, kinky desires a reality.


    The English language has a rich vocabulary but still not enough superlatives for Natasha Star. I have experienced ecstasy in every party, and I look forward to more experiences with Natasha.
    What can I say about @Natasha Star that has not been already written about and shouted from the mountaintops.

    However, pull a toadstool and I will tell you a story about how fate and the cosmos brought Natasha and Grizzly together. It started with a thread on here about pantyhose which led to an introductory email on Feb 6th.

    In that email I asked her if I could share an idea I had that I have only shared with one other person who has now since retired. I will not go into the details of what the party will entail. Suffice to say it has caused me to lose sleep, break out in nervous cold sweats just picking up the phone recently to speak with Natasha.

    She sent an initial email however, she was on a boat and was not able to fully think about my email until she returned but she promised me she would look at it. So that led me to sending her an email with my likes, wants and desires. I also told her about a fear I had and asked if she would be open to it or could suggest someone else. I nervously hit the send button on my email. And over the next 6 days I would lose sleep waiting with baited breath to see how she would respond to my request. Finally on the 6th day, I opened my email realizing I was holding my breath and slowly read her response. I had to pinch myself and ask myself if I was dreaming, I could here Cherubs singing the Hallelujah chorus and you could hear the stars align for me to get some long time coming healing.

    Over the course of the next few days we started to work out how this party would go, the safety parameters, but some unseen force was working against us in the technology department, plus I worked an ungodly amount of overtime.

    Finally on March 8th I picked up the phone and called the ranch and spoke with Natasha over the phone, honed some dates and put a deposit down. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing in 9 months we would bring a beautiful and happy birth of healing into this world.

    With Natasha's gentle guidance we are now in the 2nd trimester (yes I feel like I am birthing a baby that we have been trying for, for a long time):p:rolleyes:o_O

    So we have been planning this party, as we both have time, constantly thinking about it and planning it out. Well fate and the cosmos would step in again but that is another story.

    So the moral of this story is if you have a vision, Natasha is open to discuss the party of your dreams or willing to take a journey with you to help one heal. In my dealings with Natasha on the boards, twitter, phone live stream. She genuinely cares about her clients and those that choose her.

    She has put my mind at ease, when I called her again today, I was in cold sweats, shaking like a leaf because of what this party means to me and what I will can from it,there is a measure of anxiety that is coming with it.

    Gentleman and Ladies I can think of no one more down to earth, caring and willing to go with you on journey to help one heal than Natasha.

    I now know why she is Starlet of the Year and has won multiple Starlet of the Month awards.

    This woman truly cares...and it shows in how she reacts on social media and how she takes time out to talk on the phone, answer a email or dm. She even and went out and got the outfit I described in the script for our party, How awesome is that... plus even though she is busy, she takes time to carefully and thoughtfully respond to your emails or phone calls.

    Folks take time to get to know Natasha, let her into you world and you will be amazed at how genuine she is.

    Natasha I look forward to seeing you in 30 weeks. Thank you for being an amazing and loving woman!![smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

    Part 2 of this story will be coming in 30 weeks...

    This was a party a year in the making. Hopefully the next one won’t take that long.
    @Natasha Star is definitely something special. She has a gift for putting a guy at ease. Which is good, coz when we finally met, I was nervous as hell.

    I had been talking to Natasha for well over a year. She was there for me through my divorce, when I lost my job, and when I began working at Amazon. It was through that year that I was finally able to come meet her.

    Natasha is very easy to talk to, and she often cracks jokes. She has a great personality and a lot of patience. And those orgasms are genuine! I’m not sure she can fake one.

    ProTip: Turn on the cute and be funny. She loves to laugh.

    I haven’t lost my smile since my time with her, and I’m already planning a return visit.



    click here to see the original review
    I had the pleasure to do my first at Sagebrush Ranch last Friday with @Natasha Star. I've always wanted to visit the Sagebrush Ranch and check the place out and I finally had the chance to do it. It was nice to meet and party with Natasha. Negotiation was fast and easy. She also added time to the party which was a nice thing. If you guys want to get a tour of the ranch, you should definitely see and party with Natasha. Thank you Natasha for spending time with me and giving me a tour of the ranch. I hope you are doing well.

    [smilie=call me.gif]

    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter: NatashaStarSBR

    Floor Hours: 1pm-1am, Sunday-Wednesday
    1pm-3am Friday & Saturday
    Appointment Only Thursdays
    24-7/365 by Appointment
    I'm local and available on short notice!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2019
    lover5, piperrae, grizzly and 4 others like this.
  2. Kaylee Marie
    Chat with Me

    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    That Pacific color looks really good on you
  3. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    What amazing reviews of an amazing lady! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Lena_Haze
    Chat with Me

    Lena_Haze Alien Cathouse - Las Vegas Xoxo

    These are great reviews Natasha, I can't wait to read more
  5. Thank you :)

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  6. Thanks for reading!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  7. Thank you so much, Lena!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  8. New Review added July 20, 2018 :)

  9. [​IMG]
  10. You are quite the rising star! Keep up the good work! :)
  11. Thank you, Roxy! :) [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  12. I love creating happiness and want to give you a 5-star experience you will always cherish. Please e-mail me at [email protected]. Let's connect!! xoxo
  13. Bobbi Besos
    Chat with Me

    Bobbi Besos Well-Known Member

    So many amazing reviews @Natasha Star!!! Thanks for organizing them so neatly like this!



    [email protected]
  14. Thank YOU for taking the time to stop by, Bobbi :)
  15. Felina Meow
    Chat with Me

    Felina Meow Luxury Kitten At Kit Kat Ranch

    Book this sexy lady today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Email her and set up an appointment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Thanks so much, Felina :)
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  17. Wow amazing reviews gorgeous lady
  18. Thank you so much :) I appreciate it!
  19. cumishaamado
    Chat with Me

    cumishaamado Love Virgins, Couples & Girlfriend Experience

    Awesome info!!! Book a party with her today and have her fulfill your fantasies with many memorable experiences to cum!!![smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  20. Thanks Cumisha!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  21. I bet shes alot of fun to interact with
  22. Wow such phenomenal reviews you are so amazing
  23. Read about what makes Natasha such a popular and sought-after lady! :)
  24. Aw thank you so much, lovely ladies. :)
  25. Tegan Hart
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    Tegan Hart Well-Known Member

    Great reviews!! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  26. Thank you, Teagan!! MmmmuuuuWAH!
  27. Hey all! I just wanted to let you know I'm offering extra time on the next party for anyone who leaves me a review. :)
  28. grizzly
    Chat with Me

    grizzly Well-Known Member

    Awesome reviews! You are amazing and beautiful...cannot wait to add my review in December
  29. I can't wait to give you a 5-star experience!
    [smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    grizzly likes this.
  30. I added a seventh review ................ :)
    grizzly likes this.
  31. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Can’t wait for next month. I have a date with a goddess. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif]
    grizzly likes this.

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