Posting Pictures on the Message Board (Approval Required)

Discussion in 'Posting Etiquette and Instructions' started by Harold, Jul 30, 2011.

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  1. Harold
    Chat with Me

    Harold Well-Known Member

    Board rules require that any picture taken at the MLBR, TLRN, and TLRS should never be posted on the message board without the express permission of all in the pictures to include those in the background.

    Pictures taken at the ranches should never be posted on social media since permanent control of the image is then lost.

    If cameras are in use, tell the photographers that your image should not appear in any picture. If a picture is to be taken, move out of the frame or stand behind the photographer.

    Have the photographer immediately delete your image contained in any accidental picture.

    The personal privacy of all must be respected. What happens at the ranches stays at the ranches.


    Pictures / Videos Taken During Parties

    Some ladies allow this. Others do not.

    No image should ever leave the room without being reviewed.

    Too many "sex tapes" on the internet. Cheap publicity trick or gross invasion of privacy? You decide.
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