About Me Random Fun Facts

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by Natasha Star, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Right ! Totally! Lol I’m sure they would love that
  2. I love making the 3 folds undulate on the head during a blowjob lol!
    RunningSquirrel likes this.

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  4. Perfectly reasonable that THIS is your #1 Random fact!
  5. Hahaha!! Hmmm. Maybe I need to find a clever way to advertise it ;)
  6. DesertRose
    Chat with Me

    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    I love learning more about you lovely. Congrats on the publication of your writings. I'd like to read them some time.
  7. Thanks, Desert!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    DesertRose likes this.
  8. CherryLane
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    CherryLane ❤️ Cherry Lane ~ Lover of the Year 2018 ❤️

    Stop on by and say hi to this amazing lady today! Xoxo
  9. Thanks, Cherry!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  10. I am so jealous!!!
    I've seen them at an Omaha, Nebraska zoo!!!
    They are so playful. I can only imagine how they are alike in the wild.
    Sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime

    Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk
  11. The poor things are nocturnal, and the guide kept shining a red light on them to see them. lol They were good sports, though!
    AveryLee likes this.
  12. Tegan Hart
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    Tegan Hart Well-Known Member

    Awe thanks for posting this Natasha!! You are very interesting and beautiful woman. I absolutely adore the photos of pig pig :)
  13. These are awesome facts @Natasha Star thank you for sharing! I look forward to getting to know you better! You are a very interesting woman! Natural Brew's Chai Cola- is that a type of tea? Do you drink it hot or iced? I definitely will have to try it!
  14. It's actually a soda, like cola with chai tea spices. :) I like it cold (but no ice!!) best. :D It has a very unique taste ... and I am so fortunate that someone special just sent me two cases of it!!!
  15. Aww :(! but that's good though! They seem like free spirited animals:)

  16. Moving 40 times...you've been everywhere for only a "bit". You're awesome!
  17. Indeed!!!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    AveryLee likes this.
  18. Yup, that's pretty much it. I've got a whole bunch of location appetizers :D:D Thank you!!!!
  19. What a wonderful list! I would expect nothing less from such an awesome lady! [smilie=hot over you.gif]

    Hmm, some random things about me...

    Ok, I'll give it a shot :)

    15) I think Dim Sum is the greatest food ever invented.
    14) I drive a Mini Cooper, because, frankly, being able to drive a glorified go-cart everywhere you go is pretty freaking awesome!
    13) I once bench pressed 365 pounds, which impresses no one - except for people who remember what they once bench pressed.
    12) I think it is ok for men to cry, so long as the moment has emotional resonance. Or his favorite team just lost.
    11) I was once asked what the voltage was in China and had no idea.
    10) If there is anything at all that you like about me - the good stuff - it is because of my incredible parents. The rest of it - the not so good stuff - I've managed to screw that up on my own.
    9) I have extremely tall hair.
    8) I have won a beer chugging contest in Mexico, climbed to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite, and bowled a 200 game - not all at once, mind you. But how awesome would it be if I had?
    7) I lived in Seattle for almost five years and never owned an umbrella while I was there.
    6) I saw The Clash open for The Who and turned to a friend and said, "Hey, these guys are pretty good."
    5) I once had to be talked out of wearing baseball jersey to a formal event.
    4) I can make people laugh. It may not always be intentional, but it still counts.
    3) My dream vehicle is an Austin Healey 3000. British Racing Green, please.
    2) According to family lore, I am possibly a descendant of ninjas.

    And #1...I have kissed the most beautiful woman in the world, and her name is Natasha!
  20. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Some things you might already know about me, but I’ll still share.

    I’m a huge game nerd. Have been since the age of three. It all started with Pac-Man. Since then, I’ve wanted to create my own games. I used to make my favorites on grocery bags and draw the characters on the other side. I also started creating original games with the paper bag method.

    Sadly, I never got to become a game designer. I enrolled at the Art Institute online, then the ground campus in Salt Lake. I ended up dropping out.

    My game creation is limited to working on RPG Maker Fes on the 3DS. I successfully uploaded a horror game called Blood Manor. In this game, you lead a group of paranormal investigators to explore an old polygamist compound filled with spirits. Among the spirits is a hostile spirit that is a major threat in the game. There are no battles in the game. You live and die by the choices that you make, and things you interact with.

    This game is a free download on the 3DS. It’s playable through the RPG Maker Player app which is also free. On there, you can play my game, and others that people have created. One person created a game where you’re a cat that destroys the house.

    I’m currently working on a sequel, and kicking around doing a novelization of Blood Manor, but I also debated resurrecting a project I abandoned on the PS1 version of RPG Maker called Brothel Story. In this game, you’re a warrior who is the sole survivor of an attack on his village. Wounded, he wanders into the forest and is helped by this girl and this guy. The hero then wakes up to find he’s in a brothel, and is then put to work killing monsters around the area. I’ve only gotten a few maps done, and a few character designs made before finding something else to do. I might come back to that. Plus, the server had a game where you do visit a brothel, so Brothel Story might be a possibility.

    I’ve also been to several concerts and met a few of my favorite musicians. I got to meet George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher of Cannibal Corpse (awesome guy). I also met Steve Souza of Exodus. As for bands, I’ve seen Ghost, Gwar, Cradle Of Filth, Butcher Babies, and my all time favorite, King Diamond. I haven’t been to a concert in a while, but I love the energy, and I love the atmosphere. I love the feeling I get from metal.

    I draw on occasion, and I designed a tattoo for a friend of mine who I later dated briefly. She passed away years later, so I’m kicking around having that design put on me to honor her.

    I work retail, but I was sadly ousted from my old job at the city. One too many mistakes, but I’m sure they’ve been chomping at the bit to get rid of me for a while now. I’m also an Uber Eats delivery driver. I also set up a store on Teespring called Heavy Mental.

    I collect board games, especially ones from the 80s based on arcade games. I also had a good collection of video games. Fortunately, I still have most of my collection before selling a bunch, which I didn’t want to do.

    I’m currently going through a divorce, and I have a daughter who thinks I’m awesome.

    If there’s anything else you like to know about me, please ask away. :)
  21. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    15 random facts about Old Nick. Here we go...

    1. I’m from Utah, and born into the Mormon religion. Oddly enough, I really don’t identify with it. I’ve never served a mission, though when missionary hopefuls ask me where I went on my mission, assuming I’d been on one, I tell them I went to Oslo, Norway, and got sent home early for sneaking out, catching the metal shows, and starting short term relationships with the local ladies there. When I get asked if I did go on a mission, I tell them no, and that I can’t in good conscience do that to them.

    2. I lived outside of Utah for almost twelve years. I lived in Washington and North Carolina, in fact finishing high school in NC. I moved back to Utah in 2002.

    3. I lost my virginity in a Nevada brothel in Wells. I didn’t drive at the time, so my uncle drove me. The next two times, I went back to that same brothel, but I’ve never been past Wells.

    4. I have been in a few long distance relationships, one of them was off and on for two years. I joke about that one, about her being off and on with the guy she was living with. I’ve also joked that I’m easier to love at a distance.

    5. The bands that got me through high school were Suicidal Tendencies, Megadeth, and Gwar.

    6. My introduction to King Diamond and Mercyful Fate was on a Judas Priest tribute album.

    7. I did have a somewhat local relationship that lasted almost 24 hours. We became official that night, then the next day, after I’d gotten home and slept coz we’d both been up all night, she breaks up with me through an offline message on Yahoo messenger. This prompted my third brothel trip.

    8. I was looked upon as being weird in high school, but I have found that weird is the new norm.

    9. I went to school with Jeff Hardy, the pro wrestler.

    10. There are still a lot of things I have yet to do sexually.

    11. The best concert I have gone to was King Diamond in 2015.

    12. The worst video game I have ever played was Ren & Stimpy: Veediots. And yes, I have played ET.

    13. Up until 2005, my life was quite uneventful. When I got a Jeep Cherokee that year, I started going out and doing things, as it was my first vehicle.

    14. I love getting my head rubbed. Preferably by a lady. ;)

    15. Heavy metal has saved my life.
  22. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    Thanks for sharing some with all of us ladies here at Sagebrush. It tastes good and I totally would suggest it to everyone that likes Chai.
  23. A Mini Cooper! I love Mini Coopers! You're so fortunate! ....although a Austen Healey 3000 would be a dream!
    I love your tall-cockatoo hair. :D You rock it!
    Google just informed me China works on 220V
    I'm really good at getting bowing balls in the gutter......
    Ninja ancestors would not surprise me in the least

    And, NorCal, you're making me beam and blush in the parlor here! That takes skill ... perhaps, ninja skill?? :D

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  24. Wow! You've got a pretty diverse gaming life! Thank you for sharing. :)

    Pac-Man was among my first games too. I remember playing it on those video game tables at the local pizza joint. I LOVED doing that!!
    Old Nick likes this.
  25. Music can be so healing. I love Megadeath. :) I haven't listened to them in quite awhile, but now you got me wanting to again!

    I'm not a wrestling fan, but I used to have a crush on Jeff Hardy, and I used to use him as reference for drawing (don't tel him if you see him at a reunion, please! So embarrassing! Tee-hee! ;);))

    Weird is great. The weirder the better :D

    Head massages are amazing! The world needs more head massages.
    Old Nick likes this.
  26. Glad you liked it, Desert!! :)
    DesertRose likes this.
  27. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Speaking of pro wrestling, I almost became a wrestler. I came very close to training for it. I had gone to one of the local promotions (which is gone now), called the promoter and one of the road agents, had my character figured out, was debating entrance themes, decided what I’d call my finisher (South of Heaven), then I realized I’m not much of an athlete at all. I’m a natural born entertainer, as evidenced by the fact I can do karaoke completely sober.

    If I had made it as a wrestler, this created wrestler in WWE 2K14 would be me.

  28. AndreaBanks
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    AndreaBanks Well-Known Member

    Great post to get to know you better! I have a weird obsession with garden gnomes also lol [smilie=happy.gif]
  29. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Ahh, the memories. I remember those days, the feelings I’d get at the arcade. At six years old, I remember feeling betrayed playing Donkey Kong Jr because Mario was the bad guy in that one. I also remember seeing Joust for the first time. I get more excited about retro collections than the latest AAA games that require a year and a half in development and hundreds of people, though bring on the Marios, Zeldas, Dooms, Wolfensteins, and the like.

    I posted this video on a thread I created called Guilty pleasure video of the day, something I started on Facebook, and I wanted to share it on this thread too. It’s by a band called Megadriver, and they cover video game music. I stumbled upon them by accident on Spotify.

  30. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Sorry. The thread I posted this video on was Jam of the day.
  31. I remember playing this!! Wow, memories....
    Old Nick likes this.
  32. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I don’t know how many quarters I sunk into that game. But it was magical. I briefly made peace with a dude that tormented me in school playing this game. We got to the end, beat Shredder, and celebrated our victory. Course, he’d resume being a jerk after that. :(
  33. Gaaaaah. That's unfortunate that not even Shredder's demise could release him from the dark side.
    Old Nick likes this.
  34. Another random fact:

    When I was 16, I broke my tailbone the night I was supposed to audition for Joffrey Ballet.

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