Random Thoughts With Roxy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RoxyGold, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Broadhildt
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    Broadhildt Well-Known Member

    One of the sexiest phrases in the English language is "unzip me." ;)
    navysteve and RunningSquirrel like this.
  2. When i was little, I thought adulthood would have more ice cream for dinner and quicksand would be more of a threat. :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  3. South Park has taught me many important life lessons. For example, "dildo" is a valid insult.

    Old Nick likes this.
  4. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Have you ever watched Metalocaypse? Skwisgaar, the blonde Swedish dude, says “That is dildos” when insulting Toki’s guitar playing.

  5. This is such a funny show! :)
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  6. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I cried when it got cancelled.
  7. I miss the Hannah Barbara Olympics cartoons with all the characters. Thank god for Youtube.
    Old Nick likes this.
  8. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I just streamed Double Dragon 1 & 2 on a Facebook group, and I had a lot of jokes about the 80s and the games.

    “Only in the 80s would a hardened thug come after you wearing teal.”

    “This game was made in the decade of cocaine and bubble gum pop.”

    “S&M zombies bursting through a wall? I’d buy that for a dollar!”

    (After beating Double Dragon II) “That’s twice I’ve whacked Willy!”

    Also, an anecdote about walking into a hole, losing a life, and if anyone you went to school with saw it, it was the talk of the school yard. You’d never hear the end of it.
  9. Am I the only one who is fascinated with apocalyptic or disaster documentariels? I keep thinking all the years of Hazmat/tactical/survivalist training will do some good.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2019
    Old Nick likes this.
  10. I think BunnyRanch should change its name to "KittyRanch" and allow pets right meow.
  11. SAME! Although I miss a lot of my favorite old cartoons in general. Bonus if they were on a VHS tape with old commercials :)
    Sharky likes this.
  12. Speaking of, this probably belongs in Funny Memes, but in keeping with the spirit of Roxy's thread....
  13. Well, a lot of great artists were insane after all... :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  14. Jessica Riley
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    Jessica Riley Well-Known Member

    XD This thread...

    Thanks, Roxy. That was informative. lol
  15. In the olden day’s, rich people paid poor people to entertain them. Now poor people pay rich people to entertain us. :)
  16. Random Thoughts ABOUT Roxy.
    When I'm around Roxy I always feel like a Pirate because I love to get that Booty!!!
    [smilie=hot over you.gif]
  17. Haha and a random thought about Bigfoot is that yes, I HAVE seen you! :)
  18. Would eating ribs of game animals like moose and elk be like the giant rib in the Flintstones? :)
    Sharky and RunningSquirrel like this.
  19. Scooby Doo has taught me that villains are not strangers, but in fact people we know and trust. Has also taught me that full size vans are the best vehicle if you have lots of friends :)
    Sharky, RunningSquirrel and Old Nick like this.
  20. Do you ever think Gordon Ramsay just says, “eh, f*** it” and microwaves a hot dog? :)
  21. Matt Foley taught me that a full size van is the best vehicle to live in, down by the river!
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
  22. Matt Foley was a very wise man, so insightful. :)
    Bigfoot! and RunningSquirrel like this.
  23. dragonhart
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    dragonhart Well-Known Member

    why do women get mad when somebody asks thier age cause its rude but they want to know guys age so they can decide if he is too old or young for them?
    isurfer likes this.
  24. My faith in American youth was restored when a kid gave his sibling two slugs in the arm after spotting my car with out of state plates :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  25. What exactly would happen to us if all hair removal product companies (razors, wax, creams, etc) went on strike? :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  26. dragonhart
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    dragonhart Well-Known Member

    explain how me spending 2 dollars on a lotto ticket is a waste of money while you hold a 7 dollar cup of coffee?
    shyguy71 likes this.
  27. dragonhart
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    dragonhart Well-Known Member

    since halloween is the one night were spirits can roam the earth realm freely does that mean that California psychics get the day off of work?
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  28. I think remakes of Logan’s Run and Soylent Green made today would be amazing. :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  29. If everyone on the planet opened their refrigerator at the same time, would that stop global warming? :)
  30. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Probably not. But if everyone in China waited until daytime to climb up on a chair and then jumped off at the same time, would their combined kinetic energy push the Earth away from the Sun enough to reduce the heat received, thereby reducing global warming?

    (The answer, for at least three reasons, rhymes with "D'oh!")
  31. I was actually kind of disappointed during a round of thrift shopping in upscale Los Angeles the last time I was there. Although, with my vape, no one was hounding me for cigarettes which had never happened in my life. Oh the times, they are a’changing :)

    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  32. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    Special effect wise, yes, especially with Logan's Run. Though I think they would overdo the CGI.

    But with today's Hollywood, they would screw both of them up. Especially Soylent Green. In some ways, that film was ahead of it's time. And when you view it now, and see them mentioning global warming, greenhouse effect, etc and know that the movie was in the early '70s, it's like wow!
  33. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    We end up looking like Europeans?
    RunningSquirrel and StevenL like this.
  34. StevenL
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    StevenL Well-Known Member

    What I've been wondering lately is if there is an "optimal" level of THC.

    I would think there is a max level of THC that your lungs can absorb in a certain amount of time, which would explain why edibles hit harder (higher absorption potential).

    Anyone know or willing to commission me to do a study?

    Sent from my LM-V350 using Tapatalk
  35. StevenL
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    StevenL Well-Known Member

    So I was just watching a video about a "Haunted House" that they will pay you like $30,000 if you all the way through to the end

    Really? You want to bet your haunted house actors against my crazy?

    Sent from my LM-V350 using Tapatalk

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