About Me Roxy's Top 10 FAQ Updated

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by RoxyGold, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. This is a really great thread thank you for sharing it with us roxy
  2. Sadly, I stayed on the boring old I-10 when I went cross country. Maybe we could rent a convertible and go together! :)
  3. I'm liking where this is going. :D
  4. Top 10: Outdates- Let’s blow this joint!

    1. So what’s an outdate?

    An outdate is when we leave Ranch property and go anywhere we like within the state of Nevada.

    2. How do we set that up?

    The process is exactly the same as any other party. You come to my room, we talk about what’s going to happen and how much it will cost, then we go to the office and take care of the finances, and away we go!

    3. Can I just call the Ranch and have you come to my hotel room?

    Nope. We still need to talk face to face first.

    4. Who’s driving?

    We can use the chauffeur service, or use your car, or mine.

    5. Why do we have to stay in Nevada?

    Just how the local and state laws work.

    6. So what kind of things can we do?

    I’m game for most things. Nature stuff, restaurants, shows, museums, concerts, bars, room service etc. Let me know what kinds of things YOU like and I can plan it for us.

    7. We still get to have sex too, right?


    8. How much time is in an outdate?

    As much as you want. Ten minutes or ten days. It’s all possible.

    9. I didn’t exactly bring nice clothes, is that a problem going out?

    Nah. Being a vacation town, pretty much everybody wears what they like and it’s not a big deal. If you feel like dressing up, we can always stop at the mall and get us a few things as part of the date.

    10. What if someone recognizes us?

    Don’t worry. My parents aren’t visiting. :)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  5. To Whom It May Concern
    For those looking for a quality outdate, Roxy is a wise choice indeed.

    I can't think of anyone that would go out of her way to show people a great time more than Roxy. She's likely the easiest person there is to deal with. She's so accommodating and an easy person to feel comfortable with.

    Not only will you have a great time away from the ranch, but she'll rock your world after dinner too!

    So give her a jingle. She deserves an outdate now and then for sure. Many of the ladies have never been on an outdate you know, so it's a special time when they happen.

    Give her a shout. You won't be sorry!
    AlexaWu and RunningSquirrel like this.
  6. My Goodness Roxy! You blow my mind....! Such a great post love.


  7. Great thread I always enjoy getting to know more about you!
  8. Aww, thanks for reading! :)
  9. A question I frequently wonder is how in the world are you so flexible?! I have seen you do some awesome sexy stuff of the stage as a dancer.
  10. We should stretch together sometime! I could learn a few things from you as well, Jade! :)
  11. JuniperJones
    Chat with Me

    JuniperJones Well-Known Member

    This is awesome! Lots of great information. ^.^
  12. Thanks, Juniper! I would love to get to know more about you as well! Do you have a preferred About Me thread for inquiring minds to look at? :)
  13. @RoxyGold .... I enjoyed reading all of these questions and your answers to them.....
  14. Glad to hear, @Paul Grover and thanks for reading! :)
  15. Who wants me to answer some questions? :)
  16. StevenL
    Chat with Me

    StevenL Well-Known Member

    I do!

    Hang on, I don't need to think up the questions, do I?

    Sent from my LM-V350 using Tapatalk
  17. You can if you want. I like the things you ask me. :)
  18. cumishaamado
    Chat with Me

    cumishaamado Love Virgins, Couples & Girlfriend Experience

    Awesome info!!! Book your fabulous party with @RoxyGold with many memorable experiences to cum!!![smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  19. Top 10: Staycationing

    1. Do you have a place close to the Ranches?

    Sure do! I moved from Los Angeles to Carson City a few years ago. I’ll be one of the first available when we reopen!

    2. Have you been bored because you’re home all day?

    Not at all! I’ve been using the time to learn some new things, and build relationships online with people.

    3. Have you been gaining weight from being home?

    Quite the opposite! Now I have time to do all the cooking and prepping to eat clean and exercise!

    4. Do you miss being at the Ranch?

    Every day. That’s one of the things I love about this board, we can stay connected.

    5. How long do you think this closure will last?

    I’m really not sure. When I get the news, I’ll shout it from the rooftop and so will a few other ladies. :)

    6. What are you doing to pass the time?

    Staying active on social media, learning computer skills, learning selfie photography (there are legit classes! Wow!), and exercising. That can make a day go by pretty quick all things considered.

    7. Social media? What are you on?

    For the moment I’m on Twitter, Instagram and I’m getting a TikTok going. @missroxygold for all.

    8. Do you do a lot of online shopping?

    No more or less than I ever have.

    9. Is there going to be a big celebration when you reopen?

    Hopefully you’ll be there celebrating with me. ;)

    10. Do you think you’ll be out of practice when things get going again?

    I just might be able to get my virginity back if this goes on long enough. :D
    Sharky, StevenL, AlexaWu and 3 others like this.
  20. Feel free to message me about any topic you want me to answer 10 questions about! :)
    Sharky and joe carbols like this.
  21. joe carbols
    Chat with Me

    joe carbols Well-Known Member

    Hey There Foxy @RoxyGold . Here are my 12 questions lets call it


    1. CFM's, Stilettos, or Flats?
    2. Granny Panties or Crotch less?
    3. Thongs or G-String?
    4. Summer dress (Sans under garments) or Bustier, Stockings and garter?
    5. Fishnets or Stockings (Silk or Nylon)
    6. Rockabilly Riot (aka Viva Las Vegas or Rockabilly Weekend) or Burning Man?
    7. 20th Century Musical or 21st Century Musical?
    8. Ballet or Orchestra?
    9. Country or Western?
    10. Bucket of Blood Saloon or Virginia City Brewery & Tap House?
    11. Carnivore or Herbivore or Omnivore?
    12. What Would You Do for a Klondike Bar?

    Thanks for keeping the boards lit up. I greatly appreciate reading your comments!!
  22. Big hugs to @joe carbols for giving me this Top 10!

    1. CFM's, Stilettos, or Flats?


    2. Granny Panties or Crotch less?


    3. Thongs or G-String?


    4. Summer dress (Sans under garments) or Bustier, Stockings and garter?

    Summer dress

    5. Fishnets or Stockings (Silk or Nylon)


    6. Rockabilly Riot (aka Viva Las Vegas or Rockabilly Weekend) or Burning Man?

    Burning Man
    7. 20th Century Musical or 21st Century Musical?


    8. Ballet or Orchestra?


    9. Country or Western?


    10. Bucket of Blood Saloon or Virginia City Brewery & Tap House?

    Bucket of Blood

    11. Carnivore or Herbivore or Omnivore?


    12. What Would You Do for a Klondike Bar?

    Buy one at the grocery store
    StevenL and RunningSquirrel like this.
  23. BD685E10-CD35-45D0-B872-04396C772B9F.jpeg

    And here’s a picture :)
  24. These are the most common questions... what are the strangest ones?
  25. Check through the thread, I’ve shared many! :)
    Sharky likes this.

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