A woman wants jumped from the 86 floor of the Empire State building but only fell one story before a freak gust of wind swept her on to a ledge where she was rescued shortly there after. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
The man who voiced Tigger from Winnie the Pooh was the first to invent an artificial heart. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
When the Eiffel Tower was initially built it wasn't popular. Wasn't until a few years after the 1889 World's Fair did Parisians come to accept and adore it. Historians estimate around 1892 was when it became accepted locally.
Ok so I heard that your fingernails keep growing after you die but in zombie movies no zombies have long ass fingernails?
A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Only 17 existing paintings are attributed to famed artist Leonardo da Vinci. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
The brain continues sending electrical wave signals for 37 hours after death -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Close to 73% of girls in Bangladesh are married by age 18. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history. Spades - King David, Clubs - Alexander the Great, Hearts - Charlemagne, Diamonds - Julius Caesar. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
You are approximately two inches taller when you wake up than when you go to sleep. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Due to Plate Tectonics, Europe and North America are drifting apart at the same speed a human finger nail grows. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
They chew them! Being a zombie creates a great deal of anxiety, so chew not only their finger, buy also their toe nails. Now that is grody to the max!
That is why your hair and nails keep growing for a little bit after death. It is one of the last automated things about your body to stop.
The Starry Night depicts Vincent Van Gogh's view from the Saint Paul-de-Mausole asylum. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
A newborn giant panda is about the size of a stick of butter. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
“Bloodcurdling” isn’t just an expression: Research shows that watching horror movies can increase a certain clotting protein in our bloodstreams -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
In 1953, Swanson had 260 tons of frozen turkey leftover after Thanksgiving, so they packaged them into trays with peas and potatoes, and the TV Dinner was born. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
A Canadian police officer named Ward Clapham created a program that gives “positive tickets” to people who do good deeds. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Redondo Beach, California adopted the Goodyear Blimp as the city's official bird in 1983. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder