About Me “I am a lucky, LUCKY girl.” - Torrey’s Stories episode 1

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by TorreyLisa, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. TorreyLisa
    Chat with Me

    TorreyLisa A perfect blend of lingerie, leather, & diamonds.

    Story time!
    #torreysstories #brothelstories

    Context to this story:
    As a polyamorous woman and ethical non-monogamist in my everyday life, I have nicknamed my partners to keep them anonymous within my stories. “Sugar Lips” is my girlfriend in the throuple I was in for 18 months. Our mutual throuple partner is named “Mr. Hemi.”

    (Throuple = three people equally and/or collectively coupled.)

    Sugar Lips and I are BFF’s in addition to being intimate partners with each other and with our other mutual male partners. I will tell more stories about my polyamorous lifestyle as I go.

    For the purpose of this story, I simply wanted you to know who Sugar Lips was. ❤️


    I was on the phone with Sugar Lips (in what seems like the first time in forever!) and I hear over the intercom, “Company, Ladies! We have company!”

    “Girl, I gotta go! Love you!”
    “Okay, bye! Love you too!”

    I slip into my heels and haul ass because I’m way down in the back hall. My commute is the furthest out of anyone here.

    (At least here, I’m not white-knuckling a steering wheel in rush-hour traffic!)

    I turn the corner, get to the parlor, and with hands behind my back and in perfect composure, I step in next-to-last in the lineup. The door manager then asks us to do what comes next: One by one we introduce ourselves from left to right.

    He looks right at me and says, “I’d like to take a tour with her” and walks up to me. My eyes probably told on me, but I was watching this very distinguished man approach me and all I could hear in my head was Glenn the daytime bartender’s voice (aka “El Duderino in my YouTube vids) saying his famous line:

    You are a lucky LUCKY girl!:D

    (If the eyes didn’t tell in me, I’m sure it was the part where I was smiling ear to ear that surely gave me away.)

    Well HELLO handsome! What’s your name?

    He proceeds to answer my questions as we proceed through the tour of our brothel.

    He’s from out of state, here for a conference, and usually visits Sagebrush Ranch every three years. He’s been here a few times before. He added:

    I have a tight schedule on this trip. Everything is booked up until I fly out Tuesday.

    Eventually we end at my room, where he realizes prices have gone up since he was last here. I explain how we all set our own rates, so he was investing in more than what he may have gotten before. I go over my experience - and explain that I discount the second hour if he wants to do an extended booking.

    He commits to booking with me. Now we just need to figure out for how long.

    He reiterated: Tonight was the only free time he could realistically fit time in, so we agreed that spending an hour together was the best fit. Then he handed me a stack of Benjamin’s.

    After we finalized the booking, I quizzed him about his likes and dislikes while I got everything situated …and while I instructed him to simultaneously get undressed and freshened up.

    I set the music to his liking. I dimmed the lights. I beckoned him to come closer.

    Then I asked out of curiosity:

    “What made you pick me out of everyone you could have chosen from?”

    He said something I’ve heard many times before:

    “You are more mature than the other girls, and I prefer a natural body. Plus, those EYES. My God they are stunning!”

    “Wait until they are looking right back at you. I love it when someone watches me. I hope you are comfortable with that. If not, just let me know.”

    He got undressed a little faster. :p

    He said he had no objections to having actual eye contact. In fact, he seemed a little relieved to be able to make a connection in that way.

    At one point I said:

    I have a unique style of doing XYZ. Are you okay with letting me show you how I like to do it? There’s nothing mechanical about it. I will intuitively read your nuanced responses, but I invite you to tell me if you like it, and also tell me if you don’t like it. Please know you can’t say the wrong thing. Communication is the key for our best outcomes. We will go from there, okay?

    His shoulders relaxed even more.

    “I would love that. I may need you to back off to make everything last. I’m glad you are open to my feedback.”

    I made him comfortable on the freshly-made bed and he sank right into the linens like melted butter.

    Well. Lemme tell ya….

    I have a knack for the timing of ALL of this, y’all.

    First, I could tell exactly when (and how) I was revving his engines. Then I’d back off. He would say “How did you know I was getting close? I didn’t even have a chance to say anything!

    (Now if you are blessed with a partner who is tuned into you this way… congrats! I’m guessing you’ll agree this takes time, some level of trial and error, and a few surprises along the way. But also remember… this is a man I’ve just met. I tune in verrrry quickly.)

    But secondly? And just as importantly?

    My internal time clock knew when to kick it into high gear and NOT back off. I don’t watch the clock because I don’t have to. I tell Alexa to set a timer and I make it a game to ignore the time and work off intuition only.

    Ten seconds after we both collapse, the timer goes off.

    Looks like we both made perfect use of our time!”

    As I dote on him with a warm washcloth and a cold beverage from my fridge, I quiz him again.

    What was your favorite part?”

    He said, “All of it - seriously….but *never* have I have *ever* had a blowjob like that. You are incredible at it. You definitely raised the bar on my expectations.”

    He paused to sip his cold drink then asked:

    What time do you work until tomorrow?”

    (And that, my friends, is why I take pride in setting the bar high.)

    Enjoy this clip of “El Duderino” saying, “You are a lucky LUCKY girl!”

    Because you know what?

    I am.

    Watch the age-restricted video directly on my YouTube channel:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022

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