A New Years message from me

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Old Nick, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    This is something I posted on Facebook years ago. I made some changes to it but kept the message the same.

    We keep saying that the previous year sucked and we can’t wait for the next year...but how do we know that the next year will be better? There will always celebrity deaths, bombings, people doing horrible things, shitty movies released, yada yada yada. But how did YOUR year go?

    I think what I’m saying is what are you doing to make your year a good one? If you want a good year, you gotta work at it! Take me for example. I spent a good chunk of my early 20s in a major funk. I was in a bad situation due to a few factors. I had a stepfather who was a mean drunk and even meaner sober, I couldn’t drive, and I had crippling depression. I was close to the edge several times. Many times I was tempted to close the book on my life, because I thought at the time, who’d miss me? Who’d care? My thoughts were very dark in those days.

    What I didn’t realize then is that I could have left that situation at anytime. Not by self destruction, but by relocating. Somehow, that was always an option and I never saw it.

    We moved back to Utah, but I was still depressed. I kept wishing that the following years would be better. But at 27 years of age (better late than never), I made those steps. I finally got my drivers license, something I’d been struggling with forever, but it was more my confidence than anything else. I got my license the first time I tried, and celebrated by going to Wendover. Each year, I try to better myself.

    Last year, I became a cell lead at Lifetime. I grew into the job. There are times when I get really flustered when too many things go wrong and I’m just one guy, but I do have excellent support. I’m the one that applied for the position. I trained and won out over the other guy that had applied for it. Me, who got shitcanned from Layton City Parks Department and Amazon within the span of a year, doing better than I thought I would.

    I’ve also got a few other things I might start doing. Possibly streaming on either Facebook or TikTok, and I’m still kicking around doing a podcast. I also need to exercise more.

    Remember that you are the key to your own happiness. Certainly no celeb, no politician, certainly no president can ever make you happy. It all starts with you. You have the ability to change your own life. You can’t expect anyone else to do it for you.

    Also, I have never subscribed to the “new year, new me” thinking. That’s just a cop out! You don’t need to wait for the new year to make a change. You can make that change anytime. Most changes take baby steps. It takes time.

    Happy New Year, my friends!
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