
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Old Nick, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’m not in a good way today.

    Last night at work, I received my final write up. Apparently, I’m not working fast enough, and I’ve been kicking up my speed. My manager asked me if there was anything that I’m having trouble with, and I mentioned to him that I have ADHD, and have been dealing with that ever since childhood.

    It’s not the first time my ADHD has screwed me. I lost my last job because of it. I was sent to aerate my parks when I still worked for the parks department, and I accidentally aerated a parking lot, causing damage to the the asphalt and the aerator. I forgot to lift the tines. That could happen to anyone, but I was a victim of favoritism at that job.

    I have to set up an appointment with my doctor for a form for HR, so I can appeal the write up and hopefully move to a different department, because I’m not making it as a stower. The bad thing is my current doctor has never treated me for ADHD. I’ve been treated for it in the past, but I don’t know where that documentation is. I’ve been on medication for it, but I don’t remember it doing me any good.

    I told my mom that I doubt I could get disability for it, because that’s what it is, and it’s affecting two jobs now, which might screw me coming out there. Sometimes, I really hate my life.

    I hope I can stay working at Amazon. I just hope I can move to a department where my ADHD won’t be much of an issue.
  2. I'm sorry to hear that. Looks like 2019 is off to a rocky start. If you've been treated for ADHD (or anything else, for that matter) in the past, it should be part of your medical records, especially if you were prescribed medication. I would suggest that if your current physician doesn't have a record of it, you should have him/her make additional records requests to your last physician, or do it yourself. They're your records, after all.

    Amazon is a diverse company, there has to be a job for which you're suited. They'll find it for you. Hang in there!
  3. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! A couple of days ago, I had my yearly review and was cited for poor performance. It wasn't a good feeling!
    Old Nick likes this.
  4. Old Nick,
    I was diagnosed being on the high functioning spectrum of autism when I turned 50. I didn't realize I was on the spectrum because I have a college education and worked for my local Parks&Recreation Department. This was way back before the ADA became federal law. I have since retired.
    Old Nick likes this.
  5. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I had to grow up with it. It wasn’t easy, especially in the 80s in Utah. I had The hardest time in school. I couldn’t stay in my seat. At least the hyperactivity part is not an issue for me anymore, otherwise, I’d be wandering into other people’s workstations.
  6. Natasha Star
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    Natasha Star Starlet of the Year! I put passion in compassion

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. It must be so disheartening, frustrating, and, I imagine, scary. Although, who knows? Maybe they can find a better fit for you, and you may be happier in the long run. Sometimes a giant pile of crap can make excellent fertilizer for beautiful things to grow.

    I understand the lack and loss of documentation. But if you see your doctor, even if there is nothing available to help now, maybe it will start a trail to help you in the future ...? Granted that's no relief now. But I'm hoping the next bend for you gets brighter.

    Old Nick likes this.
  7. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    It does bother me in a lot of ways. I left a job that didn’t pay well at all, and had no insurance for Amazon, for them to potentially drop me like a hot potato over a childhood ailment that followed me to adulthood, paired with their system that sends me pods I can’t stow a thing into. It’s my hope they move me out of stow, as it's very stressful, and not only do I get distracted, but flustered, as well. It was because of ADHD, and stress from the divorce, that I was fired from the city. I’d been there for 16 years.

    There are people that have been fired that I know of for stepping into the robot floor, time theft, and just plain wasting time. I’m not a time waster, and my manager knows that. He printed out the appeal paperwork, and even suggested I try to see if I can move to the dock. It’s far less stressful there, the few times I’ve worked out there.

    I’m hoping the appeal goes well. If it doesn’t, I don’t know what I’ll do. Probably be the latest in a long line of people making YouTube videos about their experiences working at Amazon. I do have a YouTube channel, but it’s mostly Mario Kart, WWE created wrestler entrances, and a video of my daughter singing “Cherry Bomb.”

    The VTO I took is also a factor. I worked the full shift for the past couple of days, and jetted early the week before. VTO is unpaid time off, but it’s based on the needs of the business, and it’s with the managers’ blessing. I supplement the list pay by doing Uber Eats deliveries, which I’m also putting toward my trip.

    Thank you for being there. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  8. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    There is a funny bit. I posted “Screw ADHD!!” on Facebook, and a wrestler I have on my friends list, Andrew So Well, who is in a tag team called ADHD with Tom Chad, said, “Why?” I said, “Sorry. I wasn’t talking about you guys. You guys are awesome!”
  9. Old Nick i have been crushed due to my disability epilepsy i can't get a job cause my of disability and discrimination
    Old Nick likes this.
  10. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! I hope things work out for you at your job. [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
    Old Nick likes this.
  11. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’m debating looking into disability due to the ADHD. This would be the second job it destroyed for me. Granted, I’m still there, but I’ve got a feeling of dread.
  12. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I’m hoping so, too. They opened the dock up again.
    BigAlbowski likes this.
  13. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I did get an appointment with my doctor, but I gotta wait till Friday. I also talked to a therapist I had back in North Carolina, and he might have a record of the sessions from back then. I’ll have to check my email on the computer. The app keeps crashing.
  14. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member


    They moved me from stow to decant. Right now, I recieve items to be sent to stow. There seems to be a more forgiving margin of error, but I still need to amp up my speed. I’m liking it better than being in stow.
    Nicodemus Legend likes this.
  15. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Update: I’m now in pick. I seem to be doing great there.
    Nicodemus Legend likes this.
  16. I'm glad they were able to find the best fit for both you and them. Good luck!
    Old Nick likes this.
  17. Gabapentin or other anti-convulsant doesn't help?
  18. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Another update: Not only am I in pick, but I get called away sometimes to help in other departments. My managers are glad I’m flexible like that. In a way, it makes me indispensable.
    Nicodemus Legend likes this.
  19. I am so happy things turned out for the better for you. When one door closes, another one opens.

    Many of God's blessings are disguised in challenges or "opportunities" as Dennis would say. [smilie=i love you1.gif]
    Old Nick and Nicodemus Legend like this.
  20. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    Perfect! Seems like its working out!


    -Pure heart with a dirty mind,
    Randy Ryder
    Old Nick likes this.
  21. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    This is such an interesting thread,
    thanks for posting [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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