Curious question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Built tough, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. Built tough
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    Built tough Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2023
    Old Nick, Pizza Man and Lunch Buffett like this.
  2. TiredFrog
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    TiredFrog Well-Known Member

    I fell into this a few years ago with a lady I'd seen a few times. We'd also keep in touch quite a bit via email and phone calls when I couldn't get to the ranch and talk over our lives with each other. Each successive party grew more and more intimate and the quality of the visits was just through the roof with me. I realized I was starting to have feelings beyond a friendship and talked this over with her. We had a good, mature discussion about it and ended it clearing up things yet remaining friends. We didn't meet again after this discussion but continued to talk online and by phone.
    origlegman and Built tough like this.
  3. TiredFrog
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    TiredFrog Well-Known Member

    No, she left the ranch a couple years before the plague hit so it put an end to the parties. I couldn't agree more on the conversations, the ladies there just seem so much more.....worldly, I suppose?
    origlegman likes this.
  4. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’d rather have a good expensive quality party with someone I connect well with, rather than a few cheap quickies. When I’m with a provider, I tend to treasure every moment. It’s one reason I always spring for a GFE.
  5. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    I love providing a quality experience to all my clients but at the same time I know how to keep it professional hehe ;)
    RunningSquirrel and Built tough like this.
  6. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    This is such a great question and I wanted to weigh in from a providers side of things!

    When it comes down to the brass tacks I find a lot of professional and personal fullfillment with quality experiences. At the end of the day I love what I do and I take a lot of pride in the quality of an experience I provide.

    Providing a top quality experience does need a level of emotional closeness to really provide which is why I devote so much time outside the party to my quality clients. To throw it into a cheesey one line I love investing in someone as much as they invest in me. Doing this leaves us both physically and emotionally satisfied/fullfilled after a party.

    That being said, closer relationships are more complicated than casual relationships. This does add something to be considered.

    I don't, however, fear the relationship changing. Over time all relationships change, grow and devolop in one way or another. Sometimes that change is the relationship ends. However, why would I ever want to cheat myself out of everything that relationship could have been? It might need a bit more work and some tough conversations as various things come up. I've had those hard conversations and they just made the experiences better because everyone was on the same page. Even when relationships have had to end I've always been able to ensure I've done the best in my power to make sure each person leaves the relationship heard, valued and satisfied. That's all I can do.

    Even when I've had a relationship end or just dramatically changed I've always felt that the harder moments were 100% worth it when I looked back at what the other person gave me (emotionally, physically or materially) and what I gave to them (same as before), I've always found that on the whole I'd rather have the experience than not.
  7. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    That is exactly it! Why not take all the greatest joys? It's so much more fun to indulge than live a life half enjoyed.
    Old Nick likes this.
  8. raz42071
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    raz42071 Well-Known Member

    Quantity can be OK in certain circumstances but quality is definately the type of parties that result in future repeat parties so definately my preference.
    Delilah Rae and Built tough like this.

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