I have a wish

Discussion in 'Games' started by ImogenSteele, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. So this game is quite a bit of fun and worth a laugh!

    Make a wish - anything you want - but the spin is that the next person replying to your wish gives it a negative. For example “I wish my car always had petrol” and the reply might be “granted but you can never get it started!”

    I’ll start - I wish I could fly!
    Baba1234 likes this.
  2. But you would have to request approval from air traffic control and wait on the tarmac for inbound airplane flights to clear the runways!

    For me... I wish I was multilingual, french, Spanish, German, Cantonese, etc..
    ImogenSteele likes this.
  3. Granted! But you were mute! Could you imagine the stress of calling to have all the approvals done!
  4. Standing on the runway like a child with a superhero cape! Zoom zoom, wee!! My turn!
    ImogenSteele likes this.
  5. Nope! No capes haha we all know what happens when hero’s wear capes!
  6. going to Disney world[smilie=hot over you.gif]
  7. have a wish to have my own house,
  8. I wish I had property and land !
  9. I wish I had a big dog kennel of German Shepherds!
  10. I wish to breed German Shepherds
  11. Wish I owned my own island with a private helicopter
    ROADRUNNER J likes this.
  12. Granted! But this is your island…

  13. I wish I had the power of teleportation…
  14. Ok, but every time you teleport you age quicker

    I wish I was a vampire
  15. origlegman
    Chat with Me

    origlegman Well-Known Member

    Granted but you have no teeth. :D [smilie=hi ya!.gif]

    I wish I could travel more.
  16. randyryder
    Chat with Me

    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    Granted but you have to walk everywhere lol

    I wish I could fly
    NicoBradley likes this.
  17. Granted, but you can never land.

    I wish I could get to 35 & then be 35 forever!
  18. MelodyRose
    Chat with Me

    MelodyRose sex fairy, sweetheart, succubus <3

    Okay, but only because you were put in a coma at 35 and died.
    I wish that i can visit all 50 states before dying.
  19. Granted, but you won’t remember it lol

    I wish I could be a shapeshifter

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