Lily Poole’s A-Z Favorite Characters [emoji317][emoji451]‍♀️‍♀️

Discussion in 'Games' started by Lily Poole, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Princess Padme Queen of Naboo (Star Wars) ..................
  2. Queen of Hearts :D

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  3. Roger Murtaugh (played by Danny Glover, below right) is a homicide detective on the Los Angeles police department, who is paired with an unstable partner shortly before Murtaugh is due to retire. Murtaugh loves his family, and is a loyal friend, but feels he is getting too old for this shit.

    "Have you ever met anybody you didn't kill?" ~ Roger Murtaugh

    "Well, I haven't killed you yet." ~ Martin Riggs

    Roger Murtaugh.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
  4. Seven of Nine
    Star Trek: Voyager
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  5. Thorin Oakenshield, leader of a band of displaced dwarves looking to reclaim their gold and homeland in The Hobbit.

    "If more people valued home, above gold, this world would be a merrier place..." ~ Thorin Oakenshield

  6. Ubbe
    "The Vikings"... first son of Ragnar Lothbrok and Aslaug
  7. Vampirella. A comic book heroine, vampire, vampire killer, possible alien (depending on which origin story you like), and quite the sultry dresser.

  8. Wreck-it Ralph .........................

  9. Xavier St. Cloud. An immortal sophisticate born in 1160, connoisseur, assassin, thief, murderer, and recurring antagonist on Highlander, played by Roland Gift (of the band The Fine Young Cannibals).

    "Just how old are you? Are you a Christian, or do you paint yourself blue and bay at the moon?" ~ Xavier St. Cloud

    "What do you care?" ~ Duncan Macleod

    "Just wondering what god I'm going to send you to..." ~ Xavier St. Cloud

    Xavier St.Cloud.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  10. Yoshimitsu- badass ninja warrior from Tekken series

  11. Zebedee
    From The Magic Roundabout
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  12. Aaron Boone (a.k.a. Cabal) played by Craig Sheffer in the movie version of Nightbreed. Aaron is a confused, depressed, misunderstood kid who is taken advantage of (not in that way) by an evil psychiatrist named Decker (played by the great David Cronenberg). Aaron just wants to make it to Midian, so he can be at peace, but things are never that easy.

    "Everything is true. God's an Astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live... and you came to die." ~ Peloquin to Aaron Boone

    Aaron Boone.jpg Cabal.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
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  13. Bob Newby
    Played by Sean Astin in Stranger Things

  14. Cogliostro. A former Hellspawn, mentor to Al Simmons, and homeless man in Spawn. He was created by the Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlan, played by Nicol Williamson him in the movie, and Richard Dysart voiced him in the cartoon.

    "The war between Heaven & Hell depends on the choices we make, and those choices require sacrifice. That's the test." ~ Cogliostro

    Cogliostro 1.jpg Cogliostro_002.jpg Cogliostro 3.jpg
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  15. Delilah from "Samson and Delilah", played by Hedy Lamarr

    Samson: The oldest trick in the world. Silk trap, baited with a woman.

    Delilah: You know a better bait, Samson? Men always respond.

  16. Draven Star
    Chat with Me

    Draven Star Never stopped being slutty or goth. Sorry, Mom.

    Emily the Strange! She still kinda counts, right?
  17. Fritz
    Frankenstein 1931..... He is a hunchback who assists Henry Frankenstein ... Played by Dwight Frye

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  18. Gollum!!!!!!!!~~~~~Lord of the Rings! Golllum.png Gollum Ring.png
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  19. Henry Hill from "Goodfellas", played by Ray Liotta

    "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster."

  20. Ian Struan Dunross, tenth Tai-Pan of the Noble House, rally car driver, fledgling helicopter pilot, and general badass in James Clavell's Noble House. Ian Dunross is one of my top five favorite literary characters of all time. The image below is from the not-so-great miniseries, in which Ian Dunross was portrayed by Pierce Brosnan (far right).

    Ian Dunross.jpg
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  21. Jack Ryan as played by Harrison Ford in "Clear And Present Danger"

    Ritter: Jack, computer theft is a serious crime.

    Jack Ryan: [to himself] So are crimes against the Constitution.

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  22. The Kid
    "The Young Riders"

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  23. Loki adopted son of Oden & brother to Thor!!!!!!!!~~~~~ Loki.png Loki the Trickster God.png
  24. Mike Wazowski (Monster's Inc) ..................
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  25. Nina Ivanovna "Ninotchka" Yakushova
    "Ninotchka" Ninotchka-07.jpg
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  26. Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars Movie Series

    Attached Files:

  27. Riddick from the movies Pitch Black~Dark Fury~ The Chronicles of Riddick~& Riddick!!!!!!!!~~~~~ Pitch Black.png Riddick.png Riddick Pitch Black.png
  28. Spider Man - Marvel Comics..................................
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  29. "Tequila" Yuen, played by Yun-Fat Chow (or Chow Yun-Fat, depending on when and where you first heard of him), is a Hong Kong police inspector who isn't afraid to pull the trigger in John Woo's 1992 action masterpiece, Hard Boiled.

    "Give a guy a gun, he thinks he's Superman. Give him two and he thinks he's God." ~ Inspector Pang to, and about, "Tequila" Yuen

    Tequila Hard Boiled.jpg
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  30. Ursula (Little Mermaid)
  31. Valen
    Minbari not born of Minbari... aka Jeffrey Sinclair ... Babylon 5
  32. Walter White. A high school chemistry teacher who found out he had cancer, and decided open a little business on the side to take care of his family in AMC's Breaking Bad.

    "To hell with your cancer. I’ve been living with cancer for the better part of a year. Right from the start, it’s a death sentence. That’s what they keep telling me. Well, guess what? Every life comes with a death sentence, so every few months I come in here for my regular scan, knowing full well that one of these times – hell, maybe even today – I’m gonna hear some bad news. But until then, who’s in charge? Me. That’s how I live my life." ~ Walter White

    Walter White.jpg
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  33. Xerxes I | Xerxes the Great. Xerxes I was the king of Persia between 486 and 465 B.C. He was born to King Darius I and Queen Atosa in 520 BC and was given the name Khashayar. Xerxes is the Greek transliteration of the name Khashayar shah, and it means "king of heroes.". He was a part of the Achaemenid Dynasty. xerces persia rex.png xerxes.png xerxes 485~420BC.png xerxes 485~420BC.png
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