My honest opinion...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Old Nick, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

  2. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Sisolak says:

    “Certainly we’re going to have to look at getting kids back into schools before we look at getting folks back into brothels,” he said. “We’ll be addressing it sometime, certainly, but it’s not in the immediate future.”

    The arrogance here is blinding. According to the story, multiple plans have been submitted to the state on how to keep people safe. But in Sisolak's mind the only good plan can come from the central planning of government, the one entity that exists to consume and absolves itself of any responsibility for its own actions.

    The story also points out the parallel to Wal-Mart. I've read estimates of foot traffic of 10,000 customers/day which is 20/minute if everyone came in at peak hours so it's reasonable. I would be amazed if the brothels had 1% of that traffic (100 customers/brothel/day) and would certainly attend to each customer on a more personal level to be sure protocols were being followed. You simply don't get that level of scrutiny from a part-timer whose job is to say "Welcome to Wal-Mart", but it's Wal-Mart that gets to stay open to increase infections.

    (Long story short - Nick is right that it's bias. If there's a legal fund for a lawsuit, will the staff post as such and I'll contribute?)
    JerryVestal and RunningSquirrel like this.
  3. JerryVestal
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    JerryVestal Well-Known Member

    If Nevada can open up other businesses safely even the casinos, the brothels can do it better and safer, they proved that even before Covid-19 came out. I think Nevada should vote red, most red states completely open and safer, even South Dakota, Ohio needs some extra work, but we have a lot of businesses open and most of the people in Ohio are being safer despite the numbers rising a little.
    Old Nick and RunningSquirrel like this.
  4. My honest shit, it’s bias!

    Amen to that @Old Nick ...Governor says the brothels aren't on his radar....somebody wanna check his speed dial? :)
  5. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    Silly politician, radars aren't for keeping track of brothels. They're for tracking airplanes, the weather and Santa Claus. :rolleyes:
  6. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’d definitely contribute to that. I have read that Madame Trudy down at Chicken Ranch doesn’t want to take that route (many states are suing their governors over the lockdowns), but the brothels are businesses like any other. The staff, ladies, managers, drivers...all employees. Sisolak’s already pushed them all into a corner and continues pushing. Eventually, it’s all gonna snap back.
  7. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Sadly, Utah, where I live, is seeing numbers rise, and they might lock things down again. I hope not. Masks are mandatory everywhere now and I’m at the point where I’m gonna buy or make some offensive masks, or wear Halloween masks, and let people deal with me. I’m at my limits with this crap.
  8. I hope they stop blocking the ranches from reopening. Yes the traffic is very low compared to stores. Much safer of place . Also oddly the notion to go on a escort date and zero sex. Wouldnt the escort be very close to her date the whole time. If six feet apart is whats needed to stop the spread the government here isnt using any common sense. Even in a non sexual date you'd be holding hands and close. So theres zero difference if sex is involved. I find it odd they think 6 inches apart could work on a non sexual date. Lol.
    What im hoping for, the vaccine becomes a cure. And girls get the vaccine and issue solved since they'd be immune. But that may be time.
    If it a long time from now then we do need to sue to reopen. All these stipulations without thinking them through are just showing how inept the government can be over the brothels.
    Stay 6 feet apart wear a mask people...ok go on a escort date just no sex...stay 6 inches apart ..your safe. Lol
    Dumber and dumber is in the government here i swear.
  9. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Yep, I've read posts on other boards where people are planning on contacting the governor's office themselves and that's a terrible idea. I have neither the knowledge of business, brothels, or how to work with government to be effective. But the people who run the ranches have all three so if they deem it's a wise move I'll contribute.
  10. Yes, I know the thread you're referring to on the S-i-N board (since locked down)--and every reply to it agreed what a horrible argument from someone who claims to be an "insider" but clearly isn't.
  11. I'm not a lawyer, but I feel that sex/no sex should not be a reference to reopening or escorting. After all, can a government really ban consenting adults? Isn't the legalization of the brothels only 'implied' sexual activities? Maybe a true attorney here could answer us
    JerryVestal and AlexaHaze like this.
  12. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    Why is contacting the governor a terrible idea? If people want him to reopen the brothels, he needs to hear from people who want them open. Otherwise, he will probably only hear from people who want to keep them closed.
    JerryVestal, Old Nick and KikiLover like this.
  13. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    If providing no sex escort services is the only way to keep the brothels from closing permanently, then that is what has to happen. If they continue with no income at all, they will be gone.
    JerryVestal, Old Nick and KikiLover like this.
  14. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    From what I understand, when brothel owners try to call Sisolak, he doesn’t answer his phone. He told the owners, “Present me with a plan.” They did. Sisolak then told them to buzz off.
  15. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    This is a good question.
    Item: The brothels have repeatedly given the governor's office plans on how to reopen safely. He's ignored them.
    Item: The brothels have resources, marketing expertise, and governmental knowledge that the average citizen doesn't.

    Conclusions of an individual citizen writing in.
    Best case scenario: The citizen makes a brilliant, compelling argument and the governor ignores it. (See Item 1)
    Worst case scenario: The citizen (inadvertently) phrases something poorly and gives the governor a reason to keep the brothels closed.

    So this is literally a no-win scenario. Now, if the brothels do a letter writing campaign or canvass the community with a petition (like they did with the Lyon County vote last year), that's a great idea and I'd help. But because it's being done by an organization that knows what it's doing and has a vested interest in doing it right.

    P.S.: It might help if you could use the Infinite Improbability Drive. Who knows - it might hit the incredibly improbable option of Sisolak doing his job!
  16. Everyone should contact the govenor's office and explain why the brothels should reopen and how they can reopen safely. If enough people voice their concerns, it may be enough to see some results.
  17. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    The way I see it, if Sisolak thinks nobody cares whether the brothels reopen or not, he won't reopen them. And that is what he will think as long as no one tells him otherwise.
    JerryVestal, Old Nick and KikiLover like this.
  18. It's not that contacting the governor is a terrible idea. It was this particular person on the Nevada board who took it upon himself as a self-appointed representative that didn't go over very well with the other members.
  19. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    Who was this person and what did they do?
  20. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    It was probably George McKinnon, aka DJ Jorge. I didn’t think he was still in the business after selling the Desert Club.
    JerryVestal and RunningSquirrel like this.
  21. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    So here’s that push back I predicted. Go Alice, go!
  22. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I hope she is successful with her suit. It takes quite a bit of courage to step up like that.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
    JerryVestal and Old Nick like this.
  23. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    You know what they say about dynamite in small packages, right? That’s Alice. In one of the videos where they wanted to host a debate with Guinasso and other anti brothel cronies, she confronted a guy that called her the W word. I’d rather be on Alice’s side than opposing her.

    This was a course of action that’s reserved for the last resort. I think we’re there.

    Really, it was only a matter of time.
  24. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  25. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

  26. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Sisolak is anti brothel. I mentioned this on Twitter, and Harley Lane confirmed it.
  27. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    So far, lawsuits based on violations of civil rights have failed. The more successful lawsuits argue that the executive is imposing restrictions that exceed the allowable restrictions described in law.

    There are other places where bars and restaurants have joined together to ignore the governor's shutdown orders.
  28. Pushback can be expected (see and the S-i-N forum) where staying low-key and discreet re: the brothel industry was the norm but these are unprecedented times.
    JerryVestal, Arthur Dent and Old Nick like this.
  29. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Indeed. Rachel Varga, who runs BrothelLife, called the lawsuit meaningless. I haven’t checked the SIN boards.
    JerryVestal and RunningSquirrel like this.
  30. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    But I think it’s a step in the right direction, maybe it’ll persuade the governor to allow us to reopen even if it’s just for escorting services. For him to see that we want our right to work back.. we’ve been with no income for eight months now and most of us aren’t getting the unemployment for one reason or another.
  31. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I hope Alice can get some back up. Some of the other brothel owners wanted to avoid suing, but it was never outside the realm of possibilities.
  32. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

  33. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

  34. LMAO...I don't think I've heard the term "skin-on-skin" since sex ed class, sophomore year in Catholic high school...because "sexual intercourse" was too explicit for the Catholic church lame
    Slider and Old Nick like this.
  35. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’m from Utah. My state was built on group sex whether Mormons want to admit that or not. Polygamy counts as group sex.
    RunningSquirrel likes this.

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