Staying safe (a question is answered)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MaeLove, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. MaeLove
    Chat with Me

    MaeLove Booking now thru July 5th let's plan our date!

    I was just asked a variance of this question by a client so I thought I would extend a discussion on this topic.

    How, as a client, can I make sure I'm being safe at a brothel?

    Brothels in the state of Nevada require condom use as of 1988. There is a giant sign right at the front door that reads the state law about condoms. We also require dental dams or saran wrap (since dental dams are latex) if cunnilingus is on the menu.

    We do not exchange bodily fluids.

    We doctor every Wednesday. We do blood work once every four weeks. Understand that these costs come out of our pockets when considering the price for our services.

    We require what's called a d*ck check (dc) before we are allowed to book the party. That means we take an alcohol wipe and visually inspect your...ahem....Johnson and wipe it down to make sure there are no open wounds or sores to indicate an sti.

    Then we have you shower and possibly use mouth wash before your party.

    There was an extensive study done on sti's and Nevada brothels, and it reads like this:

    "researchers surveyed more than 7,000 tests made on 246 [brothel workers] between 1982 and 1989.

    They found no cases of the AIDS virus--no Nevada brothel prostitute has ever tested positive for it--and only two cases in which [workers] tested positive for syphilis, both in 1982.

    More striking were the results of gonorrhea tests. [The brothel studied] had tested positive on 19 occasions between 1982 and 1985. But since 1986, when condoms were made mandatory [self regulated rule at this particular brothel], only one instance of gonorrhea was reported.

    Statewide, positive gonorrhea tests at brothels fell from 173 in 1985 to 30 last year."

    One major difference in street prostitutes and Brothel Courtesans, we have a lot more to lose. We are not desperate. We have goals and dreams that we haven't lost sight of. We very much want to remain safe for our own lives so we are very careful to maintain this stellar track record for the industry. We take pride in the fact that we get to work in such a clean and safe environment.

    Get to know your provider online before you visit, if that will ease your concern (article coming about how to do this without wasting your provider's time).

    Hope this helps ease any questions or concerns. Happy humping!

    [email protected]
    Next tour March 17th-April 5th received_581829829551995.jpeg
  2. Pizza Man
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    Pizza Man Well-Known Member

    @MaeLove this is the MOST informative post I've seen all year! I've always wondered what the "numbers" were. As for dental dams I thought that was different per lady. I didn't realize it was a full requirement. In my experience if I'm going to use a dental dam it MUST be plain. I tried a banana flavored one and the taste was just too strong and it affected my enjoyment of the situation.

    I would say 99% of my parties I always negotiate for Love at the Y.

    Have a great day,
    Pizza Man
    foreverman and MaeLove like this.
  3. MaeLove
    Chat with Me

    MaeLove Booking now thru July 5th let's plan our date!

    I cant use them because of allergies so I'm stuck with saran wrap....its....interesting....haha
  4. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    This is an AMAZING post! And brilliantly written! Thank you so much for sharing all the fantastic info and I LOVE the article you linked! It's really informative and does a great job laying out the referenced study!
    Built tough, tahoebigbear and MaeLove like this.
  5. MaeLove
    Chat with Me

    MaeLove Booking now thru July 5th let's plan our date!

    Thanks dear I enjoyed writing it and I am glad others might find it useful Information
  6. I LOVE THIS STATEMENT IN THE ARTICLE !!!!!!! some things never change and always hold true....

    ""What happened in the brothel industry, Richwald said, shows that “when it’s in the interest of government and industry to have a rational and effective prevention program--and when politicians are not overly involved in making scientific decisions--programs can work very effectively, even in sensitive areas.”"
    EmberSage, MaeLove and TiredFrog like this.
  7. 15 g's.... whoa, that is a new sled.. OK, I just thought you were wimping cuzz it was warming up. If My kids in championship games I'm going to em too. Sorry for the miscue

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