Answer To Your #1 Asked Question - How Do You Make Your Lover Feel At Ease?

Discussion in 'World Famous BunnyRanch Forum (Carson City)' started by TiaraTae, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. I know walking into the Bunny Ranch to meet your Courtesan can be exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Let me tell you a little bit of what to expect when you come and visit me :)

    IMG_0796.JPG IMG_8609.JPG

    First of all - you are never rushed with me. Wether its your first experience, second experience or 100th experience. I can guarantee you enough time together to get acquainted. I like to offer an "ice breaker" before our private encounter. When booking with me I hope you allow me to take you out and treat you to something other then just a bedroom experience at the Ranch. Enjoying each others company outside of the ranch first hand is fun and exciting and lets us get more comfortable with each other. I would love to take you to one of my favorite restaurants in the city. I have many!

    IMG_8761.JPG IMG_8699.JPG

    Another great "ice breaker" I like to offer is a bubble bath jacuzzi. I have had some of the best conversations in bubble baths over a glass of wine. It's such a great opportunity to get familiar and close with each other. Bubble baths bring out my playful side, I think you will like the outcome of this ;)


    It's important to me that your experiences with me are non rushed and will have you excited to come back and see me!

    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter: @tiara_tae
    Call to book: 775-246-9901 extension 0
  2. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    I want to take a bubble bath with you Tiara.
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  3. apache22
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    apache22 Well-Known Member

    I think it's great that you are so willing to get to know everyone and that you go out of your way to help people relax and be comfortable so that everyone can enjoy their experience to the fullest. Can't wait to spend some time with you.

    and BTW, i'm definitely in for the bubble bath [smilie=happy.gif]
  4. when booked with me, I love allowing enough time for us to get to know each other. just males the bedroom experience better
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  5. Felina Meow
    Chat with Me

    Felina Meow Luxury Kitten At Kit Kat Ranch

    Bubble Baths are amazing! This bunny is always genuine and relaxed and can put you at ease! Email her at [email protected] to arrange your personalized experience with her!
    carlitoalex likes this.
  6. Thanks for that, great info.
    Love the photos.
    Love Ya!
  7. thank you for always commenting on my posts babe! :)
  8. I remember a perfectly timed shower doing the trick for me! ;)
  9. Felina Meow
    Chat with Me

    Felina Meow Luxury Kitten At Kit Kat Ranch

    Of course sexy lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  10. cumishaamado
    Chat with Me

    cumishaamado Love Virgins, Couples & Girlfriend Experience

    Awesome info!!! Book a party with her today with many memorable experiences to cum!!![smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  11. I am so glad you are happy with me :) we had a blast
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  12. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to see you in September.
  13. I remember getting to gold dust west, 1 hour before our appointment time, it had been a long time since I'd been that nervous about anything for those 60 minutes. Almost magically, when you came out of the hallway and into the bar, my nervousness completely disappeared!
  14. seems like it was just yesterday huh!?!?!?
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  15. thanks again for coming back. means the world to me!
    Jessie Summers and carlitoalex like this.
  16. Yes and no, but I did have numerous flashbacks to that night when i stayed in the Marilyn suite 10 months later!
  17. those kind of flash backs are the good kind
  18. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    I am coming back because I had fun with you and @Aspen North and @Bobbi Besos. Also I am coming back to wrestle @chanel.
    Aspen North and Jessie Summers like this.
  19. I was in the bed at about oh 230 in the morning, couldn't sleep, and I started thinking about all the "if this bed could talk" brothel stories, and remembered I had my own brothel virginity busting fun in that very spot, and I starting to miss you :(
  20. yay I am glad you love us! we love ya too!
    carlitoalex likes this.
  21. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    Love you girls. It is going to be my last bunny ranch trip.
    Felina Meow likes this.
  22. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    I would love to take a bubble bath with you.
    Felina Meow likes this.
  23. Felina Meow
    Chat with Me

    Felina Meow Luxury Kitten At Kit Kat Ranch

    Bubble bath with Tiara in it to???

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I have to wait three months for Tiara to put me at ease, but the agony will only sweeten the experience.
  25. Bobbi Besos
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    Bobbi Besos Well-Known Member

    Love your icebreaker ideas! You are an amazingly client-conscious courtesan!



    [email protected]
    carlitoalex likes this.
  26. bubble bath with felina tooooooo ;)
    Felina Meow likes this.
  27. you're the best girl, thank you :) XOXO
  28. Felina Meow
    Chat with Me

    Felina Meow Luxury Kitten At Kit Kat Ranch

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  29. [smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif]
    Felina Meow likes this.
  30. Tom1234
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    Tom1234 Active Member

  31. thank you that makes me really happy you say that!
  32. This is a great approach, Tiara. Any guy would be lucky to party with you :)
  33. you're so sweet! thank you beautiful :)

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