What will you be doing on October 21? Want to go to the Zombie crawl? [email protected] I have not got a date yet:|
Thank you so much for your follow. Looking forward to maybe meeting you in October. Wishing you lots of success!
I think you should :) The Russian Judges and Spinal Tap left me their scorecards, so with two arms I can hoist a combined score of "21" on the beauty scale...although I still don't think that number is still quite high enough :)
Hi there! Not yet, but I should have one up by the end of the week. I'll add it to my info soon! I'm looking forward to getting to know you!
Well, welcome back Alex! Hope you're doing great and life's been going well for you! Got lots to catch up on!
Thank you, Colin!! Yes, we do have a lot of catching up to do. I hope you and your brother have been well.
If only there was an option to love your comment! Thank you so much. I look forward to catching up with you. :)
Hey, sweetness! It's your old Denny's pal Alexandra (I've re-branded ). It's wonderful to hear from you, and I hope you're doing well.
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