Fun John
Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2020
May 1, 2020
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Jun 22, 1958 (Age: 66)
Home Page:
Napa Valley, Calif.
Businessman and all around fun gentleman

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Fun John

New Member, Male, 66, from Napa Valley, Calif.

I have been tested for EVERYthing and just waiting now to make sure I'm safe to around people May 26, 2020

Fun John was last seen:
Jun 24, 2020
    1. HannahFoxx
      Welcome! As a certified Intimacy Expert and Sex Educator, I offer life coaching and relationship guidance. Let's connect via email or DM to get to know each other. Let’s explore how I can assist you in achieving your personal, life & sexual goals.
    2. AlexaWu
      Happy birthday John! Wishing you lots of fun today! <3, Alexa Wu
      1. Fun John
        Fun John
        Thank you Alexa!!! Imhad on OK day...I need to come upther to have some fun!
        Jun 23, 2020
        AlexaWu likes this.
      2. AlexaWu
        Cant wait to help you with the fun <3
        Jun 26, 2020
    3. Fun John
      Fun John
      I have been tested for EVERYthing and just waiting now to make sure I'm safe to around people
      1. KikiLover likes this.
    4. Fun John
      Fun John
      Amy and the girls,My Birthday is Jjune 22 nd. I have not celebrated my birthday since my wife died,which will be two years in Nov.
    5. Fun John
      Fun John
      Let's have a party celebrating our freedom!
    6. Fun John
      Fun John
      Being good for now...Cancer free and ready to live and have some fun!
      1. AlexaWu likes this.
      2. AlexaWu
        Glad you're healthy and cancer free <3
        May 8, 2020
    7. Air Force Amy
      Air Force Amy
      Ok dokey John (Jag) Fun. It's just real quiet cuz we are closed. I guess the gals are directing their efforts to other media..... I, myself, am enjoying the time off!!!!
      1. Fun John likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Fun John
        Fun John
        How about a date at the Thunderbird Lodge on the North shore when everything opens up? My Jaguar needs to be taken out and run!
        May 11, 2020
      4. Fun John
        Fun John
        When are you opening?I would like to have a party celebrating our freedom again!!
        May 21, 2020
      5. Fun John
        Fun John
        Amy, So what is going on up there? When are you going to be open? I have been down here getting cancer treatments and the like. I will have three months free starting in July. I deserve to get away and have some fun about now!!! Pleas let me know what is happening.Still planning to move up. I have been lloking for houses up there,need one with a big...Garage and master...
        Jun 23, 2020
    8. Fun John
      Fun John
      Hello everyone!! Trying times now!! I used to be John Jag...Now I'm John Fun! Let's see hwt we can do to get things going again!
      1. AlexaWu likes this.
      2. AlexaWu
        May 3, 2020
        Fun John likes this.
      3. Air Force Amy
        Air Force Amy
        hopefully we open before you go back to work.....
        Jun 25, 2020
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  • About

    Jun 22, 1958 (Age: 66)
    Home Page:
    Napa Valley, Calif.
    Businessman and all around fun gentleman
    I used to be John Jag...Now I'm Fun John. I have been a member of this board for years! I have moved fron Phoenix to Napa...planning on moving fairly soon. I would like to get back to business after this Covid 19 thing settles down. I would like to meet everyone of the ladies! I would like togo over some strategies going forward on how the ranches can be run and have maybe some new attractions...not that there and attractions all ready! A new day is upon us and we need to seize the moment to go forward in this new time.Thank you, John


    Phone Number:
    623 451 8291