Gov. Sisolak press conference

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arthur Dent, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    Mask mandate, businesses to operate at 25% capacity, adult entertainment venues and brothels remain closed.

    Old Nick likes this.
  2. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I assume that escort services will be stopped as well.
    Old Nick likes this.
  3. Why can’t adult entertainment venues and brothels open at 25% capacity? That’s really biased and unfair!
    Old Nick, Davefem and KikiLover like this.
  4. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    If this helps the brothels, only 6% of covid-related deaths are exclusively covid. All the others have comorbidities, some of which are lethal on their own (pneumonia, sepsis, heart failure). So the lower end of covid deaths are 6% * 250k = 15k

    The upper range from the CDC is 2/3 of 300k excess deaths for ~200k. But they also acknowledge that their model can't take into account recent changes such as the opioid crisis. It therefore also cannot take into account the most recent change in society, which is the isolation and strain caused by the pandemic itself. Since the 300k excess deaths is 0.1% of the population, even tiny changes to the population can cause a big impact to the excess deaths. So I'd say the upper limit is actually a lot lower than the 200k.

    This gives a range of 15k - 200k deaths caused by covid, where the annual deaths in the U.S. are around 2.5 million (see the first link), or 2,500k. So Sisolak is shutting everything down for essentially a rounding error. This is especially true since covid is especially lethal towards the elderly, who need to stay in isolation in either case.
    Slider, Davefem and RunningSquirrel like this.
  5. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    People with comorbidities are more likely to die if they get covid. They may have died anyway, but quite possibly not as soon.
    Not sure what you mean by "rounding error".
  6. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    I agree that they're more likely to die, but the media present all deaths with covid as deaths from covid, and that's just not true. And even if it makes it more likely, is it significant? For example, if a person has heart failure does the presence of covid really reduce their bleak chance of surviving? There's an important distinction between from and with that gets ignored in our reporting.

    For the rounding error: Let's says deaths by covid are at the center of the range I gave, or 100k. People normally die at about 2.5 million per year. The extra .1 million brings it to 2.6 million, which is what you'd get with a rounding error. I'm not saying these people aren't dying, I'm saying the end result is what you would also get with a rounding error.

    The conclusion I draw from this is covid is not The Black Death, so people can do normal activities with precautions. Masks (although I don't see the point, but it appeases politicians) and temperature checks, and for God's sake stay at home if you're not feeling well. Which is my roundabout way of saying:

    "Open the &*^^ing brothels!"
  7. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I think the people who don't take the pandemic seriously are largely to blame for the current situation including having the brothels closed since March.
  8. Pridefc1
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    Pridefc1 Well-Known Member

    Most people don’t understand viruses, there is only 2 ways to get rid of it. Let it run it’s course and protect the vulnerable or get a vaccine. Lockdown does almost nothing unless it’s a plague that kills mass amounts of people. Masks help very little because you know why, your eye balls and ears are still exposed. ‍♂️ politicians are using this tactic to destroy private businesses and to control people it’s obvious at this point.
    KikiLover likes this.
  9. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    Like seriously how long could they keep people in lockdown for, especially sex workers.
    Something gotta give.
    Old Nick likes this.
  10. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member


    I had to. Because...reasons.
  11. The least Sisolak could have done is direct relief grants to brothels and the sex workers who are willing to go back to work so they can stay afloat until then, but no. You're all right about the bias and discrimination.
    Old Nick and KikiLover like this.
  12. RebeccaBrite
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    RebeccaBrite Well-Known Member

    ""For example, if a person has heart failure does the presence of covid really reduce their bleak chance of surviving?""

    Heart failure patients can live 10+ years with proper treatment and compliance with medical care.

    Covid attacks the heart and blood vessels, we have been aware of Covid 19s effects on the heart for sometime. This is why aspirin and RX blood thinner injections are recommended and prescribed to all individuals with Covid. Generally healthy people should take aspirin when diagnosed with Covid due to the blood clotting effects of this nasty virus.

    Yes, people with heart failure that may have 10+ years left in their life will likely die due to the blood clotting, stroke, and general strain of heart failure on the body.

    Signed... Your hooker Nurse of 15 years ;)
  13. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’ve also heard that Sisolak has a personal beef with the brothels. He might even be getting kickbacks by keeping them closed.
  14. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    That's interesting information. If there is actual evidence to back that up that it would give the brothels some ammunition to fight with. Did Sisolak make any public statements that he wanted the brothels shut down? Private statements that were recorded? If he is getting kickbacks it would be valuable to know who is kicking back to him. Any leads in that area?
  15. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Sadly, nothing solid. If he has any intentions, no one is talking.

    As far as Sisolak having a personal issue with the ranches, I posted this suspicion on Twitter, and Harley Lane has agreed with this, especially the Lyon County brothels. Probably some personal animosity Sisolak had towards Dennis. When the covid hit, he probably thought, “Now’s my chance,” and screwed all brothel workers into oblivion. There might be others who have a similar suspicion as well, especially @Kiteh Kawasaki™. She’s pretty vocal about Sisolak and his treatment of sex workers.

    As far as Sisolak getting kickbacks from other businesses and other “people of note” (Guinasso, I’m looking at you) to keep brothels closed, that’s purely speculation, but it would not surprise me. Again, if this is happening, no one is talking.

    This stinks of opportunistic corruption.
  16. I personally have, what I feel is, the unpopular opinion that the brothels should stay closed until it's reasonably safe to reopen. I know that there needs to be more resources to help those affected, however too many people aren't taking covid seriously and that's why everything is still shutdown.
    My neighbor had a new years party where them and 12 out of about 20 attendees have since tested positive and potentially passed it on to others. Meanwhile, he's telling me this while not wearing a mask. I was literally running backwards because he was trying to get to close while telling me that he had covid. He has a friend, from the party, in the ICU and a cousin,with no known pre existing conditions, who died from Covid last year and he still thinks its a liberal hoax. The sad thing is that there are enough people who think this way that there's no realistic way that the brothels can safely open right now.
    Maybe, by appointment only, and both parties have to take a covid test within a few days before, and wear a mask throughout the duration of the party, but I don't think enough people would be willing to pay for
    sex under these conditions to really make it worth the time. And if there is a spike the brothels will be blamed.
    Arthur Dent likes this.
  17. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Others have been posting on this thread, so I wanted to belatedly reply. I appreciate your correcting me because I (inadvertently) understated the effect of COVID. I incorrectly assumed that if your heart stopped that death was a foregone conclusion, and so assigning it to covid was misleading.

    But my point remains is that all deaths with covid as a factor on the death certificate are being reported as covid being the exclusive factor. For example, for all deaths with covid and heart failure the assumption in the reporting is that the patient would have lived if it hadn't been for covid. I think it would be more transparent (although my objection hardly matters now) that they be reported as covid deaths and covid deaths with significant co-morbidities.

    (P.S. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me. That is, if all covid listed deaths would've happened even without lethal co-morbidities. I'd rather be corrected and right than confident and wrong.)
  18. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I would be interested to know the source of this information. It sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory to me. Direct me to the source so I can judge it's veracity for myself.
  19. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Sure - scroll down to Table 3.
  20. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I never saw the part that said it's required to report the death as exclusively COVID.

    I'm wondering, if a person with, say, a heart condition gets COVID and dies, should the death be reported as death from a heart condition without any mention of COVID? Would that be deceptive?
  21. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    I didn't say it was required to report the death as exclusively covid - I said that's how it's being done. The point of the link is that there are a large portion where there are other causes that are lethal by themselves, but still being reported only as covid deaths. My solution was from my 1/13 post:

    "I think it would be more transparent (although my objection hardly matters now) that they be reported as covid deaths and covid deaths with significant co-morbidities."

    Where I went overboard last year was to say that the people who had heart failure and covid would've died from the heart failure, so it's deceptive to call them covid deaths. Rebecca corrected me in that it's possible for a person to have heart failure and still survive. That's fair enough, and it's data from a medical professional. My ongoing concern is that if covid is involved at all, then it's reported as the only cause. So it's the inverse to my statement last year, where there's the implicit assumption that everyone with heart failure and covid would've survived if not for the covid. That's why I would have liked to see deaths reported in two separate categories of (1) covid deaths and (2) covid deaths with significant co-morbidities.

    (Rebecca, if I'm still wrong go ahead and correct me. It doesn't hurt my ego, and I'll buy you a drink at the Sagebrush bar when they re-open!)

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