ABC Movie Game!

Discussion in 'Games' started by JerseyBunnyFan, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. ColinSTL
    Chat with Me

    ColinSTL Well-Known Member

    Tommy -- The Who's Rock Opera.
  2. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Ulysses Against the Son of Hercules
  3. Van Helsing (Good story line, good actors, but too much CG)
  4. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

  5. X-men (The first one was good).
  6. John N Ga
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    John N Ga Well-Known Member

    Yes Man................................................................
  7. Zoolander (over-the-top humor)
  8. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    As Good As It Gets [smilie=happy.gif]
  9. Blame it on Rio! :cool: Unless you cannot, then blame it on your partner.
  10. origlegman
    Chat with Me

    origlegman Well-Known Member

    Casino Royale :cool: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  11. Dante's Peak Great movie, and somewhat predictable
  12. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Empire of the Ants[smilie=happy.gif]
  13. origlegman
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    origlegman Well-Known Member

    Fantastic Voyage :cool: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  14. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Good Will Hunting [smilie=happy.gif]
  15. Halloween H20 ..... the end, finally!
  16. "I still know what you did last Summer".
  17. Jack Reacher or Jack Reacher: Never Go Back...
  18. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Kids of the Round Table! [smilie=happy.gif]
  19. Lord of the Rings

  20. The Mummy Returns .... :cool: No army for you, one year!
  21. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

  22. Only The Brave
  23. origlegman
    Chat with Me

    origlegman Well-Known Member

    Pirates of the Caribbean :cool: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  24. The Quiet Man.....;)
  25. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

  26. origlegman
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    origlegman Well-Known Member

    Serpico :cool: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  27. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

  28. "Under Heavy Fire (III)"

  29. Vertical Limit :cool:
  30. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    White Christmas[smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  31. origlegman
    Chat with Me

    origlegman Well-Known Member

    X Games :cool: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  32. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Yellowbeard. [smilie=happy.gif]
  33. John N Ga
    Chat with Me

    John N Ga Well-Known Member

  34. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

  35. origlegman
    Chat with Me

    origlegman Well-Known Member

    (The) Bravados :cool: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]

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