About Me Connection during Times of Isolation

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by Delilah Rae, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    I’m not sure how many of you know this but when I’m not at the ranch I actually pick up shifts as a CNA or a nurses assistant. Mostly I do this so I don’t get bored between tours (I was raised in the country, I don’t know how to not work to be honest) but I also do it because I love the work.

    As you can imagine, right now that labor of love is being tested. I wanted to take a moment and write about trauma and self care during these really uncertain times. Because let's be honest, things are really scary right now, and it’s okay to be afraid or uncertain during uncertain times.

    First off I want to say give yourself grace. That sounds weird doesn’t it? Like what does give myself grace even mean?

    It means be kind to yourself. For those who are working from home, self quarantining for a set period of time, who have been temporarily laid off or those who are considered essential but are practicing social distancing by not going places outside of work, there can be a lot of pressure to do things around the house. Maybe you’ve been putting off organizing your bedroom, kitchen, pantry or maybe the yard work is piling up.

    It’s good to stay busy but if some days all you have the energy to do right now is take an extra nap that’s okay.

    Sleeping, napping, not doing many things is a normal response to a traumatic situation, it’s a way for our bodies to give our minds space and time to adjust and cope.

    But Delilah, I’m not sick (or I’m barely sick) or insert whatever but here, this isn't traumatic for me.

    Constantly fear and anxiety over a period of time can lead to a traumatic response and be kind to yourself as your body and mind adjusts to the new (and temporary) life you’re living.

    Secondly, you may have to isolate physically, and you should, but you don’t have to isolate emotionally.

    Social distancing and flattening the curve is so important. It helps make sure health care providers (like me to be honest) have the needed supplies and protective equipment to deal with this crisis. By spreading out the cases we have time to recieve more shipments of masks, face shields, gloves, and gowns.

    Flattening the curve is the difference between sending us to battle in a kevlar vest or a cotton tank top.

    So yes stay home, don’t gather in large groups, wash your hands, limit all errands to only the essential ones and do as much curbside pick up or delivery as possible. These things are saving lives.

    But don’t cut yourself off completely from friends, family and yes us ladies at the ranches.

    Call your best friend, do a virtual movie night, use a video calling platform to have a really silly game night.

    I have a crafting group I meet with and we’ve been meeting over zoom. We’ve also been drinking during our meetings because no one has to drive and it’s made for some hilarious crafting. If you’re a giant nerd like you can even play DnD online via the website Roll20 (it’s a blast and I 10/10 recommend trying).

    Even if you’ve never played DnD before, try it, try new things, be a little silly.

    Connection in an isolating age is what will bring us through this together.

    Just stay at home while you connect.

    Thirdly, when you have the energy to do something with it, try something new! Do one small, tangible thing each day that you can point to and say look, I did something. And yes on bad days, I got out of bed and put on my daytime jammies instead of my night time jammies 100% counts.

    I’ve been ordering supplies from local craft stores to be delivered to my house so I can teach myself new things and I’ve also been trying more recipes that I haven’t gotten around too.

    Finally, do not give up hope. This will pass, things will seem normal again. Every morning I read this quote by Mr. Rogers. I have it written and taped to my mirror-

    “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

    In times like this you can choose to be a helper, you can choose to be kind, and making that choice will help us all get through this.

    Don’t give up hope, be kind to yourself and to your neighbors, create, laugh, connect, hope, find joy, stay home and wash your hands.

    We’ll be here at the ranch waiting for you when this is over and we will celebrate together.

  2. RebeccaBrite
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    RebeccaBrite Well-Known Member

    Good afternoon, that is excellent advice.

    I am a Nurse of 15 years, I am currently on Reserve at my two local hospitals if needed. I, like you, thrive when staying busy and keeping active. I am currently in lock down for when I am called to duty. :)

    I cannot wait to get back to the Ranch, and I hope to leet you some day. :)
  3. Hi, Miz @Delilah Rae ! So nice to hear from you on here (as well as Twitter)! Thank you so much for your timely thread. How's the PVC pipe?
  4. AlexaWu
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    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    Stay safe @Delilah Rae ! Hope to meet you soon at the ranch :)
  5. Great post, Delilah! I hope to see you smiling and happy on your return once all this craziness is over! Xo :)
  6. Davefem
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    Davefem Active Member

    Great post. I am just do a lot of walking. It is tough that I can't go to the gym or using their sauna.
    Delilah Rae likes this.
  7. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    I can't wait to see you too! I miss your face!
    Built tough likes this.
  8. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    I can't wait to meet you! Something tells me we're going to have a blast together
    AlexaWu and Built tough like this.
  9. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    I've been starting to do the couch to 5k again. I sadly got out of the running habbit so I'm easing back in.
    Davefem likes this.
  10. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    It's AMAZING! I've been doing a ton of spinning with the social isolation, it's just so damn medatative, so my PVC niddy noddy has been getting a TON of use.
    RunningSquirrel and Built tough like this.
  11. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    Thank you! I really hope we get the chance to meet too, that way we can swap health care survivor stories lol. Saying busy is a blessing in times like this.
  12. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    I really want to see you too! Stay home so we can go out!
    Built tough likes this.
  13. Delilah,
    Great advice and beautifully written!

    Take care love
  14. You could set up a zoom meeting too.
  15. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    How are you connecting right now? Take a moment to share!
    Built tough likes this.
  16. This is an amazing post! You definitely deserve to be pleasured and pampered when the ranches reopen!
  17. Delilah Rae
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    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    I just wanted to bump this up. As we re-enter and return to normal it's still important to be kind to ourselves. It's a time of transition and those can be hard. Come and find us, come and see us ladies. A little closeness is what we all need.
    JayJayJay and RunningSquirrel like this.
  18. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    With variants coming and things can still seem uncertain remember all the practical things you can do to stay healthy and come see the ladies at the ranch!
  19. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    Even though things are getting back to normal who is still struggling to connect? What steps are you taking?
    RunningSquirrel and ROADRUNNER J like this.

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