Hickies Fetish

Discussion in 'World Famous BunnyRanch Forum (Carson City)' started by Ammar, May 23, 2021.

  1. Does anyone have Hickies/Love bite Fetish??? I am not sure if it is a Fetish but it turns me on sooo much when making love my partner leaving marks indicates that passion and level of intimacy.

    So my question is does the beautiful ladies working here offer this as a party or it is something which is off the table?? Or is it part of GFE??? Many people consider this as part of BDSM but I am not talking about scratches or deep biting causing blood spills.... I am talking more in the context of sensual and intimate levels.

    So who would like to experience this in a party???
  2. KikiLover
    Chat with Me

    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    Hikies remind me of my high school days haha!
    They are fun to give ;)
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  3. Yes they are fun and it also reminds of the great time and fun you had.... It is arousing for me, I wonder does that makes me Exhibitionist???
    KikiLover likes this.

  4. Hmmnnn... exhibitionist? Like a badge of honor? I could see that......:p

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