How do gifts work?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hoyt Ruger, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. If you buy a lady a gift during a party does she have to pay the house half the value of the gift? I'm thinking of a scenario like an outdate to Vegas. When I'm there I love to shop. Years ago I'd blow that money playing cards. Now I gamble very little and pick up a new watch or other luxury goods on each trip. If you bring a lady and want to spoil her a bit that number could add up quick and some gifts may become more of a burden than a blessing. Can ladies accept gifts without paying the house? Do gentleman just accept the gift costs 150% and cover the fee? Do the girls get charged taxes on these things? Trying to figure out how this whole system works...
  2. I am also new but it is my understanding that the women have to split anything over $75. In terms of a physical gift, I do not know.
  3. AlexaWu
    Chat with Me

    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    Tips of any amount are split with the house. Ladies can keep gift cards and gifts under $75 :). Earned tips should be reported for tax purposes. Don't want Uncle Sam coming after us :mad:.

    Very thoughtful of you to take a lady on an outdate and present a gift. <3

    What goods do you enjoy indulging in when taking trips? It's nice to go home with treasures. If you ever want to talk shopping or help picking between items, feel free to send me a message. This is one of my specialties too. haha
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  4. Alexa watches and jewelry are my favorite. So help me understand. I'm with a lady and we head out for a day of watch shopping. We both have fun trying things on and learning about different models from sales associates. The provider takes a liking to a watch in the Cartier store so I decide to buy her the watch. Let's say it's $3500. Is she just plain not allowed to accept that gift because it's over $75? Does she owe the house $1750 if she accepts it? Am I allowed to cover that cost with the house so it's a true gift? I know the "easiest" thing would be to just tip in cash at the ranch. But I'm not talking about a tip here. This is just to enjoy the actual shopping experience and share my horology hobby with my companion.
  5. If you purchased a 3500$ watch for a lady, she would indeed owe the house 1750$. If you wanted to give the house the 1750$ in her place, I’m sure something could be worked out. :)
  6. Thanks Roxy. That clears it up.
  7. Yep, what @RoxyGold said.

    I had a super high roller take me to Vegas and allowed me some major luxury shopping. Total came to something like $30K. They did allow the client to pay the additional 50% ($15k) to the ranch as well.

    I also recall when Deanna Holly got a Super Glide motorcycle from a client and to make things right with Dennis, the client gave him one too.

    The whole point is keep the ladies from getting $1000. parties with $50,000.00 tips.
  8. AlexaWu
    Chat with Me

    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    aztecwarrior2881 likes this.
  9. Wow I bet that was a fun date! Definitely a night to remember! :)
    Built tough and AlexaWu like this.

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