From Xinhua News: Eastern Chinese city Nanjing held a lantern festival to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year which will fall on Jan. 25 LoveRanch Chinese Safari 1/25 Start: 8 PM Austin Hays Contact me for outdates to Brothel Crawl, Brothel Parties, Lake Tahoe, Carson City, Virginia City, Reno Email: [email protected] Twitter: @austinhaysxoxo IG: @austinhaysxo BR Forum: @AustinHays Book appointment with 10% Deposit 775-246-7077 or 775-246-7252 X 0
Here’s an animated video on the Legend of Chinese New Year & the Jade Emperor: Chinese New Year is a festival that lasts for 15 days and ends with the Red Lantern Festival. What do you think, should the LR Chinese Safari Party go 15 days??