New Message Board issues

Discussion in 'Posting Etiquette and Instructions' started by Sharky, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. As of the new message board yesterday Sept 23, 2017.....
    Anyone else having issues that after every button click you're being asked to login again, and again?

    That clicking on the avatars and getting the in screen pop up that you can choose which aspect of that persons profile you want to go to are you being re-directed to to someone else's page that is on their follower list?
    I thought this was me, being hyperactive with the mouse so I slowed down, but sure enough keeps happening.

    Having issues with the media tab no matter whose profile it is?

    Nice new main page, but damn the message board is getting glitchy and very user unfriendly....heads up to the moderators and IT people.
    tahoebigbear likes this.
  2. And yes had to re-login after posting this thread....please don't tell me I'm the only one having these issues. Might mean my computer hates me or something worse. LOL
  3. @Slider mentioned previous problems with these log-in/log-off issues and even has a thread explaining how he dealt with it. There was also suggestion to clear out your cookies (yes, lose your cookies) and re-obtain them.

    MY beef is that pop-up that keeps asking me to join the online newsletter whenever I get on the board.
    Sharky likes this.
  4. I lose my cookies all the time LOL thanks I'll look at the thread
  5. Slider addresses the login issue but the rest he has no clue but it's due to the hosting company. And their end.
    Got to love technology.
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  6. Yes I have this problem all the time
    Sharky likes this.
  7. Slider
    Chat with Me

    Slider Well-Known Member

    Hey now, I resemble that remark! :D
    If ya'll would post what browser you're using, and whether you're using a phone or a laptop, etc., and whether you've got any "safe browsing" being imposed by a security setting or by an add-on or antivirus, it might help @freakygeek and the hosting company brainstorm what the problem might be - even if it's originating at their end. They may have made a change in cookie structure which has now started sending out data that doesn't properly take into account these kinds of basic browser security settings, whereas before the change, those settings had been properly taken into account.
    . .
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    RunningSquirrel and Sharky like this.
  8. A change in cookie structure. Come on all cookies are round, anything else is just sacrilege.
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  9. tahoebigbear
    Chat with Me

    tahoebigbear Well-Known Member

    I haven't checked out "chat" yet but hope it's been improved.
    Sharky likes this.
  10. Slider
    Chat with Me

    Slider Well-Known Member

    Damn. Did not know that. Guess I'll have to forego my beloved Deluxe Grahams and Nutter Butters. :oops:

    Hey, be thankful - I had originally written "cookie architecture". :D
    . .
    Sharky likes this.
  11. So we are discussing cookie symantics. ;););););););)
    Slider likes this.
  12. Still an issue and still a pain in the @$$. Maybe it's time to just forego the message board all together.

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