Quotes Heard in the Houses

Discussion in 'Games' started by EmberSolaris, Nov 18, 2023.

  1. "Hey! Circus circus is where I sent that orgy." - Amelia Joy
    KatrinaJeanne and AmeliaJoy like this.
  2. @AmeliaJoy 's spray tan between her thighs is fucked up because her pussy was dripping down her thighs all morning after fucking all night!
    AmeliaJoy and grizzly like this.
  3. "I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on" - miss Sonja when looking for a pen for me to sign a receipt
    AmeliaJoy likes this.
  4. tahoebigbear
    Chat with Me

    tahoebigbear Well-Known Member

    "would you like to come to my room and see my tits".....Ms Genie while we were chatting at the bar...
    KatrinaJeanne and EmberSolaris like this.
  5. sounds about right, love bar talk lol
    tahoebigbear likes this.
  6. Jeff (bartender): its 8am on a Sunday, everyone is sleeping or in church
    me (whore): yeah whores in church, I'd love to see that.
  7. These quotes are hilarious! Love brothel talk!
    EmberSolaris likes this.
  8. The more a person drinks, they better they look. Don’t work with, no amount of alcohol would make me look good
  9. FreyaNovia
    Chat with Me

    FreyaNovia Your curvy Latina MILF

    "I love being a hooker!"
    - Katrina Jeanne making food in the kitchen

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