Reopening to non sex escorting

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mikejt, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. Mikejt
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    Mikejt Well-Known Member

  2. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Hold on. Literally the first sentence is:

    "The Board of Commissioners in a 4-1 vote directed staff to begin the process to legalize escort services in unincorporated Lyon County."

    So some politicians told some other politicians to start doing something that other politicians would have to approve. So it's not the escorting that was approved, but the beginning of the process to allow it. If the process were the same politicians voting themselves a raise, then I'd say it would be approved by next Friday. It's a nice start, but universal escorting is nowhere near approved.
  3. Mikejt
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    Mikejt Well-Known Member

    I guess what is confusing is that if they were just going to reopen and have it be business as normal, why do they need this set of steps. I think it will come back but May at least in the short term be not the same. Am I making sense?
    aztecwarrior2881 likes this.
  4. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Here I'm going to guess. My guess is that making a law isn't just saying 'X is legal' or 'X is not legal'. The commissioners have to have it in proper legal language so it can be enforced, so a legal department has to be involved. Some counties may have a month where the public gets to weigh in on proposed legislation. Then the commission has to vote on the actual law.

    Maybe I'm overstating things above and maybe the process is so fast that it only takes a couple of days. But my point in my original post is that they haven't actually done anything actionable yet - they've only talked about doing something actionable.
  5. Mikejt
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    Mikejt Well-Known Member

    Sound like typical politics. Make everything vague .
  6. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Non-sexual escorting is more like paying the same amount of money just to be friend zoned. Call it the FZE.
    aztecwarrior2881 and TiredFrog like this.
  7. TiredFrog
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    TiredFrog Well-Known Member

    With other brothels announcing they're opening May 1, I can't help but wonder about the silence from the Bunny Ranch.
    aztecwarrior2881 and Old Nick like this.
  8. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Not what you’d expect from the brothel that used to be featured on HBO.
    aztecwarrior2881 and TiredFrog like this.
  9. When your top providers & loyal customers base are not being responded too then decide to leave. A management team and owner that goes Ghost. I don’t care what kind of business it is or how great of it used to be. Things change so does the oldest profession. Someone might be considering retirement & selling out. I don’t judge and hope the best in the establishments decisions but this how you flush a good business down the drain. It’s probably a good time to step up and tell everybody what is going on.
    Old Nick and TiredFrog like this.
  10. Mikejt
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    Mikejt Well-Known Member

    I agree although I have only heard the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump is reopening May 1st . I have also seen that several of their top ladies are returning on that date. It is concerning that the Bunny Ranch hasn’t made an announcement . Of course they could be waiting on the county which is kind of slow on this stuff. We will see.
    aztecwarrior2881 and Old Nick like this.
  11. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    They’ve been posting like crazy. There’s even a countdown clock on their website. They said, “We have a date? Fuck it! We’re opening!”
    RunningSquirrel likes this.
  12. TiredFrog
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    TiredFrog Well-Known Member

    Ok, but it would still be nice to hear from someone on this subject who works at the ranch and is responsible for management.
    RunningSquirrel and cappy like this.
  13. Mikejt
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    Mikejt Well-Known Member

    They may be waiting to see what Lyon County does as it will be there call.
    Old Nick likes this.
  14. Davefem
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    Davefem Active Member

    It is a tough decision because the license us golden. Alice Little is trying to litigate this issue in court. It is time to use this tool.
    Old Nick likes this.
  15. Adventure Guy
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    Adventure Guy Well-Known Member

    Old Nick likes this.

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