What is more of a turn on... casual selfies, or a well done creative pro shoot? Why? If you find each to be equally valuable explain why.
@AlexandriaMoon I prefer both myself. selfies are good to highlight the real you doing everyday things. Like taking a hike in nature, singing karoke whatever will show your true personality off. Pro photos are good for marketing and in my opinion work better on a professional website or personal website, plus pro photos can be used for a model portfolio. Both are equally important to highlight you and market your brand so to speak as you need a way to creativitly advertise and let potential clients know what you are like Just my 2 pennies. Hope it helps
You've offered a very generous helping of both, Miz @AlexandriaMoon ! The professionally-designed presentations demonstrate your range as a model/subject and the spontaneous selfies offer a daily freshness -- either should and can capture the spirit you intend for your audience (in other words, you do well to turn us on ).
As someone who does that for a living. I love when I see someone posting selfies. It shows the "real you" As were professional photos can be a bit misleading. I know plenty of pros who tend to go overboard on the retouching. They change too much on the body or they go ape shit on the skin retouching.(of course plenty of great pros who don't) For portfolios/profiles. I say always use professional photos. Pick 8-10 of your best photos. For social media selfies are a very welcome.
I like a combination of the two with a slight leaning toward more selfies. The sexy professional glamour shots are great but selfies give me more insight into you and things you like to do.
I agree with a lot of what has been said. Selfies are more casual/cute and maybe a little insightful to who a lady is. Photo shoots are usually sexy and glamorous (they can also show a lady’s creative side if she is involved in the concept development). Selfies are not always natural, though. I know many people who highly edit/alter their selfies with apps that are now available. Also, some ladies’ selfies are just Snapchat filters that slim your face, make your eyes bigger, etc. In these cases I actually think professional photos are more accurate. A mixture of both is best, in my opinion - with minimal editing on both as well.
I don't mind snap chat filters. Some of those images are cute/funny. In a sense it brings out their personality in the image. The "skin soft" apps are horrible. I'm not sure why people use them. They make your images look like crap. Photographers use a similar one that plugs into photoshop. It puts this gaussian blur over the entire image. Hair, background, clothes, body. ugh
Lol. I can't stand snapchat filters. When I finally meet the person I'm always disappointed they're not half human half dog. Lol
Either professional or selfies is fine in my opinion cuz it shows the beauty of the woman and us benefit from it cuz we are blessed by seeing her beauty
I think a combination of both is best. The professional sessions enhance your glamour while the selfies tend to bring out the real you.
Have you heard of the website www.IShotMyself.com ? its all about the girl self shooting her own project...