Suzy Homemaker

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hiker dude, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Hey,
    Don’t mean to brag but I am proud of myself. My wife is recovering from a paralyzing stroke so needless to say I have taken on quite a bit of responsibility. I just made a Martha Stewart Banana Nut Bread recipe! I know, big deal. But if you knew me, it is! It came out great! Can’t wait for coffee , fruit and banana bread tomorrow morning. The recipe includes coconut and butter milk in addition to the normal ingredients. I hate to waste the small amount of buttermilk needed and found a can of powdered buttermilk. You mix whatever you need with water and your good to go. Again most probably knew of this ingredient, but I didn’t. I doubled the recipe so I have 3 loafs in the freezer. I got to be careful to maintain my girlish figure, ha ha.

    Okay, on to a better subject. God, Ranches please open soon! Daddy misses his girls!
    AlexaWu and ROADRUNNER J like this.
  2. RebeccaBrite
    Chat with Me

    RebeccaBrite Well-Known Member

    Hey Daddy, will you bring enough banana bread for the whole class?!

    Remember when teachers would say that when they caught you with candy?
    Built tough likes this.
  3. Ha ha ha. I do remember. Of course in High School that changed to reefer. Lol. God I miss you beauties. This COVID has got to go away!
  4. Congratulations @Hiker dude!!!

    God bless you in endeavors as caretaker. I understand and I am here for you if you ever need an ear or kind support.

    I am old enough to know exactly what you are talking about and where you are coming from in the male species not being all that familiar with domestic chores, which can actually be quite enjoyable and rewarding as well.

    I saw this hilarious but insanely true video the other day.. what struck me as so funny about it was that her husband didn't know where the spoons were kept and I laughed so hard because it is SO TRUE for a certain generation!!!
  5. Thanks Amy. I might be mature but I am not that old. I know where the spoons are! Lol. That would of been my dad. When my mom was gone, dinner consisted of a fried egg sandwich which was the extent of his culinary prowess haha.
    I have to admit tho, I like egg sandwiches to this day.
    Thanks again for the shout out!

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