Uber Eats is unreliable …

Discussion in 'World Famous BunnyRanch Forum (Carson City)' started by CamiParker, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. CamiParker
    Chat with Me

    CamiParker America’s Sweetheart

    around here! That’s the whole post I’m used to it taking 15 minutes whatever you want
    BeaverFan likes this.
  2. At least up the hill in Tahoe, Uber Eats options are very limited. DoorDash dominates the space up here. It's likely that it's the same down there.
    CamiParker likes this.
  3. Probably because of the low barrier to entry. I do DoorDash deliveries 15 to 20 hours a week and sometimes hang around in DD Facebook groups. Because there is very little screening, you get a lot of the laziest, most antisocial people who do this because they can't hold down a regular job.
    CamiParker likes this.
  4. CamiParker
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    CamiParker America’s Sweetheart

    this is such a great tip!! Thank you!!
  5. CamiParker
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    CamiParker America’s Sweetheart

    That’s too bad. I think it’s wonderful when people have control of their own income, and the ability to work a bit more around holidays or vacations. It’s great to be able to supplement your income independently and I love people having that freedom. I’m not sure if was ever intended to be a full time job though…
  6. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    Cami thank goodness Nancy recommended the three of us to get food yesterday afternoon from a local place, it was really good
    CamiParker likes this.
  7. CamiParker
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    CamiParker America’s Sweetheart

    Omigoodness yes it was amazing! I was so thankful to Nancy for organizing that, and to both of you ladies for helping me find where the good healthy food is from!!! We’ll have to do it again soon please!!

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