With Cami Parker, passion is no ordinary word.

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by mrwarmth, May 21, 2011.

  1. I'll be up front. I'm crazy about Cami Parker. I've seen her several times over the last year and every time on my way to the airport I want to turn around and spend more time with her. I've been on dinner dates, overnites and 2 girl parties with her and each time it has been special.

    Even at an upscale house like the Bunny Ranch, parties with even the best girls are friendly and fun but never really much more intimate than that. Cami really does generate genuine passion and intimacy for and from her clients. She really does want a connection with her clients, to know them and to make every party special. From my experience with her, she is so sweet and caring that it is almost impossible to not relax and be truly in the moment with her. The fact that she is mult-orgasmic makes for completely mind blowing passionate encounters.

    She is also obviously, very easy on the eyes. If you have seen her on the show or in her magazine spreads, Cami is no creation of air brushing and creative lighting. There simply isn't a single flaw on her. Of course her eyes and her smile are still her most devastating assets. I always come back to them, despite all her other attributes. In addition to the parties my favorite times with her were late night dips in the pool and hot tub (warning she doesn't swim :wink: ), dinner in Reno and the delicious breakfast she made me the night I stayed over. She loves to talk and loves to listen. Despite the age difference (I'm in my 40's) and her Hello Kitty addiction, she is wonderful, upbeat and a joy to be around.

    I've been with Cami alone and with others at the ranch and she can go from wild and crazy to soft and tender and everyplace in between. She is whatever you need her to be for you to be happy. In her own words she is a "pleaser"....and to me a pleasure and a special person.
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  2. KelF
    Chat with Me

    KelF Active Member

    Awesome! :twisted:

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